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Kallah News
(Plant Your Dream!)

Kallah News by YourEnchantedGardener .....

Kallah News.... Some reawakened interest....

Date:   4/18/2007 10:42:24 PM ( 17 y ago)

8:41 PM
April 18, 07

Been having some reawakened
interest in the Kallah, the
premier gathering of Jewish Renewal.
Here is their news:

on 4/2/07 12:33 PM, Cynthia A. Fissel at wrote:

Beginning July 2 the 12th International Kallah will be held in Albuquerque, NM. The ALEPH Kallah is a week of great learning, davvenen, food, and community. Every morning there are a dozen minyans to choose from. The teachers are fantastic, and it's really quite a fun, Jewish-tribal experience that is beyond words. We hope you will join us. Brochures with class offerings and frequently asked questions are now available on line at


CONTACT: Debra Kolodny, Executive Director, ALEPH: Alliance for Jewish


DATE: March 29, 2007

Phone: 301-565-0719


Web site:

Below is the March 2007 ALEPH News Service. We hope you run one or both of the following articles in your newsletters, and look forward to hearing from you if you do. This release contains:

1. Excitement is Building for 2007 ALEPH Kallah in Albuquerque

2. Rabbi Zalman Schachter-Shalomi to teach on Shavuot

3. ALEPH Sage-ing® Training: The Heart’s Wisdom and Legacy, May 28- June 1

Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions or would like additional information.

Chag Pesach Kasher v'Sameach,



Excitement is Building for 2007 ALEPH Kallah in Albuquerque

With hundreds of registrations just a month after brochures were released, the upcoming ALEPH Kallah is proving once again that this premier Jewish Renewal event strikes a chord and meets the spiritual needs of Jews around the world.

Rabbi Deborah Brin, the spiritual leader of Albuquerque’s Nahalat Shalom says,” I think the Kallah is a phenomenal opportunity for the Jews in Albuquerque and the entire Southwest to learn from wonderfully exciting teachers, to be in an amazing community and to get their emotional, spiritual and intellectual tank filled up.”

Those new to Jewish practice as well as long time scholars and religious professionals will find meaningful courses to deepen their relationship with text, ritual, prayer, community, family and G!d. As in past years some of the finest teachers not only in the Jewish Renewal world, but in all of Judaism will be present. Just a few of the forty-eight classes are:

“Elulian Mysteries: From Devastation to Renewal,” where Jewish chant pioneer Rabbi Shefa Gold and Rachmiel O’Regan will unfold a map for the journey from Tisha B’Av to Elul

“Davennen’ through the Worlds: A Master Class in Making Prayer Come Alive” taught by Rabbi Marcia Prager, Dean of the ALEPH Rabbinic Program and Rabbi Shawn Zevit

“Eshet Hazon--Ish Tzaddik: Empowerment Rituals for Community Leaders” offered by liturgical composer Rabbi Hanna Tiferet Siegel

“Sing Me Sacred: Songs, Prayers, Funny Tunes and Niggunim” led by Rabbi Jack Gabriel, who has been writing songs for five decades

“Everyday Holiness: Mussar Lesons on Connecting to Community and G!d” taught by Alan Morinis, the Director of the Mussar Institute

“Peacebuilding 101: Tools and Rules for Interfaith Engagement,” led by the co-directors of ALEPH’s Rodef Shalom School for Peace, Eliyahu McClean and Ruth Broyde-Sharone

This year’s gathering also promises an impressive class list for life long learners seeking serious study, including:

“Teachers and Friends, Lovers and Adversaries: The Holiness of Relationship in Jewish Mystical Teachings” led by Elliot Ginsburg, author and professor of Jewish Thought and Mysticism at the University of Michigan

“Mysterious God, Mysterious Humanity: Spiritual Dimensions of Ethics” taught by the former Chair of Philosophy at UNC at Charlotte, Rabbi Laura Duhan-Kaplan

“Heart-work: Davennen as a Daily Spiritual Practice” offered by professor of Religious Studies and mystic, Rabbi Miles Krassen/Moshe Aharon

If you live in Albuquerque and its environs you can experience a taste of the Kallah on April 6 and 7. Congregation Nahalat Shalom is hosting Rabbi David Zaslow from Ashland, Oregon and New Mexico's own Rabbi Shefa Gold for a Shabbaton during Passover week. Sponsored by ALEPH as an offering to the New Mexico Jewish Community, the event will include Shabbat Services, as well as an afternoon teaching and havdalah event. All events are free and open to the public. Visit for more information.

The Kallah program, along with information about selling at the shuk, being a healer or a performer, participating in the Kesher Program for young adults and more can be viewed at
. Thanks to the talented artists who put together our 07 brochure: Jackie Olenik for her cover painting, Ann Silver for many beautiful photographs of Kallah 05, and Hal Aqua for his thoughtful and compelling graphic design.


Rabbi Zalman Schachter-Shalomi to teach on Shavuot

Receiving The Torah of Today, with Rabbi Zalman Schachter-Shalomi, Eve Ilsen & Rabbi David Ingber

Shavuot 5767/2007

May 20-25, 2007

The holiday of Shavuot celebrates the revelation of receiving the Torah at Mount Sinai. Jewish tradition teaches that each generation receives its own Torah, a process that begins on Passover and culminates at Shavuot. This year, with the need for repairing the world so great, we feel the need to receive Torah all the more urgently.

This will be Reb Zalman's first retreat at Elat Chayyim's new home at Isabella Freedman. For five days Reb Zalman will explore fresh perspectives of the Torah of our ancestors and reveal how to experience the Sinai of this moment.

Register online at
or by phone at 800 398 2630 x307


ALEPH Sage-ing® Training: The Heart’s Wisdom and Legacy, May 28-June 1

Rabbi Shaya Isenberg, Lynne Iser and Bahira Sugarman Featuring Rabbi Zalman Schachter-Shalomi

This is an unparalleled opportunity to be in conversation with Reb Zalman about your sage-ing. Reb Zalman is acknowledged as the grandfather of the Conscious Aging movement. This work comes out of his own experiences of the denial of aging endemic to our culture and is designed to change the paradigm of aging in our society. This workshop, based on his book, Age-ing to Sage-ing and the Jewish sources at its roots, gives us all precious time to learn how to transform our life’s experience into wisdom so that we may consciously live our days with meaning, joy, and connection to the source of what is best within us. We can pass through a gateway of transformation to move from "age-ing" to "sage-ing," looking forward to our elder years with anticipation and a sense of wholeness rather than backing into old age with fear and avoidance.

Isabella Freedman Retreat Center, Falls Village CT 06031 Co-sponsored by The Elat Chayyim Center for Jewish Spirituality

For registration information, check the Elat Chayyim website:


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