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Pepto Bismol?
(Plant Your Dream!)

Pepto Bismol? by YourEnchantedGardener .....

I stood in front of the Pepto Bismol for 20 minutes today and threatened my Body that I would drink some if it did not stop this diarrhea.

Date:   12/31/2006 12:24:22 AM ( 18 y ago)

9:39 PM
December 30, 2006

My New Year's plan is to take the EG Mobile
out to The Temple of Higher Consciousness for
a New Year's Event--from Sunset to Dawn, or more.

I want to be in a place where I can set up a
mini Plant Your Dream Altar.

There is no Farmers' Market Sunday morning,
a rarity. I would normally get flowers and special foods
for such an event. I do have some lovely squashes
held over from the Pacifric Symposium. One is from
Iran, another bright orange.

Every number of years I have a tendency to suffer from
a Bowel that I turn into a War Zone. There is really nothing
wrong with my Bowel that an Elightened Owner could not Remedy
using Nature's Original Technology; yet how many of us
really know enough about our own Lovely Bodies to apply Mother
Earth and the Soul's Simple Wisdom when we have
a Tummy Ache?

The Temple of Higher Consciousness is at the East
end of Hidden Valley. Across the Valley is the former residence
of my spiritual father Dr. Bernard Jensen. Jensen understood
the Kabballah of the Holy Earth and understood the work of
his ally and friend Edmond Bordeux Szekely, the 20th Century
Essene Renaissance pioneer. Both understand "Man" as sitting
in the center of a Tree of Life, surrounded by Earth elements of Pure
sunshine, Air, Water, Earth and Heavenly Forces, they deemed Angels.

I would not do the Simple Natural
Remedy of Respecting the Incoming Season of Winter.
I was Mad so I went to Von's and ate doughnuts. I was mad
and said I don't care. I ate a bunch of commercial cheese.
I started to have Bowel Upset about a month ago, but would not
rest, I would not slow down.

Did you? Do you adjust your eating pattern to the various seasons?
Do you respect that your body and its Primoridial Fires are not the same
in Summer as they are in Winter?

Jensen understood. He saw more than 350.000 patients in his more
than 50 years of service to humanity. Many came to the HIdden Valley
Health Ranch to stay.

I was one of them.

Jensen insisted that his patients--ideally-- spend at least thee days
at the Ranch. He wanted them to learn to do the Kneippe Foot Bath.
He wanted them to breathe in the clean air, He wanted them to
attend an evening program of music and joyous activity, or hear
him speak. He wanted them to go out and walk barefoot in the
sand and touch
the soil.

He taught everyone that some of the best hours of Rejuvenation
are from 9 PM to 12 midnight. This was the time to be in bed resting
or sleeping. He taught his patients to Rest while you are Rested,
and realized that most people came to him
burned out,

He used Simple Remedies from Mother such
as wrapping the tummy area with Red Flannel to bring
up the Fire. He would recommend wearing Red socks.

Szekely used such metaphors as Making War on the Body.

I like that, how simple--
Here is a question for me and you--
Are you at Peace with your Ailing Tummy
or at War?

I've been perusing some of the Great Suggestions on the
Curezone the last couple days. I looked a bit at the IBS forum.
I notice I am not the only one having "Bowel Complaints" right now.

Most of us, when the Tummy goes South in its function, go
further South. We look to the Tree of Knowledge rather than the
Wholly Tree of LIfe. We go looking for Piece Meal Answers.
We are already Fragmented, so we have a tendency to see
our Symptoms and Cure in terms of Piece Meal Solutions.

I go looking for little Cures in bottles...supplements...
Hoping ot find the Magic Bullet, hoping to find some Heroic

Gosh, I would love to go up to the Temple of HIgh Consciousness
later Sunday.

Here is the dilemma...within the last week...I am in one of those
spaces where I am a danger of wasting the next Rain Forest. I can use
up no less than one roll of toilet paper a day, when my Bowel starts
Firing. I can be on the Thrown every half hour with water pouring out.
Then comes the bleeding, the bright red blood, and the cramping.

These Symptoms are not the Problem. They are the Signs
that I am at War with my Body.

Today was the first morning that I actually touched my Tummy.
They I went looking for my Magboy magnetic rolling tool that
can help with the broken magnetics. I started to hunt up my
other remedies.

Last time I went through this--BioK helped...a $5.00 a shot little
bottle of 50 Million acidophilus. I bought $30.00 worth the other day,
but it does not seem to be helping. I think they switched the formula.
I do not do well with soy, even fermented soy, I suspect.
I hope I am wrong.

So what do I do?????
The Temple of Higher Consciousness is like a Sound Chamber.
You can hear every bowel movement in the the place.
The two bathrooms have open ceilings.
There are times my gas/other odor is worse than
Auschwitz. Gee, that will be great. There is one fella coming who
channeled the Ascended Masters.
Maybe we can make sounds together.

I told my friend Kennedy I was having Diarrhea.
He planted
the seed I go and get some Pepto Bismol.

I was low energy already went I started out..looking for
Answers...kinda fluish.
May it is from losing so much blood,
or evacuating so many times
in the last five days.I am incredibly cold in this room, no matter
how many layers I wear.

My first stop was Adventure A16. I wanted New Winter Warmies.
Turned out there was a Ski Store there too.
The thing that drew me first was the socks. My feet
were still ice cold. Then the Silk Thermals.
I stirred up a lot of Love shoppng. I couldn't help but buy
Twin Soul/Best Friend a Medium too. It was about $28.00.
IT gave me so much pleasure with the thought that
I could give her something too. I opened it up. Did she need
a small or medium? They had no small. The medium looked right.
It was yummy picturing her in this. Now there's a good Tummy Remedy...
give some Love to someone you love. Make sure you have
someone to give your Love too!

Next I went to the gas station. I was really pressing it.
Did I have the Flu??????

Then I went to the Old Thrifty. I was determined to get a bottle
of Pepto-Bismol. I found myself to the Shelf. I always say a prayer
when I enter a store like this:

"Oh Dear God, Please, Please,
if you need to have an Earthquake--please make sure
I am in Whole Foods when it happens Not Thrifty."

I mean, is there anything of the Tree of Life in the Old
Thrifty Drug Store?????

I noticed Mom's giving Kids Ice Cream; My mom used to.
Did you ever see the mess a Thrifty Ice Cream makes on the floor
when it falls from a kid's cone, and dries?
Pure Chemicals almost.

So here I was, threatening my Poor,
Dear, Weary, Tired Body-- I was standing in front of the
Pepto Bismol for no less than twenty minutes.
I could hardly make the move. I was having arthritis
in my arm joints almost.. I could hardly dare to reach for
this Drug with such a lovely History.

Once I used it on a trip to Mexico when I had the runs.
It really works, but what is the consequences of Medicating
rather than Educating?????

My mind flipped to a incident three years ago.
Marea helped me get up to a Feng Shui Conference.
I had severe Kidney pain the night before set up. I ended
up in the emergency. They did a Cat Skan, and had be drink
a number of bottles of poison so they could see inside. They
they gave me Ibuprophin. It woked like a miracle.... I was painfree.
I took the drug for 18 days...then I had to pay the price....
IT took me more than a solid year to stop the diarrhea.

I made War on my Gulf Region--or Gut Region.
I created a Chemical Dump Site inside. My sweet,
loving, evolved, gentle, meek, friend of a body,
practically gave up the Ghost.

So, was it worth it?????

Was I going to take Pepto Bismol??????
What would the consequences me in the Dead of Winter?

What did my Body really need now?????

O.K. O.K. I bought that over the counter drug.
I will have it if I really need it.
Surprizingly, I am feeling somewhat better...
Maybe it is the thought that it will be good for me
to get up to Hidden Valley.

Or Dear God,
Please let me go up there.
I promise to be a good man
and honor this Holy Tummy.this Winter.
I will rest more next week.
I will sleep in. I will rub my tummy,
maybe even go swimming in a warm pool.
Please forgive me for being such a harsh
Temple Dweller. Show me Your Simple Ways.
Remind me. Help me find the Great and Simple
Message behind my Tummy Hurting.

Your Enchanted Gardener,

About Pepto Bismol:


What is it? Bismuth Subsalicylate is a mineral that is used
in the treatment of upset stomach, diarrhea, or to prevent traveler's
diarrhea. It is also used in the treatment of stomach ulcer
and upset stomach associated with infection due to
the bacteria Helicobacter pylori.

Other names for Bismuth Subsalicylate include: Pepto Bismol.

doesn't sound too dangerous:


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