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Bizarre Sex
(Plant Your Dream!)

Bizarre Sex by YourEnchantedGardener .....

Bizarre Sex, Or Sacred Sexuality? Sex for me is full body Prayer.

Date:   12/22/2006 11:46:36 AM ( 18 y ago)

Bizarre Sex

Copyright, 2006,Leslie Goldman
Your Enchanted Gardener
Permission to circulate.
from the Plant Your Dream Blog

More on this theme:
some of my best Curezone writing ever!
"Making Love Madly"
Poetry to Warm the Winter FIres

9:43 AM
December 22, 06
first day winter

We are in the middle
of an incredible Spiritual Triple Hitter,
maybe a week for a Spiritual
Home Run. This is a week of coming
down to Earth. This is a week for Kissing
God face to face and embracing the Divine.
This for me is a week of taking my inner
child to heart, and embracing him,
a week of knowing that whatever
comes up in the Male-Female Dynamic
in my life, I am safe, I can handle it
in spite of any confusions coming at me
or that I am generating.

Monday was the 18th, a portal day
of connection between Heaven and Earth.

Monday night and Tuesday, I was with some of the
most influential Kabbalists of our time, and academics
who in former lives were likely some of the greatest
students of Kabbalah
and mystics of the Ages--mystics
who have traveled the wheel of many paths.

One of the points of discussion at the Tiferet Institute's
Kabbalah Conference was the Kabbalistic
student Madonna, the popular entertainer,
who is her current devotedness
to practices learned at the Kabbalah Centre in
Los Angeles, has brought Kabbalah to the main stage of 21st
Consciousness. In one concert, she wore a T-shirt that
said, "Kabbalists Do it better," From what I hear and read,
during the concerts she has flashed the Names of God behind her on stage.
As taught by the Kabbalah Centre, they scan
the 72 names of God, recognizing that even without being able
to read the Hebrew Letters, one can receive Divine Energies.

[ Want background on that?
Go here: ]

Until now, Madonna has not been in my field of vision.
I watched a bit of a concert of hers a couple months ago
on T.V. I enjoyed the sexiness, but changed the
channel or feel asleep. Now I am ready to rent a Video,
and looking forward to meeting her.

Rabbi Yakov Travis, Ph.D, who created the historic Kabbalah
Conference, is writing a book. The name
Madonna in the title. The theme of the Tiferet Conference
was "Kabbalah for the Masses? The Promise & Problems
in Mainstreaming Jewish Mysticism."

[Start here if you want more to know more
about Tiferet Institute and the historic Conference ]

Back to this being a week of
Incredible energies:

On the 20th came the New Moon.

Then the 21st, yesterday, was, the Winter Solstice.
I planted seeds in my garden. I hope you did too.
You can still do that in the days to come.
One little pot, of soil, and Enchanted Gardener
doth make.

[Go here for more inspiration about planting seeds:}

Today is the first day of Winter 06-07.
I am having an exquisite day of reckoning
and receiving.

Kabbalah means "To Receive."
I have been having difficulties with
receiving most of my life. I am more a giver
than a receiver, and in my imbalance
I can drive myself and others crazy because
I unless I am very sensitive, I do not respect my human limits
or that of others.

Tonight is the eight day of Chanukah.
The Full Eight Candles will be burning.
I will write more today, and then take
a Joyous Celebration Journey to the
Farmers' Market.

On this, the first day of Winter,
I am going to work with a photo
of the Zohar taking at the Kabbalah Conference.
That photo has the potential of inspiring many
and helping me earn funds.

[See this Blog for that story:

48 hours from now is Christmas Eve,
that for me celebrates the Birth of the Sacred Child,
and the potential for God to be born in this world
through each of us.

There is a likely possibility I will be sleeping
in the home of Twin Soul/Best Friend.
I haven't a clue at this time what state of body
she will be in or state of mind.

For more on the timeline of the power of this week, see
these Blogs,

Triple Hitter:

Kabbalistic Newsletter of Joseph-Mark Cohen:

Back to my main theme Bizarre Sex.

For many of us, sex is a driving force in our lives.
The creative impulse is at the core of being human
When we are healthy we create one way or another.
All nature is sexual. Every seed is an outgrowth
of sex. Every flower an expression of yearning to
be pollinated.

In "The Everything Kabbalah Book"
Mark Elber describes the potential Sacred
Sexuality can be:

"Then jubilation saturates the world and all faces beam.
Afterwards their bodies unite and all becomes one, inseparable,
which is the perfection of everything, universal joy! And they
are surely bound in a manner not found at other times" (Vol 3. 214b)"

What is bizarre for me, is that some of us settle for less.

That is what The Seven Love Cures are about,
the Poems on plaques that I wrote and are now
circulating in the world. They are about
Soul inspired sex, that comes through each of us
having intimate awareness of the words the men need
to know, and women need to hear to enter divine
states of Openness.

In my life, Twin Soul/Best Friend is the Tool
that God and my Soul uses to wring every
ounce of Personal Growth out of me.

Twin Soul/Best Friend is used as an instrument
that forces me to “Re-Mem-Ber” the things
that are good for me. This includes “Re-mem-ber-ing”
my body,

She is an honest woman. She is outgrowing
her limitations and health challenges through being
encouraged to Speak her Truth, regardless of
how much it makes me squirm. She is Woman
Rising, Her Rising is for all Women.

Her Rising inspired my poetry and my spiritual
practices that include learning when I need to
take a "Time Out," from contact. Some times
I surrender to the most deepest of pleasures
the body can express, and so does she.

Sex, for me is full body prayer,
and Sex with Twin Soul/Best Friend
has shown both of us the possibility of this.

We enter Divine States.
She Channels Divine Presence.
She becomes electric.
She shakes with healing energies
throughout her body. The emotions
open, deep dark places are revealed
through the gift of her vulnerabilities.
She of late, admits to neediness,
to issues of trust. In doing so,
she opens me to do the same;
and through this whole cycle,
we have a topsy turvy ride,
In all likelihood, in one way
or another, she will find a way
to take distance from such intimacy
until once again, she opens to it.

I have never experienced such a ride
that takes me to the core of my need
to take care of myself, and gives her
an opportunity to remember
the lessons she needs to know
however painful and confusing.
IT is both of our way of owning our bodies
are freeing them of the stuck energies
each human stores.

Last night I took Time Out.
I felt unnerved by thoughts
that were rolling around my mind.
I was not in the moment, a lesson
we are both learning.

I sat down near a baby cerimoya tree,
and had one of the greatest meditations
I have felt in many months.
Then I had a perfect night, sleeping.
Around 2:30 I awoke,
feeling the buzz as if I was underground with
the other seeds in God's garden.
It was a perfect honoring of the Winter Solstice.
IT was a time to plant dreams.
I got up and wrote, at 4:04 AM.
I was born at 4:03 AM.

Twin Soul/Best Friend inspired
"Soul mates", Number Four of The Seven
Love Cures. That poem begins:

"It helps knowing I am in it for the growth,
my growth. I know my life is about my soul
and how my soul grows through knowing you."

These are words men in this age need to know.
So the women they love, will learn to speak out fully
and heal.

Breast Cancers, heart conditions in women,
fibroid tumors--I am inclined to believe
they stem from bizarre sex.

The door is open to something more.
The door is open to Sacred Sexuality
and Kabbalah is one path to teach us
about Receiving, about being the
bride and well as groom for God.

your enchanted gardener,

More on this theme:
"Making Love Madly"

2:42 PM
December 22, 06
First Day of Winter

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56, 6:53 PM December 22
69l 11(05 p,

1. Plant Your Dream! by YourEnchantedGardener      106,930 page views
2. Apple Cider Vinegar Cure Research Blog by RisingSun      85,885 page views
3. MB Report by Ana      52,033 page views
4. The Master Cleanse Express by Zoebess      43,553 page views
5. Make Your Own Shampoo by risingsun      42,905 page views
6. Raw Foods is it for Everybody by bluepastry      42,468 page views
7. Vibrational Health Village by vibr8      42,232 page views
8. Mother Earth Heals by Liora Leah      40,989 page views
9. Uncovering The Starchild Within by Ren      40,198 page views
10. Mirena side effects- joint pain by zamsci      38,738 page views
11. BV - Bacterial Vaginosis by #42412      38,334 page views


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