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Whole Foods Farmers' Market
(Plant Your Dream!)

Whole Foods Farmers' Market by YourEnchantedGardener .....

Enchanted Garden Project Seed Dream: Whole Foods Hillcrest to feature Local Grown Freshly Picked Joe the Farmer Produce- 10:30- 2:00 PM each Sunday. Strawberries will be feature May 7 and May 14.

Date:   5/3/2006 10:50:19 AM ( 18 y ago)

May 3, 06
8:09 AM

Went deep last during the night
to come up with a solution for how
Super Ripe
Locally Grown
and other Freshly Picked
Non Commercially Grown
Foods that are seldom
in the Super Health Store Settings
get to the Shoppers.

My Seed Dream, supported by
some powerful Universal Energies,
is to Offer Up Real Food
to the Cultural Creatives
who shop at Whole Foods
Hillcrest, San Diego
the opportunity to Receive
Vital Foods for Total Health.

Dr. Bernard Jensen once said,
adapting a quote from Thoreau,
"A ripe berry never reaches Boston!"
On April 30, 06, Ripe berries may have
reached Boston, but they reached
Whole Foods Market, Hillcrest, San Diego.

Commercially sold organic produce
is picked, shipped, warehoused,
trucked, inventoried, and then displayed
for sale. One out of every three trucks
on the road today, are delivering
food from some other place and
contributing to Green house gases,
one researcher reported at the
recent Natural Products Expo West.

What is up with commercial strawberries
vs. locally grown strawberries,
as an example.

Commercial strawberries
are picked four or five days
before they are sold.

Rodriguez Strawberries,
that were sold for the first time
April 30, 06 at our
Whole Foods Hillcrest
were picked that very morning.
They had the potential of being
inside the mouth of the Holy Consumer
less than three hours later.

By the end of the Sunday evening,
116 of 120 pints of the Rodriques Strawberries were sold.

The sale of these strawberries
was a Test Marketing Enchanted Garden
Project Sponsored by....
(I will fill in the name here...)

The following are some of
my experiences at Whole Foods
on Sunday April 30
as the customers
partook of these berries:

Some Consumers
of The Real Deal wanted
to know when the berries would be back.
I told them the following Sunday.

One woman was having a dinner party
that day. She bought one pint. Twenty
minutes she returned and bought six more pints.

There was a sense of frenzy in one customer.
She was an Elder and kept reconsidering
how many pints she should buy now.
She was not sure if she would have an opportunity
the following morn to get more
or would they all be sold out.

Other Mothers brought their sweet little Children
and did not think twice about offering what
was presumably an unwashed fruit to their
Most Valued Offspring. They intuited without
even thinking that the Value here was far
beyond any possible side-effect of taking in
an unwashed berry.

Who knows--maybe washing it would have
washed away the Magic???????

Two couples who bought the pints
were joyfully directed to feed each other.
The women appreciated this very much.
I offered to take their photos.
They wanted this.

Numbers of men were fillled with appreciation.;
One said, "I am buying these
for my wife who is at home.:"
I wonder what he had in mind, and what
his thank you might be on this sweet
Sunday morning of gentleness in San Diego.

To some, I asked,
"Will you be back next week?
May I take a photo.
I want a before and after shot
of how your life is enhanced
from eating this Strawberry.

Deep down, I felt I was offering
by Ripe Fruits
from the Promised Land.

One woman was so taken back
that she volunteered her phone number
and told me about her spiritual practices.
She reached out to touch my hand.
"Are you a healer?" I asked.
"How did you know?" she wanted to know.
She was about to start a master program in Reiki
that very week.

For her, she was receiving a Gift from God
through these berries. I offered her
the gift of some Job's Tears,
the Seeds of Life Fulfillment.

Another man was invited to eat the berry.
His last name was Higginbottom,
a scholar. He told me the last
time he ate a berry like that ws in
Yakandinda, no doubt a mystics hideaway
in Australia.

There were numbers of women
who sampled. Then their eyes
opened wide. I felt chemistry shifts.

Later in the day, one elder tasted
and said, "I have not had such a good
strawberry since I left Luxembourg 30 years ago.
"When can I get more of these?" she wanted to know.
I will be here next Sunday, doing a further promotion
and test marketing,:" I said.

She said, "I will be shopping again next Sunday
just for these berriies!"

I had a sense that including
Farmers' Market quality Produce
could be a lead item--stimulating
customers to shop in the store.

I shared with people that these berries were
discounted in price today and that
in all likelihood they would be sold at a higher price
in weeks to come. The customers understood and
appreciated the Value being offered.
They expressed a willingness to pay a higher price.

Dave, the store Team leader,
and Sal, the Assistant, both were enthusiastic.

Dave had an announcement made over
the store loud speaker. I was aware that
moment by moment the Vital Life Force
was Ripening, and that after Ripe comes

The announcement went something
like this:

:Attention Shoppers, today we are featuring
Super Ripe, Freshly picked organic,
locally grown strawberries at a discount
right now in our produce section.
Be sure to pick some up
while they are still in stock.

There was definitely a stir.

This Sunday I will continue the Discounted
price-very likely--matching the same price
as the commercially grown organic strawberries-=-
$2.99 a pint.

So how do we continue to serve the finest
quality food to our Whole Foods Shoppers?

Joe the Farmer is doing this as a promotion.
His price is normally $25 a box of 12 pints.
Whole Foods usually pays $15 a box for 12 pints
but graciously paid $16 a pint.

Joe the Farmer earned about $40 profit on the whole
deal, whereas if he had sold these at the nearby
Hillcrest Farmers' Market that morning, he would have
earned about $120.00 from the same sales (I will check
this...not sure this is correct).

The cost to grown these strawberries in
San Diego County makes this higher price
necessary. San Diego is one of the most
expensive growing areas in the country.

(For more on the higher this Blog...

Bill Becket, also has some special problems
bringing in Super Ripe foods. Customers want
continuity, he told me. They want to know when
the food will be there.

The Best Joe the Farmer could do, via Your Enchanted
Gardener, would be to deliver on Sundays for now.
Once a routine is established, he would make his
own delivery on Sundays when he is at the nearby
Farmers' Market. With increased volume, more
sales could warrant other delivery times.

Clearly Consumer education and promotion
is needed, as well as breaking some new ground
to allow for non-commercial Produce to be sold
in our Whole Foods Market of Hillcrest.

So here is one Solution for now.


Each Thanksgiving, Whole Foods Customers
order top of the line Turkey's right?
They know as a common procedure
that their Holiday meal is ordered
for each person. The numbers of Turkeys
that are ordered are determined by those
who indicate they want them.

What we can do here, is let the Whole Food
Customers know, that each and every Sunday--
between the hours of 10:30-2:00 is
Whole Foods Farmer's Market Day.
Two shelves would begin to feature the
Super Ripe, Freshly picked foods at the
price that works for Joe the Farmer and his
kindred Souls who labor each morning in the fields
for us.

Joe the Farmer deserves a Fair Market Value.
Whole Foods deserves to offer their prized and very
special shoppers the best food available.

Through Education and Promotion, a select
number of Whole Food Customers will catch the habit
that each Sunday they will have the opportunity
to purchase fresh organic produce of a quality
seldom sold in a Super Health Store.

This week I will continue Promotion and Education
with the Whole Foods Customers. Whole Foods
may purchase Joe the Farmers berries at the price
that suits them.

During my hours of service in Whole Foods this
Sunday, I will see return customers. I will
ask them how many strawberries they would like
the following week at the price of...
$4.00 a pint. I will make sure they understand
the Value they are getting. This would give
an approximate count for how many boxes
for the store to order.

It is not unusual for Produce in Whole Foods
to be sold for more than $5.00.

I am also going to give a call to Ray, of the Whole Foods
PR department. On Mother's Day, I would like
to have a Press Release come out that alerts
the Press that a Limited Number of pints of
Freshly Picked Ripe Strawberries from local
farmer Joe Rodriguez, will be offered for sale
in the Produce section of the Hillcrest Whole Foods

This Sunday, I will produce a little giveaway
flyer that say's "I ate a Freshly Picked Locally Grown
Strawberry Grown by Joe the Farmer at Whole Foods
Market Hillcrest.

The Strawberries and other seasons foods are available
each Sunday Only from 10:30AM-2 PM
at the Whole Foods Farmers' Market.

That's my idea.

May you have the Gift of eating
a Super RIpe
Love Berry too
this Merry Month of May!

Your Enchanted Gardener
Leslie Goldman

Higher costs to Local Farmer:
The Greatest Food of All

Organic Conversion,
The Power in an Organic Strawberry
transformed Anthony Zolezzi's Life:

Strawberry Survey:

Herbicides on Strawberries:

Strawberries as Aprodisiacs:

Garden Magic!

The story starts here:
Religious Experience at Whole Foods Market:

9:04 PM

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