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rebuilding Eden
(Plant Your Dream!)

rebuilding Eden by YourEnchantedGardener .....

This Blog is all over the Map.... I get into Body Chemistry and how to balance it. I get into explaining my own process and what I plan to do today. I hope this is worth your while. There is some deep inspiration in this for those who see their way through this.

Date:   2/26/2006 11:40:26 AM ( 18 y ago)

February 26, 06
9:09 AM

Sunday, February 26 at 3 pm
at the Lief's house

Shir Ha-Yam is looking for all who would
like to be more involved with shaping
the vision for Shir Ha-Yam and helping
with services and events.

If you've been looking for a way to enrich yourself in
the community's spiritual life, and become
more involved, join us on Feb 26th.


I see going to this meeting
and proposing two events....

they would be based on having
Shir Ha-Yam take on some of the primary
issues that have alientated many from coming
"home" to Judaism.

I was highly inspired this morning. I can see myself
doing too much. I have been up for a number of hours.

I went back to bed after deep Inner Journey
into the Worlds where I am most stronget Inspiration.
I have not been in these worlds for days, maybe weeks.
I had a revelatory dream. This are influenced by what
other Soul allies tell me in this world, I sense. Last
night I was at a very healing gathering in this world,
a gathering to give David some solace over the passing
of his father this past week. I was amazed that I recognized
so many faces. This is progress for me. I have been
an outsider in the local Jewish Renewal Circle, but I am
coming more into the "fold."

So I would suggest today that the community of a lot of therapists
go deeper into taking on Jewish Soul Pain.

I would also suggest that they take on the Enchanted Garden.
YES. The New Earth is calling us all. Each time we increase
understanding between one man and one woman, we take
one organic step closer to the Enchanted Garden. The Jewish
prayers on Saturday night are a deep calling out for the Enchanted
Garden. This state arrives as we welcome in Elijah, the prophet,
who blows the shofar to announce a moment of Awakening.
The Awakening is here--right here--as we create more understanding
between men and women.... Look at it! In the Jewish Eden myth...
it was a run in with the Snake--Kundalini--the Life Force--who
got to Eve and told her to have Adam--the first Man--eat of the Tree
of Knowledge.

So to Know Woman is a Key to the return to Eden. Eden is NOW
the Enchanted Garden--and we get there through The Seven Love
Cures. Each Friday night, Albert was reminding me--
They have Woman of Valor Prayers....The men are to give praise
to the The Seven Love Cures fit right in here.

The Seven Love Cures to the Woman of Valor...

A very mystical and beautiful woman, a woman who I have admired
for many years, was taken up with The Seven Love Cures last night.
I looked her in the eyes as I read one of them. She wanted ALL of them.
I take this energy as a sign. She has a young daughter about to
go through the Maiden Dance, and she saw use application of these
poems to her daughter's experience of becoming a woman.
I once took a photo of this daughter when she was one week old.
Her name is Gabriella.... Gabriel is my Archangel that inspires
my Creative Writing.

I want to ground the work I do today with organic foods.
I once promised Albert to grow him an organic strawberry
with chocolate....I need to sprinkle carob powder on some of the
Rodriguez organic strawberries and take them to the Community

When I went back to bed, I had a Body Shock...I had been up for a couple
hours inspired. Then, The elevator dropped to BOTTOM. I BOTTOMED
out for some minutes....This can happen to be at some point in the morning.
This World is very powerful. IT is the place where All the WORLDS CAN CONNECT IN THE KABBALAH. That is why doing practical things, such
as cleaning up--Feng Shui--record keeping, fixing leaks, making sure
the mechanical--and MOST of ALL-- having the Natural Props--such as
Plants working for us--are critical to balancing the Body Chemistry.

Everyone in the Curezone--or lots of us know that when we pursue
balanced living through diet--we can influence the BODY CHEMISTRY.
The Body Chemistry is influenced by what we ate last night,
and the cleansings we are doing.

All the garbage from old thoughts are stored in the cells.
We have to go through them. We have to REFEEL them.
Redo them when they are coming up. The key to healing
is refeeling them, and marrying them to the deeper High Powers
of inspiration and Soul contact.

I hope this makes sense.

Some of us--keep going over and over the same material--
we never marry the growth material to the Soul and have the big
AHA. The big AHA needs to be more than in the head, it has to get
down into the lower Chakras as well. Often it is the lower Chakras
the inspires the growth material to come up.....Much of our s stuff--
fear of intimacy, old woundings, are in the pelvis....move the pelvis
sexually, and trust issues come up. Many issues come up. This
is where if we have Sacred Sex with a willing partner, we can
elevate and connect to the Soul and do Soul Growth. We have to have
someone who will not abandon us to the ugly emotional fallout that
will come up. There is no way that emotional fallout will not come up.

Sorry for the Sales Pitch. Forgive me.

Back to the Point:

The Garden is the place for renewing and grounding the Vision.
Each plant holds the energy for the New Earth. Each plant is
connected in all Four Worlds from inner to outer. Plants belong
to the Tree of Life. Most of us want success but we do not
realize we are called to "Plant Your Dream!"

IT IS only through Growing naturally--as a Plant does--that we
can ground the Soul in the Soil.

more later....

Today is a pivot point for self healing.

Mars opposite Natal Jupiter.
starts today; exact Feb 28, leaves March 2.

By astrololgy options read:

You are stimulated to act with this transit,
and your activities are fruitful,
Successful, and perhaps even joyful.
What you od today contributes to postive growth[[
so long as you also integrate your actions with
ethical principles. In your exuberance,
you could be tempted to overextend
yourself, overstimulate your abilities
and take risks that you shouldn't take.
The key is to know yourself. Make the most of this
time period. You've got the extra energy,
and this transit is usually a success indicator.


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