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Healing Obsessiveness
(Plant Your Dream!)

Healing Obsessiveness by YourEnchantedGardener .....

Major moment of Epiphany! I am doing what I am SUPPOSE to be doing right now!!! I am writing on the forthcoming Best Selling "Seven Love Cures"book!!! Thank you God! Thank you Universe!!! Thank you CureZone!!!!!

Date:   2/5/2006 9:52:30 AM ( 18 y ago)

February 2/5/06
7:22 AM

Lines from the Goddess Prayer

The Goddess Prayer is #6 of The
Seven Love Cures. It has 1700 characters,
and is 340 words. Their are 57 lines.
Each of these are words that Men need to know
and Women want to hear. Most of us are familar
with each of these words. In this Chapter
of "The Seven Love Cures" book, I will explain
the most important words and the concepts behind them.

You will find various Garden Management Journal
Entries in this Chapter. These are my personal reflections
from my own "Memoirs of the World's Greatest Lover."



I want to invite you each on your own Blog site, to
begin doing entries for your own Garden Management Journal
that are your own World's Greatest Lover Memoirs.

The definitions for Garden Management Journal
can be found here:

The "World's Greatest Lover?"

Within the last 20 years, many of us have increasingly
become aware that we are living on a Living Planet
that has Rules, Limits, and Potentials.

The Potential for creating an Enchanted Garden on Earth
as it exists in Heaven, comes when we come together
with others in relationship that aims to restore to our Earth
it's original Garden-Like State.

This can only begin in our own backyards.
This begins in our own families, or extended families.
This begins between Soul Allies (SA), that some call
Twin Souls (TS), Soul Mates (SM), and many other names
that infer a Soul Group Activity (SGA).

You will find further explanation of the Soul
in the chapter [Blog to be written] on Love Cure
# 4 Soulmates.

[Go here if you want to see The Whole Poem Now ]

Each time, one Man and one Woman share their
deepest blunt feelings in total authenticity, this creates

Consciousness was defined by the quantum physicist
David Bohm as "unbroken wholeness in flowing movement."

In the Enchanted Garden, we define the Enchanted Garden
as Consciousness itself, that is enfolden in every seed
and unfolds through the flowering, and fruiting of every plant.

In the Enchanted Garden, each person is seen as a Plant,
and each other Plant on earth is an Ally.

[For more on are invited to sign up for
the Plant Your Dream Online studies...there is a link
off center column.

Each time, a person

Here are some Words, lines,
and concepts from
"My Goddess Prayer for You!"

"I Will Mirror you.
I will without knowing it feed you in my innocence
what your Soul is asking for out of my blatant pursuit
of who I am."


We wear masks for each other.
We play roles for each other.
When one shifts the other shifts.
The Whole Universe Shifts when we shift!

["Plant a Seed! Grow a Whole New World!"]

Darkness is natural.
The Shadow is always with us.
We will never NOT have a Shadow
or be in Darkness.

[Please see Liora Leah Blogs on
darkness on her Blog site]

Robert Johnson, one of the most amazing
leaders in the field of Psychology where
Joseph Campbell stood, is an award winner
international author.

In the early days of the Whole Being Weekends
and weekends with the "Thoreau-type" Students
at San Diego State College, we would go up
into the Julian Mountains. Robert was a very
personable teacher who would be with us.
He would tell stories of the Greek Myths,
and Myths from all the Great Traditions--
every tradition.

Some of his books are:

"He," "She," and "We."

He was a master teacher,
reknowned for his understanding of
the Archetypes that we each play out for each other.

He spoke of the Naturalness of the Shadow.
A shadow is just that.... something behind
us. THe sun is shining on our faces and we cast
as Shadow. We can't see it. It is behind us.

Somehow, through the courage to
follow this line from "The Goddess Prayer."

"Reveal your naked Soul in my presence!"

We come to a place where we find the courage
to go spiritually naked with each other.

Generally, for most people, this entails taking our
clothes off as well, and learning about healthy sexuality.


We can't see our own noses totally,
but we can see the noise on the face
of the person who is standing in front of us.
So they are a mirror for what is inside us.
In relationship to others, we can see
what we cannot easily see ourselves..



February 2/05/06
7:38 AM

Yesterday was a massive day of healing.
I went to bed last night feeling like I had set my
intimate sex life with TS back about four months,
just from opening my Big Moutn.

Sometimes, it just doesn't pay to take our woes
to others, I was thinking when I went to bed.

There is a part of me that knows that only
through listening and opening up--
no matter what feelings are expressed
through our words spoken, do we have an opportunity
to be here for each other.

[For more on this, see "Your Creation"
The Seven Love Cure #1]

They this morning, I had the biggest "Aha"

I saw that all the thoughts and feelings
I was expressing to TS were the material
that I needed to express to get out of my system.

They were clogging up my capacity to move on
with Life.

William Spear, the author of "Feng Shui Made Easy"
leads a tremendous retreat in natural settings each year.
These retreats are called "The Passage."

William speaks in this workshop about healthy
emotions, and expressing our feelings.

When emotions are stuck in the cells of the body,
we do all kinds of things to get them out--finally!

Most people are just stuck!

Others, start to do personal growth processes
and cleansings of one kind of another to get the
Vital Energy moving.

I wrote some very honest e-mails to TS.
She took them in, and responded in kind
with her precious energy.

I felt bad, because I know she had others
things in mind for her day, but she gave to me
her precious energy.


I have been acting out by internal pattern
to be obsessive the last four days.
My life has been very intense. I have been
filled with feelings of "What will become of me?"
"Where will I be living?" "Will I move form this place?"
"Do I want to be here?" "is there any other place
in this world I can live?"

My life was feeling over. I could not see how
to get a hold of what I had to do. It was so much
bigger than what I felt capable of doing.

I started to want and desire TS because
in very special moments, she has epitomized
everytihng that I love about life--incluidng
pleasure and connection, and having someone
witness to the beauty of how good a person
I am, and how beautiful my body parts,
the touch of my skin. She takes me out of my
mind, totally into my body.

I have difficulty doing this for myself.
Others are better at it. It comes with doing
spiritual practices.

So how do we heal obsessiveness, this longing,
this wanting, this controlling--as if, if we do
not have what we want, we will be in pain?

TS pointed out so many of my patterns.
She was wise enough to see how they were
some of her own patterns as well.

"Practice patience between our experience together."
is one line of the Goddess Prayer that I deeply forget
in my feelings of deep lonliness.

Where does lonliness come from?
What are we lonely for?

It is our disowned parts. It is the Shadow
that someone else will point out to us.

"I am your own Love, loving you in many amazing
ways and forms! I am Love teaching you what you want
to remember about the Soul you are!"
--from the Goddess Prayer.

Then, there was the opportunity to be part of
an evening of "A Celebration of Love and Healthy
Sexuality" in Hollywood.

I had been preparing for this.
I had the thought, that this could possible be
an opportunity to see and spend time with TS
who lives out of town.

She was not in a space to connect,
although she was perhaps open to a visit
with me and my traveling companion on Friday
the day after our event.

On Thursday, I called her on the phone.
I was triggered by some of the things she said.
Then I started to beat myself up for even calling
her at all. I got into my obsessive inner pattern.

The bottomline was, I was in touch with my capacity
to be obsessive.
I wanted her to be my liferaft, and she
bluntly pointed this out.

I was blind to my own Inner Lover.
I was blind to my own Soul and inner
Goddess that every man and woman

The Goddess is one of those Archetypes--
one of those positive Archetypes.

There is also within me, the Archetype
of the unavailable Love, as if I have been

When I am feeling abandoned,
I am self abandoning, but who can see
that in those moments when we are feeling
the panic?

So what is the Love Cure for Healing Obsessiveness,
and What is Obsessiveness?

It is a wanting for Love.
It is a making of others very important to us.
Letting them become "dangerous" in a positive
sense. It is letting others get under our skin.

This is a Very Special Gift.

We need "dangerous" people in our lives
who can trigger our unseen Shadow
and point it out to us.

We need others who we love who can throw us off,
so we lose control. When we lose control, we have
the potential to restore wholeness, if we allow
the Soul buried in the Cracks of our wholeness to

So today, I am reowning.
I am "Taking Space" for myself
to create and do what I need to do
to outgrow this.

Through writing here, I am taking
the next organic step to be in the Enchanted Garden.
honor taking creative to assimmilate...

I am doing what I can to not reject myself,
and NOT imagine that TS is rejecting me.
I know she is not.

TS is a profound teacher, and as she points
out, she is just who she is, and does not want
to be any big deal for me.

and yet, she is on the level of Archetype my own Goddess Love:

"I am yoru own Love, loviing you in many amazing ways and forms!"
--Goddess Prayer

This morning, in a moment of "AHa!"
I saw that there was a "Higher Power"
a Divine Dance behind the Shadow work
I was doing with her.

I have promised that I would write the Book
this year--"The Seven Love Cures."
Words that men need to know and Women
want to hear.

I started the day being hard on myself.
I was saying, why did I come home when
I could be out of town having around people,
but another part of me needed to come home
and "Take Space."

I needed to integrate the experiences
I was standing up as a Heathy Sexuality Educator
alongside some of the nation's other Health Educators.

Some of my Blogs that day were what I call

'Masterbation" can be Self Pleasuring,
as 79 year old Betty Dodson was saying,
the author of "Orgasm for One."

My TS calls masterbation "Making Love"
to herself, or "Self Love."

For me, as a man in my late 50's,
all my energy needs to count. That is my hangup
perhaps. I always "get my money's worth"
when I am having sex with another person.

"I will coax you.
I will so create a womb of safety around you
that whatever you have been hiding must surface."


"My Goddess Prayer for You!

"He" "She" "We"
by Robert Johnson

"Orgasm for One"
by Betty Dodson

"The Power of Now"
by Tolle

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Now = 1409

more to come---
Comments Welcome!!!!


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