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Amazing Birthday Party
(Plant Your Dream!)

Amazing Birthday Party by YourEnchantedGardener .....

Birthday Party happenings.

Date:   11/21/2005 7:49:28 PM ( 19 y ago)

It was getting late Friday eve well past 9
when I finally loaded by the EG Mobile
with enough clothes and things to go to a party
up in La Costa and then on to Huntington Beach
the next day. I spent the whole day on the computer
doing revisions on the Feng Shui website and left
finally with it half undone and unclear when the
Feng Shui Quarterly was going on with a link from this
Quarterly to my site.

Glad to say I am back on that web site toda--all most--
and the Quarterly still did not come up.

I am studying how one pro who sells his photos does his marketing.
This feels good.

That Party--I almost missed one of the the Greatest Parties
I have attended in recent years. I could not have created a better
Birthday Party for me.

There was this bed in a room off the kitchen, kind of a couch that
was open. People were sprawled out in different positions through the
eve and so was I.

A number of people were at this party who were at Penny's
New Orleans Fund (Fun) Raiser about a month ago at Anastas'
Tantra Turn on Household in that same neighborhood.

That felt good.

There was a remarkable number of beautiful Qi filled sweet women
who all seemed to be very healthy and in various massage, Pilades,
or yoga teaching practices.

There was some really good music and entertaining.
I was surprised that the space did not open for me to read a poem
for the whole group, but a highlight for me was reading various
poems of The Seven Love Cures with some very specials
who had heard me when at Penny's happening.

So they were coming up to me and asking if I would read a poem
for them and someone they were with.

The way this works is, I ask the man or the woman to repeat the words
I am say out loud while looking into the eyes of the other.

i am finding that in some situations where I ask a person to read this
to another (like on Saturday) it falls flat and both parties are uncomfortable,
but in a situation where there is chemistry between the two, the poems
really take the couple to another level of intimacy.

These are words they really want, but are not verbalizing.

IT is amazing to experience the range of emotions--often tears--
often hugs.. ofter blushing, as truth is told. There are an amazing
number of women who deeply want to hear these words of appreciation and

Wendy, a woman who was at Anastas', had a friend come down from
far away. He read to her, and she read to him. That lapped it up.
It set a tone for their weekend I am sure.

There was also a woman there as well, who I had seen at Anastas'
and wanted to know. She was dancing most elegantly. At one point,
the women at Anantas' were all doing this dance for the men. It was a hoot.
Some were bare breasted, others fully dressed. The men were putting
dollar bills in their underwear. It was all in fun, and a parody of how they
do that kind of thing in strip clubs. This was more a Tantra high consciousness event.

So there was this one woman--she was tall, and very attractive.
I loved the way she moved and was in here body. I found it healing
that each woman was dancing the way she wanted....according to her
own comfort far as revealing skin. This one woman,
was fully clothed, but ever so often she was show her underwear
where that had numbers of bills in the lining that was all going to
charity. Each time the men threw bills on the floor, all the women
would gather up the funds. There was something very healthy about
it all. It just felt like good, clean fun, and yet very sexy and playful.

I tried to tell this woman how much I enjoyed her Qi, but she did not
seem very interested in sitting near me. Later that evening, she was
on the coach in another room, sitting there in her underwear cross
legged. There were about five men across the way on another couch
and they were all together in some conversation about something.
I was delighted again, how free this woman was, no sense of self
consciousness, just sitting there in her underwear.

I asked Penny about her later, and found out she was some kind of
holistic health practitioner. So here she was again, except this time,
she was talking to Stuart, a mate of T.E.S. the singer and I was right there
on the couch bed listening as they were talking intimately with each other.

There was some obvious chemistry between them, but I did not realize
how much.

She really found him attractive. At one point, she turned attention to me
and said something acknowledging and open. She said i looked peaceful
and calm. I was enjoying witnessing them talking. Stuart knew of my poetry.
I asked if she wanted him to say a poem to her. She started to blush
at one point in the reading, and her energy was really moving. Next thing,
they were embracing for a long time. it was very sweet and real. The poem
had facilitated that.

They i asked if she would like to say a poem to him. It was the Goddess
Prayer. She got about 2/3 through and was so taken by the sentiments
that that was all she could handle. It was really touching her deeply.

Later in the eve, the poems were sitting on the floor nearby, and She
independently came over and read one to another friend. That felt,
so very, very good!!!! While this was happening i was reading to
another couple. There must have been about eight people at different
times read to each other.

It was the very birthday gift for me.

I never realized how much the poems could add to a party setting.

Many of us come to such a setting and really want to connect.
We see someone we would like to say words of love to. These poems
create an easy vehicle that step up the energy.

One woman came by and saw us. She said, "What are you doing playing
party games?" That was delightful. I never thought of the poems in that way.
It felt so very healing.

I connected with at least four other women as well, and I was flying.
They were all very youthful and beautiful and sweet.

One lady was very vulnerable. The poems allowed her to really open
and express some real authentic feelings about herself. I got to do some
real listening. This was very valuable to her.

When I think of how restless and under utilized I frequently feel
in public, i can see that one of the things i would really like to do
is read these poems more often. I know this would be majorly
improved if they were in a book form, as well as out there more.

There was one beautiful man who "held the Love Cure" responsible
for the opening of a major romance that happened at that Anastas
party, and he was there too. I could really feel the energy building
around The Seven Love Cures. This was the perfect opening for the
new Birthday year.

There was also another sweet woman who had kind words for me.
It seemed like she recognized me from somewhere else. She
came up and was feeling something, but did not have the words
for what she was feeling, She said, "You are the man here. I see you.
You just need to be touched!"

I had been working all day at the computer, and I know my energy
was exhausted deep down, but she picked up on it.

Then she gave me a long hug with her head on my right as well
as left shoulder. She did energy work or massage. She said something
like, I have a lot of energy for you, if you are open to receiving it.
Whatever she meant, i know she was just being innocent. She was
feeling some kind of healer inside, and i was touched by her attention.

I needed a place to stay in that neighborhood because i was enroute
North and did not plan to go South back to my place. The one woman
who was Vulnerable told me that she I was welcome to stay at her
place, but she was sensitive to some energy with the landlady that
did not feel right. So I listened to her, and agreed that it would not
be a good idea for me to stay there at her place, but inside I was
touched that she would have me over. So he heard me, and then she
walked away. Then she came back and had changed her mind.
She invited me to come over. I wasn't sure what she had in mind
by that point. She was very attractive. So I thought I would be following
her to her place, but then she got involved in the beautiful music
and went off into her own world. She said she was gemini, and I was
seeing all of her. Finally, it was about three A.M. She was having a good
time, and I did want to wait any longer for her to be ready to leave.

So I went up and said goodbye, and she appreciated me very much.
I was not attached. I was taking care of myself, and really did not feel
a need to go home with her. I had the EG mobile ready to sleep in,
and so I slept right there.

In the morning, I got up to go to Huntington Beach. There was a lovely
stand of flowers right next to the EG Mobile. I gathered a bouquet
of flowers for the workshop, and then left.



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