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Stop GMO BIll UPdate
(Plant Your Dream!)

Stop GMO BIll UPdate by YourEnchantedGardener .....

Please sign up to get GE (GMO) free alerts so you can help keep GMO preemtion laws from passing.

Date:   9/8/2005 11:53:22 AM ( 19 y ago)

The California Legistors go out o session as of the 15th and so
nothing will likely be happening until January regarding the attempting
deregarding of local democracy in California/ and the bill to preempt
local counties for preventing GMO foods.

The Legislature will take this up again in January.

I feel a proactive campaign to education our legislators in
Sacramento is needed. I would like to see healthy foods in
the Cafeteria...based on idea of better foods, better thinking.

I visited the State Capital in Sacramento once and looked at the kitchen
and their supplies. Nothing very fresh that seemed organically grown.

There is a park right outside the building. I would love to see a garden
there. Who are the organizers in Sacramento, I wonder that are involved
in GE free activity?

We need to stay in touch with the members of the Agriculture Committee.
This is not a bill that goes before the public. They can pass this without
our o.k.

Please make sure you get the
California GE Free alerts...

your eg


This came from here:

[Yolo-announce] URGENT: California Ag Take Over of Local Control of Seeds SB1056
Sandy Weaver
Wed Jun 29 09:45:01 2005

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> Subject: More information on California Ag Take Over
> of Local Control of
> Seeds SB1056
> Dear Readers,
> I forgot to include Senator Florez's contact
> information.
> Be sure to say this is about SB 1056 hearing today
> (Wednesday) at 1:30
> Pacific time.
> Member of Senate Agriculture Committee
> Senate District 16; Fresno, Kings, Kern and Tulare
> Counties
> Capitol Office: State Capitol, Room 5061,
> Sacramento, CA 95814
> Phone (916) 651-4016
> Fax (916) 327-5989
> Dear Readers,
> The fight to keep the right for local control of
> seed is in play right
> now in California. An assembly bill (CA AB 1508)
> that was a fairly
> simple bill about labeling seed was apparently a
> "Trojan Horse" when it
> was gutted the day before the hearing and the text
> below was added.
> Fortunately this bill was pulled and it seemed like
> a victory for the
> moment. But---
> The fire drill starts again!
> Apparently, the attached language is going to be
> amended into a new bill
> tomorrow. Senator Florez (D-Shafter) has decided to
> take the same
> language that was proposed yesterday (and failed to
> be set for a
> committee hearing) and amend it into a bill he has
> in the Assembly
> Agricultural Committee. Unfortunately, this bill
> will be heard tomorrow
> (June 29th) at 1:30pm in the California State
> Capitol. The language is
> not in print, which means you can only refer to the
> attached document to
> see what the language would look like. Senator
> Florez will amend this
> language into his bill, SB 1056.
> We desperately need the members of this committee
> to know that what
> they are doing is wrong. There is no due process,
> no warning and no
> time for anyone to argue against this plot by the
> chemical and GE
> companies to subvert local control.
> Please take am moment tomorrow morning and call some
> of these committee
> members, especially Senator Florez who is from the
> Frezno area and the
> Chair Barbara Mathhews. Please be reasonable and
> just state that you
> are opposed to this process. If you live in any of
> the districts, be
> sure to give your address. If you are out of the
> area but wish to
> comment, please do so.
> Thank you,
> Thomas
> Committee Members
> * Barbara S. Matthews, Chair,
> Dem-
> Dist. 17, (Merced San Joaquin and Stanislaus
> Counties) , (916) 319-2017
> * Bill Maze, Vice Chair, Rep-Dist. 34, (Kern,
> Inyo, Tulare and San Bernardino
> Counties) , (916) 319-2034,
> * Sam Blakeslee, Rep-Dist. 33, (San Luis Obispo
> and Santa Barbara Counties), (916) 319-2033,
> * Joseph Canciamilla, Dem-Dist. 11, (Contra
> Costa County), (916) 319-2011,
> * Dave Cogdill, Rep-Dist. 25, (Calaveras,
> Madera, Mariposa, Mono, Stanislaus & Tuolumne
> Counties), (916) 319-2025,
> * Nicole Parra, Dem-Dist. 30, (Kern, Fresno,
> Kings and Tulare Counties), (916) 319-2030,
> * Simon Salinas, Dem-Dist. 28, (Monterey, San
> Benito, Santa Clara and Santa Cruz Counties), (916)
> 319-2028,
> * Juan Vargas, Dem-Dist. 79, (San Diego
> County), (916) 319-2079,
> INTRODUCED BY Committee on Agriculture
> ( Matthews (Chair), Maze (Vice Chair), Blakeslee,
> Cogdill, Parra, Salinas, and Vargas )
> Assembly Members Salinas and
> Arambula
> ( Coauthor: Senator Florez
> )
> FEBRUARY 22, 2005
> An act to amend Sections 52254, 52260, 52351,
> 52354,
> 52361, 52391, 52451, 52453, 52455, 52481, 52482,
> 52483, 52484, 52487,
> and 52511 of add Section 52251.5 to the Food and
> Agricultural Code, relating to agriculture.
> AB 1508, as amended, Committee on Agriculture
> Salinas . Seed.
> Existing law, the California Seed Law, generally
> regulates seed
> sold in California to ensure that seed purchased by
> the
> consumer-buyer is properly identified and of the
> quality represented
> on the tag or label. Existing law defines
> agricultural seed
> as not including any variety that is generally known
> and sold as
> vegetable seed, for these purposes. Existing law
> provides that
> vegetable seed sold in a container one-half pound or
> less that is for
> sale or sold for sowing purposes shall bear upon it
> the year in
> which it is intended for planting.
> This bill would remove these provisions and would
> instead provide
> that any vegetable seed sold in a container one-half
> pound or less
> shall bear upon it at the time of retail sale for
> nonfarm use the
> viability assurance statement "Packed for the (year)
> season." This
> bill would make numerous other nonsubstantive,
> conforming changes.
> Because a violation of these provisions would be
> a crime, this
> bill would impose a state-mandated local program.
> The California Constitution requires the state to
> reimburse local
> agencies and school districts for certain costs
> mandated by the
> state. Statutory provisions establish procedures for
> making that
> reimbursement.
> This bill would provide that no reimbursement is
> required by this
> act for a specified reason.
> This bill would state that the provisions of the
> California Seed
> Law are of statewide concern and occupy the entire
> field of
> regulation regarding registration, labeling, sale,
> storage,
> transportation, distribution, notification of use,
> and use of seeds
> to the exclusion of local regulations.
> Vote: majority. Appropriation: no. Fiscal
> committee: yes
> no . State-mandated local program: yes
> no .
> SECTION 1. Section 52251.5 is added to the
> Food and Agricultural Code , to read:
> 52251.5.
> The provisions of this chapter are of statewide
> concern and occupy
> the entire field of regulation regarding the
> registration, labeling,
> sale, storage, transportation, distribution,
> notification of use,
> and use of seeds to the exclusion of all local
> regulations. Except as
> otherwise specifically provided in this act, no
> ordinance or
> regulation of any political subdivision may prohibit
> or in any way
> attempt to regulate any matter relating to the
> registration,
> labeling, sale, storage, transportation,
> distribution, notification
> of use, or use of seeds. All matter omitted in
> this version of
> the bill appears in the bill as amended in Assembly,
> May 11, 2005
> (JR11)
> Thomas,
> On Friday June 24, we learned that there is an
> attempt to amend a
> California state Assembly bill (AB1508) to include
> language that would
> override county authority on the regulation of GE
> organisms, effectively
> preempting existing and future county and city bans.
> AB1508 was in its
> final round of hearings, and this last-ditch
> amendment is clearly an
> underhanded attack by the biotech industry on local
> democratic rights.
> The original author of the bill, Assemblymember
> Simon Salinas (D-28) on
> the Assembly Ag Committee from Monterey, Santa Clara
> and San Benito is
> considering authoring the amendment, but as of today
> has not decided to
> do so, and another author may have to be found. The
> next hearing of the
> bill is on Tuesday morning June 28 in the Senate Ag
> Committee, the last
> committee hearing of this legislative session.
> We are working with the Center for Food Safety and
> Pete Price, their
> lobbyist, to develop a "Sacramento strategy". Cal
> GE-Free is also
> planning a grassroots mobilization to complement
> that strategy. In the
> short run, most of the actions we plan to take will
> happen through
> political channels, not grassroots mobilization, but
> there will probably
> be a place for that soon (like next week). The
> message that we want to
> consistently deliver is that this is an assault of
> local democratic
> rights to protect their health, environment and
> economies. This bill
> undermines participatory democracy, strips local
> control, and is a
> threat to citizen participation on issues of
> widespread concern.
> As many of you know, 15 states recently have
> introduced legislation
> removing local control of plants and seeds, and 12
> of these have already
> passed into law. The uniformity of the language in
> each of the bills and
> their swift, back-door introduction indicate that
> this is a coordinated
> attempt by industry to undermine the growing
> grassroots movement to
> establish local protections over genetically
> engineered organisms.
> Note that even if we win this round and kill or
> stall it in a committee,
> we have to remain vigilant for the even worse-case
> scenario that such a
> provision could be attached to the state budget
> bill, where it would be
> almost impossible to kill.
> If you have any questions or ideas, please let us
> know. This bill will
> move fast, and we will keep you updated once we have
> more details.
> Thomas, if you or anyone influential you know in
> Salinas' district can
> call his Sacramento office on Monday morning first
> thing to express
> their opposition to this amendment, I think that
> would help
> tremendously. Kristin, ALBA and Sam are also on it,
> so you might want to
> coordinate with them.
> There will be a more widespread grassroots alarm
> call on Wednesday if we
> need it.
> Cheers,
> Renata
> --
> Renata Brillinger
> Californians for GE-Free Agriculture
> 15290 Coleman Valley Rd.
> Occidental, CA 95465
> (707) 874-1557 x 222
> Fax (707) 874-1558
> ********************************
> This GMO news service is underwritten by a generous
> grant from the
> Newman's Own Foundation, edited by Thomas Wittman
> and is a production of
> the Ecological Farming Association
> ********************************


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