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Magic Happened
(Plant Your Dream!)

Magic Happened by YourEnchantedGardener .....

Magic happens in the Enchanted Garden....

Date:   8/10/2005 7:50:45 AM ( 19 y ago)

The Enchanted Garden is a name for our renewed earth
that we can each plant one seed and one seed dream at a time.

The EG begins in our own backyard.

World Peace starts in our own backyard.

We will surround the remaining poverty stricken of the world,
including those in the Corp with our abundance.

Start growing your abundance today, as a positive affirmation
that you too wish to participate in leaving war and suffering

Please take one pot...the best soil possible.
Plant your Seed and Seed Dream.

IF you want free heirloom seeds intended to grow 1000 years
of peace, write and request these from Your EG.

If you are having experiences of bugs eating your dreams,
do not fret. It takes a farmer 8 seasons to overcome and rebalance
the soil that there are your garden is stronger that the bugs who
are a sign of imbalance in your environment.

You can do this! I promise.

Please try again to grow your Enchanted Garden!!!

One pot Doth an Enchanted Garden Make.

Bugs can fly onto a plant...many will walk onto a plant.

Create a mote...

Bottomline...if your soil is strong, it will resiste buglife
so create a mini enviroment is a single pot that has the finest
soil available.

1. Use Peter's powder Available from Peter Duckich who
lives in Costa Mesa.

2. Study and begin using biodynamic compost and sprays.

3. Seed an local garden advisor who is biodynamically trained.

4. Love your plant.

I have killed more plants and dreams than most, so just accept
the learning curve and include ALL your experiences as the UNIVERSE
stands behind you in your EVOLUTION in becoming a GODDESS

You cannot fail as an EG, so start today!!!


Magic note:

Whenever an EG installation is created Heaven, Earth, and Humanity
are in ONE.

IN the recent EG installation at the FSC,
jain from the rainforest in Australia, and Bruce and Lou
Stewart of Kentucky...both EG members and sponsors
came together at the same time in the EGI (EG INSTallation=EGI)

So we all planted Seed Dreams together.
I coached for all three and each told what they wanted outloud.

Lou and Bruce as well as Jain are on the EG Launching Pad.

(Aside: I had given my Word, that a Couple with get together and
have sex during the FSC and to empower the Seven Love Cures...
so I wanted to manifest this. Then, Lou and Bruce showed up!!!
They have been married for 22 years and are partners in their biz
and book, and wonderful new products.

So...they consented to exchange Body Fluids during the FSC
as well as recommit to their Marriage Vows. This was a magical
highlight of The Seven Love Cures Class that happened on Sunday morning)

So here is the EG Magic:

Sunday night, my new PR marketing friend, Karen Redding
was driving down from Laguna and "happened" to tune into the
Makeda Dread Makossa Radio 91 x show...

Guess what?

She heard two interviews from presenters from the FSC.

Guess who?

You got it!

Makeda had interviewed Jain and Lou and Bruce.

I opened the Gate to the FSC for Makeda, but her
deciding to interview Jain and Lou and Bruce was all
independent of any action I did, other than influence
this energetically.

So here Karen is listening to the FSC on radio Sunday night
and decides to show up on Monday to see me.

IT was a lovely meeting, and she was here today
for A Day in the Garden.

That is the magic when you do Enchanted Gardening.
IT is big deal...
ALL is Connected.. ALL is ONE.

All is Love.

The Universe asks we just deal with our Narrow constrictions,
learn from them, not bandaid them over.

When we garden our cracks, we allow the energy to flow.

Most of us are in the Wounded Healers Path.

Denial is not a River in Eqypt.

Please, find ways to deal with the Materials is your Cracks.

I completely concur that there is a place or Mind Science approaches
as excellent gardening tools. However, if you use them as bandaids
to cover over your grief, sadness, fear, and a multitude of other
buried and suppressed bodily feelings--hiding your neediness--etc.
it will come up and bite you in the butt.

Deal with your crack material. IT is the key to success.
IT is a gift, I promise.

When you feel anxious, fearful, afraid, scared, angry, sad, mad,
hurt--whatever--allow these to come up and witness to them...

In my experience, once I allow the energy to be felt, the suppressed
issued come into conscious mind and next thing I know, they buried
and suppressed energy is no longer an issue.

So choose your Way. If what I am saying works for you,
great. IF not, shine my approach on...but please, please
do not criticize and do a Make Wrong for anyone who has another
approach to heal than you.

IF you find a need to CONTROL the way another person is healing,
you are not doing them a service.

You are interfering with their process.

This is injurious to yourself and only shortcurcuits others.
It is not a loviing jesture to interfere with the way another person
is healing...

Please model your own way by sharing your great results.
Others will be drawn to you. No one wins if you put down
another way to eat, or another diet.

This is called being a Food NAZI (FOOD NAZI=FN).

I worked out this FN years ago with my Essene brother
Victoras Kulvinskas, author of "Survival into the 21st Century"

He was pitching RAW but behind the scenes, a suppressed
bulimic and junk food binger.

Even his teacher and ally Ann Wigmore, who started Hippocritis
Health Instutute in Boston, spoke out of both sides had suppressed
issues around food.

God Bless her and Victoras. I love them both. Please get that.
I knew her and helped her. I gave her a ride in the EG Mobile.
She was a sweet, dear, incredible servant of humanity.

And Vik and I am Gabriel Cousens, and Terry Cole Whittaker
are ALL Essene Teachers...and elders of the Essene Way... one is perfect down here on earth, so let's
be compassionate for each others Path.

This is curteous.
This is loving.
This is respectful.

Everyone has something to learn and gets short sighted.

Gabriel Counsens in a beloved brother of mine.

I am going to share about an EXCITING OPPORTUNITY to
next BLOG.

BUT PLEASE, I ask you--own your own STUFF.

NO one wins here in the CUZEZONE when we come off
as KNOW it ALLS.

THE LAST KNOW IT ALL I know about was JESUS,
and even HE paid his dues to get to that place of

Thank you for hearihg me.
IF you feel a need to have another opinion that is great.

Please blog it on your own site, not mine.

Thank you.

AND Clearing the air on Food Nazism...


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