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Den of Rattlesnakes!
(Plant Your Dream!)

Den of Rattlesnakes! by YourEnchantedGardener .....

A Prophet Dream drives me deep to my Core to evaluate how to make the most of this time between now and the end of Summer. What are the Pitfalls? Here I give an explanation of the Kabbalistic Journey and show some of its applications to the world of our Circumstances. I begin to reflect as well on the Potential of the International Feng Shui Conference, August 4-9 to create a Shift in Reality inside me and in Our World.

Date:   5/29/2005 5:38:58 AM ( 19 y ago)

Had a Prophetic dream this early morning,
a dream that left me with more questions
than answers..

There were no answers on the surface.
I laid quietly in bed for about an hour
probing deep into the core of my being
and sending tendrils into the inner worlds
that I might reach deeper understandings.

In the Dream I found myself in a Den of Rattlesnakes.

They were tiny Rattlesnakes, babies,
so small I could not See them underfoot.
They were so small I could not tell they were even there.

One of them bit my hand.
At first I had no idea what the bite was,
but a Guide pointed it out to me.

I opened the wound and became extracting
a long, long string of potential infection, pus,
and Light and Dark entrails that revealed itself from
within the tiny opening.

I was amazed how long the connected string went
and how much I could pull out of the tiny opening of puncture.

It was not a painful wound.
I needed the Guide to explain what it was.

Then, I felt some fear as I saw all over the floor--
through Focus--many, any of the baby Rattlesnakes.

I took out the vacuum and attempted to suck them up.
but this was not possible. I was going to have to use
some deeper, deeper "Gardening" Tools
to Remedy this Situation.

Then I awoke with no idea what this was all about.
I had ONE Big Question Mark.

After some Deep Inner Reflection I now have Insight
into this Dream.

It was a Beginning of a Summer Dream--
one with Great Portent,
and so I am taking advantage
of the Luxury of a Shabbat Saturday morning when
the the Sound Levels are low to continue to go Deep
that I might capture the Good Insights.

The Main Question is:
What kind of Experiences
will I be Celebrating by September 21,
or around that
Time when it is the Beginning of the Fall?

The Fall is the start of the Nature Cycle in the Enchanted
Garden. The Summer is the Peak of Outer Physical Creation.

The Summer is the time of the Long Days and Shorter Nights.
The Summer is the time when the Physical energies are strongest.

The Summer is the time when we can take from the Seeds
we have planted that are now Seedlings and Determine
by our Choices, the Harvest we will Have Had by the end of summer.

The physical world for me often feels like a Den of Rattlesnakes.
I say Yes when it would be best to say No.
I have a tendency to take on two many Projects.
I have a tendency to get caught up in feelings
and emotions, and be thrown off by circumstances
and limited loop feedbacks from others.
I take to heart too deeply how other close ones
are feeling. I waste valuable time and energy doing this.

I Scatter my Creative Energy and do not get the
results I would like. Often, in my frustration,
I wll go for the immediate gratification of a cookie
rather than hold out for the Sweetness of Life Fully Lived.

I put a little energy here, a little there.
If I continue to move Solely from Inspiration,
and Motivated by outer Feedback from my Very Small
Emotional Feedback Loop, I will end up Frustated by the end
of the Summer.

The Physical world can be for me a Den of Rattlesnakes,
as in my Dream. I know how to connect my inner worlds
with my outer, but too often, I am thrown off.

So what is calling me?
What is asking my attention now?
What is the Inventory of Highest Possible Results
that will give me the Greatest satisfacton by summer end
and be the Wisest Investment of my Vital Force?

All Draws on my Energy,
Things I need to Do:
WILL BE Listed in this Blog of Summer

(____to come!!!)


August 4-9, 05 San Diego CA

I have never in my life, as best I recall
been so well placed in an International Conference.
There are 60 International Teachers coming from around
the world.

The Conference has been described as the BEST,
INNOVATIVE conference in feng shui and the design and healing arts.

The Conference will bring together most of most most SUPPORTIVE
past and future friends.

I wlll teach two classes.
I will do photos.
I wlll create an Conference Altar.
I will read poems here and there.
I will have a special program and lunches
that are featured in the program that will
bring in locally grown organic foods to the HIlton Hotel.

(Look out Paris Hilton!!!)

I will have a nice nice place to show my creations
in the Center of the Trade Show area!!!

I will be surrounded by Loving Friends who already
appreciate me and my creations.

I am honored and appreciated by the organizers of the Conference,
who took my Coaching to bring it here to San Diego.


Right now, in my journey toward what I am calling the Marriage
with God--I am in day 34 of a 49 night Tune UP.

This Conference is now
78 Days away, or 10 weeks away.

I intuit there is a Mercury Retrograde somewhere in there...
about three weeks of Down Time.

There is also a number of other events,
including Shavuot June 12--in two weeks,

TUNE UP, July 22-24 that is two weeks before the Feng Shui Conference.

I will likely not make a big deal out of Shavuot this year.
I will likely stay home--unless I decide to go to LA.
This would be a good Spiritual Breakthrough to stay home,
but I am a bit sad about that.

The Feng Shui Conference will share the unifying
principle of Heaven, Earth, and Humanity.

In other is a similar Journey
to the Marriage of God.
Tree of Life trek I am on now
where I am Turning Up by connection
between Heaven--the Inner Worlds
of Atzilut--beyond or Imagination--
representing the stirrings of Will (Keter)
and the First Rush of Intutiion (Chochmah)
of what will be contained in Pattern, Idea, and Ideal
in the world of B'Riah.

This world contains Sephirah of Binah--known as the Great Mother--
this is the world of ideal form...the ideal of Whole, Pure, and Natural
as Jensen would say. Binan is the world of Understanding.

It is through our Spiritual work that we prepare ourselves
to be capable of receiving the Gifts of these two Higher,
or in my Enchanted Garden Framework, Inner or most inclusive
Worlds of energy.

Then we cross the Abyss--identited as the Third Eye.

Then we come into The World of Formation--
that bring the Formless, the inner, into Form.
This World of Formation is called Yetzirah.

Yetzirah, according to Rabbi Ted Falcon,
in his book Journey of Awakening, is the world
that Binah connects with Malchut.

The mental levels of energy flows downward
into this world. Yetzirah reflects the level of our
reality "through a progression of mental,
emotional, and sensational vibrations."

IT is HERE in Yetzirah where our Childhood Traumas
and our Narrow Places distort and Squeeze our
ability to Connect with with Love for more than Milliseconds.

and and Yesod--
all are part of this world.

Each asks to be Connected.
So that the Most Inner Energies can stay
All of One Piece.

From Yetrzirah we travel our our Journey
of Awakening into the world of Assiyah.
This world has the single Sephirah named
Malchut the is intended to Receive the flow
of energy from the entire Tree of Life.

However, it is here in Assiayh where--Unless
we are Doing Conscious Gardening--
and Enchanted Gardening of our Soul--
that we become lost in limited Feedback Loops
of Restricted Form.

It is here where we get locked into
the pain and frustration of defining
our world by the circumstances around us.

It is here were we feel blockages
reflected in physical clutter and the Restricted
flow of relationships that do not inspire us
to Know the inner worlds.

The GIft of the Garden--the literal garden--
is that enfolded in a flower, or a Seed,
or a fragrance--we have the Divine Memory of
the Whole Tree of Life.

This is the Magic of the Garden.
This is the Magic of the Plant Kingdom.

This is the Magic of Prayer and Meditation
in a Garden Setting or taking a Walk in Nature.

In Nature, we have available access to all the Inner
Worlds. They speak to us through Nature
because Nature is our True Nature.

In the Essene Work, We talk of the Tree of Life
and the Tree of Knowledge.

Reflections of the Tree of Life are limited in the
energy of Malchut--of Kingdom and Queendown

Our energies of Malchut seldom vibrate to the energies
of Whole Nature
and Who We Are and Can Be.

--created by the Tree of Knowledge--
limited Awareness and poor education
and Limited Undestanding
are reflected back to us from Mother, Father,
Sons, and Daughters,
from the Seven Eleven at the Corner,
and the Bakery Goods
and the Toxic Cleaning agents
that Someone has made of the world of Manifest Reality.
and actualization; yet here in the World of Manifest Reality
we can Move the entire energy
by Planting a New Seed.

Plant a Seed, Grow a Whole New World!!!

More Kabbalah Blogs:
Home Simpson Kabbalah:

Mystically Inclined? Read This:

Move the Trash out here, and you shift the Whole Way the Tree is Growing.
Deeper Understanding here between One Man and One Woman
and you shift the Whole Way Your Tree is Growing.
Clear the Relationship with your Father
and you shift the entire Way the Tree is Growing here.

Summon the Courage
to take One Trip into the World of Love

Or Sustain an Authentic Friendship

Or Go to a Conference of Like Minded Feng Shui Souls

Or do anything that Breaks you out of the Restricted
Forms of your Life
and you have the POTENTIAL to Shift the Entire Way
Life can flow through you
and through a Unified
Heaven, Earth, and Humanity

End of Part ONE

[Healing My relationship with my High School Years
and My Father Blogs Start here:

Want to Move Some some energy:
Declutter Blogs Start here:

Clear Your Desk and Change the World:

Love from Your Enchanted Gardener

May 28, 05 10 AM
RESET #15 4:43 PM


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