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(Plant Your Dream!)

RAW FOOD TRIBE Found!!! by YourEnchantedGardener .....

A Brief History of the RAW food Tribe that successfully lived on this Diet in the ancient times. This is a reprint from the Scroll on the Tree of Life Foundation Site.

Date:   5/9/2005 7:44:21 PM ( 19 y ago)

(Note: image © Bernard Jensen International
used with permission)

The Essenes, in days of old,
are one of the few successful
cultural tribes that I know who
lived successfully on RAW foods.
They had an amazing Lifestyle
that went with this diet.

They were Kabbalists.
They communed with the Tree of Life
on a daily basis.

Here is a Brief History from the
site of the Tree of Life Foundation
orchestrated by Rav Gabriel Cousens.
This was edited by Daniel Maziarz, another
Essene teacher.

For an intro to the Kabbalah and Tree of Life
See the Blogs I have written on this.

Intro to Kabbalah:

Mystical inclined? Open this!

Peace Be with you!
Leslie Goldman
Your Enchanted Gardener


Essenes are “Awakened Ones,” people who live in the Eternal Presence beyond the limitations of identifying with the body and the mind as the self. The Essenes were the prophetic, Jewish Kabbalistic, artistic Shamanic holy ones of the desert. And, while contemplating the Eternal is an Essene’s highest calling, we also have an earthly history which can inspire us to translate the Eternal into healthy human practices in the here and now.


The first earthly transmitter of Essene knowledge was the legendary Enoch, who lived about 6,000 years ago. The Torah (Five Books of Moses) says, “Enoch walked with Yah (God) and became whole.” Enoch’s unifying and transcendent teaching was: “Be still and know…I am …God.” That is all we truly need to practice. It is the silent Torah, or 3rd Torah. The first two are the written and oral Torah. The silent Torah belongs to all people, of all times. It transcends all book and oral teachings. It is the living God within our own hearts. It is the great teaching of the Essenes. Enoch shared this path of wholeness with his brothers and sisters. Then, as the Torah’s solitary sentence about Enoch makes clear, he was taken directly to the spiritual dimension without leaving his earthly body, making him the first of the ten uniquely blessed of all people in the Torah to be taken up alive.

Essene Lineage

Noah inherited the mantle from Enoch, and Noah “walked with God and was whole.” His son, Shem, also known as Melchizadik, followed in Noah’s footsteps and transmitted the knowledge to Abraham, who “walked before Yah and was whole.” Everyone in Abraham’s lineage are considered to be members of the Order of Melchizadik—Melchi (king) / zadik (holy person). From Abraham, the Essene lineage went to Isaac to Jacob to Joseph to Moses to the Levites and Kohains to King David to King Solomon.

King David represents the merging of the indigenous Hebrew tradition with the Enochian origins into the poetic, artistic, Shamanic, holy person. The prophets Samuel and Nathan were part of a line of dancing, singing, back-to-the-earth prophets including Isaiah, Ezekiel, Amos, and so forth. Many prophets chose to live on the Mt. Carmel mountain range. According to Kabbalistic literature, their initiatory mantra was and still is YHWH, the Tetragammatron. As we shall see later on, this mantra recently revivified Itself through a deep prophetic experience received by Gabriel Cousens.


As the prophetic Essene tradition evolved, it interacted with various cultures. For example, in the 6th century B.C.E., according to Pythagoras’ biography, he studied with the Essenes on Mt. Carmel and descended both enlightened and a proponent of live foods.

The historical record next mentions the Essenes in the watershed year of 186 B.C.E. Starting at this time, fed up by what they saw as increasing corruption within the Jewish religious establishment, the “Awakened Ones” began setting up independent communities to serve as sanctuaries and training grounds for spiritual renewal. Most people are aware only of the celibate Essenes headquartered in Qumran, where the Dead Sea Scrolls were discovered.

However, the Jewish historian Josephus also mentions the existence of another network of Essenes who taught that it was perfectly natural and holy for men and women to marry and live together in spiritual harmony. These Essenes, towards whom contemporary Essenes feel a great affinity, lived in the foothills of Mt. Carmel. One such community later became known as Nazareth, where the pious Essene couple, Mary and Joseph, brought forth Jesus or Yehoshua, who attained full Essene enlightened awareness.

When, exasperated by the recurring Jewish desire to be independent, the Romans utterly destroyed the Jewish state in 69 AD and dispersed the Jewish people, the Essenes also scattered, and for all practical purposes, ceased to exist as a separate organization. However, unbeknown to most people, the Essenes had already transferred much of their vitality and spirit into the Dead Sea Scrolls and the nascent Christian movement, where it has nourished to this day the positive aspects of Christianity.

Summarizing what many reputable scholars have shown, Stephan A. Hoeller in Jung and the Lost Gospels writes, “There is no other variety of Judaism besides that of the Essenes that is so closely related to the entire body of New Testament religiosity, including the Gnostic portions thereof.” Hoeller goes on to show how the Mediterranean Essene network provided the early Christian movement its logistical support system of growth.

If the traditional chronology of the lifetime of Jesus and of the subsequent spread of the Christian communities is accepted, then it appears almost imperative that some sort of an already existing organizational structure must have been utilized by the early Christians to build their church. The time between the commonly supposed date of the crucifixion of Jesus and the writing of the earliest of the Pauline letters is much too short to allow for the development of a highly complex network of organized communities with well-developed methods of communication, funding, and a structure of authority than presents itself to the reader of the Epistles of Paul. There was only one organization in existence that could have served, as the foundation for this rapidly developing structure, and it was the order of the Essenes.

Notre Dame University Professor of Religion James C. Vanderkam in his chapter, “The Dead Seas Scrolls and Christianity” in Biblical Archeology Review’s book Understanding the Dead Sea Scrolls, highlights the Essene contribution to Christianity:

“Clearly, the Qumran literature and the New Testament are similar to one another in numerous and diverse ways. From the similarities, two conclusions can be drawn: (1) The early Church grew upon Jewish soil to a far greater extent than previously supposed; and (2) a larger number of the early Church’s beliefs and practices than previously suspected were not unique to it.”

Aspects of the Essene heritage lived on far more fully in the many Gnostic Christian communities and movements that also sprang up in the first few centuries after Jesus’ earthly departure. In Europe, these movements also flourished and had extremely high standards of civilization. Unfortunately, the Roman Catholic Church treated these movements as treats and persecuted them mercilessly. The last Gnostic stronghold in Europe, Montsegur in Southern, France, fell to Papal crusaders in March 1244 AD. This destruction of Essene-like Gnostic communities hastened the onset of Europe’s Dark Ages. By discrediting the healthy lifestyle practiced by these enlightened communities, the Church helped set up conditions ripe for the spread of the Bubonic Plague, the Inquisition, and other disasters that befell Europe during this time.

Let us now briefly look at perhaps the greatest Essene contribution to the development of Western civilization. From the fall of the Roman Empire in AD 470 to the rise of the modern European states, a period of around 1,000 years, the most progressive institution in Europe was the Roman Catholic monastery. These monasteries distinguished themselves as practically the only centers of learning, agriculture and science in all of Europe. Many of the agricultural and technological innovations that led to the prosperity of modern civilization began in the monasteries, and as Roman Catholic Church historians readily admit, all Catholic monastic orders drew their inspiration and organizational structure from the ancient Essene monastic communities. Truly, the Essenes have a remarkable heritage and have made a far more positive and pivotal contribution to progressive civilization than the public realizes.

Edmond Bordeaux Szekely, Essene Scholar

In the 1920s, a Jewish Romanian healer and scholar, Edmond Bordeaux Szekely, became attracted to the Essenes and traveled to the best libraries of Europe, both secular and religious, uncovering more and more forgotten knowledge about them. At some point, his research and dedication reactivated within himself the ancient Essene energetic archetype in a way that also integrated contemporary knowledge and experience with it. Thus, almost 1,900 years after the fall of Israel, the Essene archetype reemerged and grew. It is from this lineage that our 21st Century Living Essene Way is blossoming. Based on ancient Essene principles, Professor Szekely founded two of the most successful health resorts in the world, Rancho La Puerta and the Golden Door.


The Four Worlds of Kabbalah, an Intro:

To Read about my personal Journey
through the Passover, that was
an initiation, and vision of the First Fruits
of Summer to Come,
I would be honored
if you would you visit this Blog:

Radical Healing #2

IF you are drawn to this book,
A Journey of Awakening,
here is one place where you can find a link to purchase it:

Essene Thread:

The Tree of LIfe and the Law:


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