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There is a Big change coming - but you do not want to see it
(Absolute Truth Some Wisdom and Intercourse....)

There is a Big change coming - but you do not want to see it by Kerminator .....

** Most of us alive today were taught in school that in the 1930s the nation suffered during “The Great Depression” as well as “The Dust Bowl.” And whether or not these were natural or man-made catastrophes back then is really not all that important when we consider that we are facing such potential dire circumstances for the immediate future, or even worse, here in 2021.

Date:   9/11/2021 3:02:04 AM ( 3 y ago)

July 26, 2021
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Most Americans Have No Idea How Close They are to Poverty, Starvation, and Death
Total Views : 13,796

by Brian Shilhavy
Editor, Health Impact News

Today there are few people left alive when Americans went hungry and homeless, back in the 1930s. Not many remember the last time a severe drought that destroyed crops combined with a collapse of the financial system left millions of Americans are few people left alive Americans hungry and homeless, back in the 1930s.

Most of us alive today were taught in school that in the 1930s the nation suffered during “The Great Depression as well as The Dust Bowl.”

And whether or not these were natural or man-made catastrophes back then is really not all that important when we consider that we are facing such potential dire circumstances for the immediate future, or even worse, here in 2021.

Corn and wheat crops in the U.S. are in big trouble right now as we approach the end of July.

The Bismark Tribune reported today:

Drought is withering crops on both sides of the U.S.-Canadian border, prompting farmers to take the rare measure of baling up their wheat and barley stems to sell as hay.

The bales are providing much-needed forage for livestock operators struggling against a lack of pasture and soaring feed costs, and also signal smaller grain harvests that could keep crop prices high in the months to come. Temperatures are expected to soar this week in the Great Plains, further threatening parched farm fields.

The dry conditions highlight how extreme weather is affecting agriculture and stoking higher prices that have fueled food-inflation concerns. Desperate farmers in both countries have requested emergency help from their governments, and some ranchers are selling off portions of their herds because of the dearth of feed.

In North Dakota, where the entire state is in a drought, hay crops are only 10% to 25% of normal while cattle ranchers are already reducing herds by boosting animal sales at auction, Jeff Schafer, president of the North Dakota Stockmen’s Association, said during a National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration webinar.

“Producers have chosen to cut small grain fields for hay versus harvesting them for grain as there just isn’t enough forage to bale,” Schafer said. Grains that should be “armpit high” are “boot-high at best and typically you can see a gopher run in front of your cutter bar,” he said. Many fields didn’t turn green, so cows were on brown grass in June. (Source.)

Prices of corn, soy and canola are all going up right now, due to the fear that this year’s harvest will be greatly affected by drought conditions across the U.S.

(Bloomberg) — Corn in Chicago touched the highest price in more than two weeks as hot and dry fields in the northern U.S. dims harvest prospects for the growing crops.

Soybeans and both soft and hard red winter wheat also gained while spring wheat in Minneapolis snapped a seven-session rally after the futures neared the highest level since 2012.

This week’s largely arid conditions in the Upper Midwest are stoking concerns about crop health. At the same time, Brazil is seeing slow corn harvests due to weather-related planting delays.

Corn gained as much as 3.4% to reach $5.7075, the highest since July 2. The futures have fallen 23% since early May, when prices reached an eight-year high amid robust demand and supply worries. Soft red winter wheat touched the priciest level in two months.

Most-active futures for spring wheat fell as much as 1.6% to $9.09 a bushel. Prices have climbed 53% this year through the close on Tuesday.

“Contracts bucked the overall trend, sliding nearly 1% lower on some technical selling and profit-taking,” Jacqueline Holland, an analyst at Farm Futures, wrote in a note.

Spring wheat ratings further collapsed last week amid drought, according to U.S. Department of Agriculture data released on Monday. While the variety used to make pizza dough and bagels only accounts for a fraction of world grain output, the deterioration highlights weather worries across the globe that are driving a rebound in crop prices.

Soybeans, soy oil, soy meal and canola all gained on Tuesday. (Source.)

Gloomy outlooks on this year’s harvest are not the main reason for concern, however, as we have seen poor weather patterns like this in the past, and few starved or went homeless.

The larger area of concern is that our entire agricultural system rests in the hands of just a few international companies, and the Globalists who brought us the COVID-19 Plandemic last year that is making a repeat performance this year, could decide to add global hunger and starvation to this show, and few Americans are prepared for empty grocery store shelves for any length of time.

They will look to their government representatives for help, and that government “help” could very well be their next plan to get 70% of the population injected with the COVID-19 shots, making it a requirement to receive any government food aid.

This is not a topic you want to be ignorant about, and if you have not read our previous article on this topic earlier this month that exposed just who these Globalists are that now control the world’s food supplies, please read that first before reading the rest of this article.
Unmasking The Global Food Cartel: Is Massive Starvation and Population Reduction Their Next Move?
The Move Towards More Consolidation of the World Food System – Control the Food, Control the Masses

Those who know anything about the principles of economics know that the world is on a crash course to a total collapse of the financial system.

As part of the Great Reset, we see plenty of evidence of this impending crash by simply watching the world’s top billionaires move at a great speed to sell off significant amounts of their stock holdings before the Big Crash comes.

With the move towards a cashless society and a new digital currency on the horizon, where are these billionaires putting their cash as they liquidate major portions of their assets?

A lot of it is going into agricultural land, a major clue as to what is on the horizon in the near future.

A report earlier this year listed Bill Gates as the largest owner of farmland in the United States now, while fellow billionaire Ted Turner owns 2.2 million acres of ranches and forests, and Jeff Bezos owns 420,000 acres. (Source.)

Last week, Colin Todhunter published an article on Global Research highlighting the upcoming UN Food Systems Summit (UNFSS) titled “Mobilising Against the Corporate Hijack of Agriculture and the UN Food Systems Summit” which gives us a glimpse of what they are planning for the future.

Some excerpts:

The UN Food Systems Summit (UNFSS), including a ‘pre-summit’, will take place in September 2021 in New York. The Italian government is hosting the pre-summit in Rome from 26–28 July.

The UNFSS claims it aims to deliver the latest evidence-based, scientific approaches from around the world, launch a set of fresh commitments through coalitions of action and mobilise new financing and partnerships.

Despite claims of being a ‘people’s summit’ and a ‘solutions’ summit, the UNFSS is facilitating greater corporate concentration, unsustainable globalised value chains and agribusiness leverage over public institutions.

As a result, more than 300 global organisations of small-scale food producers, researchers and indigenous peoples will gather online from 25-28 July to mobilise against the pre-summit.

The Civil Society and Indigenous Peoples’ Mechanism (CSM) for relations with the United Nations Committee on World Food Security is working to eradicate food insecurity and malnutrition.

According to the CMS, the UNFSS – founded on a partnership between the UN and the World Economic Forum (WEF) – is disproportionately influenced by corporate actors, lacks transparency and accountability and diverts energy and financial resources away from the real solutions needed to tackle the multiple hunger, climate and health crises.

According to the CMS, those being granted a pivotal role at the UNFSS support industrial food systems that promote ultra-processed foods, deforestation, industrial livestock production, intensive pesticide use and commodity crop monocultures, all of which cause soil deterioration, water contamination and irreversible impacts on biodiversity and human health.

Those who contribute most to world food security, smallholder producers, are the most threatened and affected by the corporate concentration of land, seeds, natural and financial resources and the related privatisation of the commons and public goods.

And these processes are accelerating: the high-tech/data conglomerates, including Amazon, Microsoft, Facebook and Google, have joined traditional agribusiness giants in a quest to impose a one size fits all type of agriculture and food production on the world.

Digitalisation, artificial intelligence and other technologies are serving to promote a new wave of resource grabbing and the restructuring of food systems towards a total concentration of power.

The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation is also heavily involved, whether through buying up huge tracts of farmland, funding and promoting a much-heralded (but failed) ‘green revolution’ for Africa, pushing biosynthetic food and new genetic engineering technologies or more generally facilitating the aims of the mega agrifood corporations.

Read the full article at Global Research.

Sam Parker from Behind the News Network, who authored the article referenced above that we published earlier this month identifying who the Globalists are that control the world’s food, has now also published his conclusion to his 3-part series on the British/American Food Cartel which you can read here.

Some excerpts:

Here, we continue with our report on the food cartel. In this report, we will explain how the global grain and food cartels function.
How It Works

They dominate the export and import of basic foodstuffs—wheat, soy, corn, rice, sugar, dairy tropical products, etc.
They intervene to determine where crops are grown, which they call “export sourcing,” and “value chain” development.
They engage in, and often set, speculation on the commodity exchanges.
They dominate world crop and livestock research and genetics with wrongful patent/intellectual property rights, to seeds, breeds, and even biotech procedures.
They dominate fertilizer and other agro-chemicals—development, pricing, and availability.
They dominate food processing.
They position their operations to control retail—final distribution of food—and dictate prices and standards to suppliers.
A rancher, who does not sell his beef at the depressed price offered by these five firms, will starve. There is almost no one else to sell to!
And, of course, they thwart any and all attempts at national food self-sufficiency.

If this sounds like a replay of the British East India Company, dictating conditions and trade in rice, indigo, cotton, tea, opium, and other goods of their time, it should. Beyond gargantuan profiteering, the result of today’s cartel practices is genocide.

On every continent, potential food productivity, through national water, power, and agro-industrial improvements has been deliberately subverted, to the point now of mass hunger and starvation.

[T]he Anglo-Dutch-Swiss –American food cartel dominates 80-90% of the world grain trade. In fact, however the control is far greater than the sum of its parts: The Big Six grain companies are organized as a cartel they move grain back and forth from any one of the major, or minor, exporting nations.

Cargill, Continental, Louis Dreyfus et al. own world shipping fleets, and have long-established sales relationships, financial markets, and commodity trading exchanges (such as the London-based Baltic Mercantile and Shipping Exchange) on which grain is traded, which completes their domination.

No other forces in the world, including governments, are as well organized as the cartel, and therefore, London’s power in this area remains unchallenged. Earnings and profits are up 20% in recent years for all these firms, while shortages and hunger worsen.
Feed and Seed

The cartel also controls feed for animals and seed for planting. BP, through its Nutrition division, is the largest feed producer in Europe. Having bought Purina Mills, BP is now the second largest feed producer in America. Cargill, through its Nutrena feed division, is also the biggest producer of animal seed and hybrid seed in the world, while Continental Grain, through its Wayne Feed division, is also a major producer of feed and hybrid seed production.

There is tight control over seeds and high-yield seed traits. The top ten world seed companies account for over 65% of all world seed sales, – with the top three – Monsanto, DuPont, and Syngenta – accounting for half of all sales of patented seeds. Monsanto alone accounts for 60% of the corn and soybean market in the US. Its patented biotech straits are in 90% of US soybeans and in 80% of US corn. US farmers have seen a 64% rise in seed prices in the past three years, directly to this cartel.

Through wrongful and biotech patenting, a small group of agro-chemical companies exerts extreme control over crop genetics, including Monsanto/Bayer, Cargill, Dupont and Syngenta.
The Global Seed Vault

Against the backdrop of the spreading fear about a global coronavirus pandemic, an event has slipped largely under the radar at a spot so removed from the rest of the world that most are unaware of its existence. The Svalbard “Doomsday” Seed Vault on Spitsbergen Island north of the Arctic Circle just received an additional major shipment of plant variety seeds for its special storage. What makes this entire seed bank enterprise suspicious at the very least is the list of financial sponsors behind the global project.

On February 25 more than 60,000 new seed varieties were placed in the Svalbard vault, the largest deposit of seeds since it opened. This brings the total of seed types to over one million since the vault was first opened for deposits in early 2008.

The latest seed deposits include onions from Brazil, guar beans from central Asia, corn seeds sacred to the Cherokee nation. The Svalbard vault is on the island that is legally part of Norway since a 1925 treaty. The Norwegian government put up much of the money for the construction of the facility whose backers declared it was able to withstand a nuclear bomb blast.

The only problem was planners did not make the structure, built into a mountain side, waterproof and the entrance flooded amid heavy rains in 2016, necessitating a major € 20 million of repairs and upgrade which were just completed, some four years later.

Notably, as Norwegian Prime Minister Erna Solberg pointed out during the recent seed-greeting ceremony, the year 2020 is slated as the year by which countries should have safeguarded genetic diversity of crops to meet the UN goal of “eliminating hunger by 2030.” The year 2030 is when the UN IPCC predicts catastrophic climate change barring a radical action from the world, as well as the key benchmark year for the UN’s Malthusian Agenda2030.

The publicly-stated argument for the major seed bank project is supposedly as a safe backup for the numerous national seed bank collections in event they are destroyed in war as in Syria or Iraq, or by natural disaster or other calamity. The Svalbard vault has been called the “Noah’s ark of seeds,” there should a “global catastrophe” occur, to allow a theoretical restart to world agriculture. OK Interesting. Who would decide how to distribute those seeds in event of such a catastrophe is not addressed.

What is notable is the list of those backing this highly unusual public-private partnership.
Crop Trust?

The seed bank and acquisition of the seeds is managed by an entity known as the Crop Trust, officially known as the Global Crop Diversity Trust, now based in Bonn, Germany.

It has an impressive list of financial sponsors which it calls the Donors’ Council. Among the most eye-catching they name Bayer Crop Science, which now incorporates Monsanto; DuPont Pioneer Hi-Bred; Syngenta AG, now owned by ChemChina. These are the world’s largest purveyors of GMO patented seeds and the paired agrichemicals such as Roundup with glyphosate. China’s now state-owned Syngenta is the world’s largest supplier of crop chemicals.

In addition, Crop Trust Donors include the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, the major donor to initiate the Trust in 2004 with the FAO, the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization and CGIAR, acting through Bioversity International.

Gates Foundation is joined at Crop Trust by the Rockefeller Foundation, the ones who first financed the creation of GMO biotechnology beginning in the 1970’s at their International Rice Research Institute, where they spent millions trying to develop the colossal failure called Vitamin A-enhanced Golden Rice. CGIAR, set up in 1972 by the Rockefeller Foundation and Ford Foundation to spread their Green Revolution agribusiness model, controls most of the private seed banks from the Philippines to Syria to Kenya.

In all, these present seed banks hold more than six and a half million seed varieties, almost two million of which are ‘distinct.’ Svalbard’s Doomsday Vault has a capacity to house four and a half million different seeds.

At the time the Svalbard Doomsday Seed Vault opened in 2008 the chairman of the Crop Trust was Canadian Margaret Catley-Carlson. Catley-Carlson was also president until 1999 of the New York-based Population Council, John D. Rockefeller III’s population reduction organization, set up in 1952 to advance the Rockefeller family’s eugenics program under the cover of promoting “family planning,” birth control devices, sterilization and “population control” in developing countries. Catley-Carlson also sat on the board of the Syngenta Foundation.
De-Population Council

Being President of the Rockefeller-founded Population Council is no minor deal. In the 1990’s the UN’s World Health Organization launched a campaign to vaccinate millions of women in Nicaragua, Mexico and the Philippines between the ages of 15 and 45, allegedly against Tetanus, a sickness arising from such things as stepping on a rusty nail. The vaccine was not given to men or boys, despite the fact they are presumably equally as liable to step on rusty nails as women.

Because of that curious anomaly, Comité Pro Vida de Mexico, a Roman Catholic lay organization, became suspicious and had vaccine samples tested. The tests revealed that the Tetanus vaccine being spread by the WHO– only to women of child-bearing age– contained human Chorionic Gonadotrophin or hCG, a natural hormone which when combined with a tetanus toxoid carrier stimulated antibodies rendering a woman incapable of maintaining a pregnancy. None of the women vaccinated were told.

It later came out that the Rockefeller Foundation along with the Rockefeller’s Population Council, the World Bank (home to CGIAR), and the United States’ National Institutes of Health had been involved in a 20-year-long project begun in 1972 to develop the concealed abortion vaccine with a tetanus carrier for WHO. In addition, the Government of Norway, the host to the Svalbard Doomsday Seed Vault, donated $41 million to develop the special abortive Tetanus vaccine.

Is it just coincidence that the same Gates Foundation is backing the organization responsible for maintaining the Svalbard “Doomsday” Seed Vault at the same time Gates is emerging as a major authority on the danger of the Wuhan coronavirus epidemic? In an article he wrote for the New England Journal of Medicine, Gates stated that the designated COVID19 “has started behaving a lot like the once-in-a-century pathogen we’ve been worried about.”

A virtually inaccessible seed vault under the control of some of the world’s foremost advocates of eugenics and population reduction is definitely remarkable.

With more than a million of the irreplaceable seed heritage of the world locked inside the Svalbard Seed Vault, could this be a way for GMO agribusiness giants like Bayer-Monsanto or Syngenta to illegally gain access to those seeds in a time of global crisis?

It sounds very far-fetched, yet there are far-fetched goings on in our world. We could say, “He who controls the world’s crop seeds, controls the world”.

Read the full article at Behind the News Network.


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