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Leslie Speaks, Part 4: Tour of the Universe
(Plant Your Dream!)

Leslie Speaks, Part 4: Tour of the Universe by YourEnchantedGardener .....

Leslie Speaks, Part 4 Continuing the week-long communication with Your Enchanted Gardener, Leslie Goldman, after he transitioned. In Part 4, Leslie talks about his tour of the Universe and his love for Gaia.

Date:   11/26/2020 11:52:19 PM ( 4 y ago)

Leslie Speaks, Part 4

June 23, 2020 3:30 PM Tuesday

(Hello, Leslie, I'm here; please excuse my "bad mood")

Of course, Dear One---human moods are funny---we're "all over the map" as they say---"here," where I AM now, it's much calmer, more peaceful emotion-wise; we still "feel" emotions, but they are "tempered"---if that's the right word---more JOY than sorrow, no physical pain, no focus on biological issues---why should we? We don't have bodies anymore, although some of US, not all, had/have/will have bodies---there is a kind of "residual memory" that those of US who've been in the physical plane have after leaving the body---mine is "fresh" because I "just left"---but "as time goes on" we start to forget; we get involved in "other things" and the focus is elsewhere, not on the individual physical realm we once inhabited. I can't say for sure, as I'm still learning/orienting, that those of US who've had bodies are somewhat more "understanding/sympathetic/empathic" towards the ensouled bio-beings we once were---I certainly feel a lot of Love for humans and the struggles they go through daily---more so, perhaps, than those of US who've never been in bio-bodies and haven't experienced it, but then who am "I" to say? Those of US may have more wisdom than me, a different perspective perhaps, than "I" do. It's all still a bit confusing, becoming clearer all the time.

I certainly understand and appreciate feelings, especially anger and sorrow. Humans feel so abandoned---in a sense, they are---cut off from knowing the "whole of existence". To look again at your question from the day before...why do humans have to struggle so? It's part of a "Grand Plan" that I'm still not very clear on myself. Everything, and I mean Everything, is "Planned" with a "capital P"---no randomness to the Universe as human scientists mistakenly believe. Remember, US who are, were, will be "human" Planned the "set-up" of Earth before we incarnated into bio-bodies. Why we set it up the way we did still eludes me.

It was a source of wonder for me when "I" was in the body---still is a source of WONDER! That we get to come to this Beautiful Planet over and over again! It really is a privilege! Oceans, mountains, deserts, forests, savannas---all the trees and wildlife---so very very beautiful! Not all planets are like Gaia Earth---that's what WE call Her---Gaia Earth---She is special---not all planets have such water, or such water creatures---so MANY kinds of BEings in Gaia's Oceans---it really is wondrous. It's what attracts so many of US/SOULS to come here and incarnate again and again. I really think that humans who make a deep connection to Gaia Earth are the happiest---it doesn't mean there won't be challenges in their life, just that Gaia loves US so much and WE love Her; She helps comfort us when we humans need it. There are some of US who've incarnated so many times as humans we feel comfortable in that realm and it's the most "real" to US when we're in the body. When we leave the body in what humans call "death" we turn right around and come back, despite all of the challenges of being human, because we LOVE GAIA so much!!

After my "tour of the Universes" and my "reorientation and integration" is complete, it's most likely, though not guaranteed, I'll come back again as a human. Although part of ME, you understand, as when we're in a body not all of US is in the body---that part known as "Leslie Goldman" will come back to Gaia as a new human; the larger "Universal Self" will still be doing "other things" simultaneously, only the "new human" won't know that----well, maybe this is changing. The part of ME that was "Leslie" would like to remember what its' like to be "out of the body" so as to tell other humans all about it. Mostly "I" want other humans to really know WHO THEY ARE, and to relax on the Earth in their bodies, and ENJOY themselves while they're there. Enjoy Gaia. Love Gaia as She loves US. Things are changing on the Earth---optimism for the future of the planet is not misplaced. The challenge is the "time perspective"---when we're in human bodies, everything seems to be progressing so very s---l---ow--- ly, yet when we're completely out of the body, as "I" am now, generations of humans coming and going on the planet in birth and death and rebirth goes by "quickly"---again the perception of Time is NOT the same out of the body as in.

Gaia really is a "jewel among planets"---"I" have "traveled"/am "traveling" around all of Creation and I have to say Gaia Earth is one of the most beautiful planets I've ever seen! Blue Green Water planet. How can we resist Her? She pulls US back, again and again. Our collective human-Gaia consciousness continues to evolve and becomes "more aware" all of the time. Humans are "making progress" towards resolving human ills, albeit "too slow" for your sensibilities and for many other "Earth changers" on the planet. "I" won't tell you to "be patient" as that is not in the nature of humans! It really is "full steam ahead" to bring on the changes humanity has longed for, for millennia. Give it another generation or two. You'll see, and you will "see" as you, and "I", in new bodies, will likely be there to usher in the New Age! "1,000 years of Peace", as ME, as "Leslie Gold-Man" used to say.

Make it so! It will be so. You will see. You will.

(Thank you Leslie for the reassurance. Things are looking pretty "yucky" on the planet now, although I know it's temporary. We're in the "muck" of the "old systems" breaking down and the "new systems" starting up. Not easy to witness. I can only hope for a positive change!)

That is what WE hope for, as well. Cheering you humans on---see, I really AM a "Cosmic Cheerleader" now! Ha Ha!

(How much influence, if any, would you and the rest of US have, to help shape events on Gaia Earth?)

Well, WE don't, really, unless we're actually on the planet in bio-bodies. It's a "hands off" kind of thing. We can give guidance, "nudges" here and there, we can "cheer lead" but we can't really come to the planet and "boss" humans around---free choice, you know.

(Like the "Prime Directive" in Star Trek?)

Yea---you know that one. For instance, when I'm in a body, or the part of me is in a body, the part of me that's not in a body can give the "body-me" guidance, ideas, inspirations....but it's up to the "body-me" to act upon choice to act, or not act. do, or not do. contemplate, or not. It's part of the set-up "WE" arranged before WE came into it as humans. Why can't "WE" communicate with the "body-me"---WE do, but sometimes---a lot of times, actually, the "body-me" acts alone, or pushes aside the communication, or doesn't believe it, or "blocks" the energy flow. Humans are funny that way. They long to "speak" to "God", but when "God" comes calling, they don't believe it! Ha Ha!

But this is slowly changing. As said before, Gaia Earth is one of the planets that's evolving---Gaia consciousness and human consciousness are linked, and evolving together. Gaia is supportive of change, too---She wants to see humans at peace and harmony---humans are as much Her "children" as are the other species/Beings on earth, and She loves them as a mother human loves her children, even when those children "act out" horribly, as humans have.

Give it time---how much time? you ask---you will see changes for the better, within 30 years, you will.

(will you guarantee that?)

of course not! Ha Ha! It's up to humans, after all. So we end for now! Love Love Love Love Love!

"Leslie Speaks" Part 1: The first of a week-long communication with Your Enchanted Gardener after he transitioned June 18, 2020. In Part 1, Leslie talks about being in the "inbetween".

"Leslie Speaks" Part 2: Continuing the week-long communication with Your Enchanted Gardener, Leslie Goldman, after he transitioned. In Part 2, Leslie discusses Creation.

"Leslie Speaks" Part 3: Continuing the week-long communication with Your Enchanted Gardener, Leslie Goldman, after he transitioned. In part 3, Leslie answers questions about Angels and God.

"Leslie Speaks" Part 5: The final post of the week-long communication with Your Enchanted Gardener, Leslie Goldman, after he transitioned. In Part 5, Leslie discusses Giving Thanks.

"Leslie Speaks": One's Own Truth : A postscript from Leslie following his "Leslie Speaks" communication.

"Your Enchanted Gardener Passes" : Your Enchanted Gardener, AKA Leslie Goldman, transitioned on June 18, 2020. This is his niece's moving eulogy to her beloved "Uncle Leslie" on the 5th month anniversary of his passing.











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