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A Critical Commentary Re: The "Rights Sphere" of R. Steiner
(Son of Truth of Self)

A Critical Commentary Re: The "Rights Sphere" of R. Steiner by Chef JeM .....

The (Non-existing) Threefold Social Order

Date:   10/16/2019 12:46:21 AM ( 5 y ago)

April 25, 2024 - Our Present Need For A Healthy Social Sphere -

The following is this writer's perception of what Rudolf Steiner had presented regarding: "The Three-fold Social Order." Here is a concept that deserves to be worked with as reality is appearing to correspond with it! This concept needs to be seen as a kind of outline that this writer suggests not in a diminishing way but rather to underscore the need to shape the concept to our present time needs that are unique in every way, locally, nationally and from the many perspectives regarding globally.

For those who have not been introduced to the "3-Fold" concept before - the outline consists of three primary spheres of influence at play in the world: the Economic Sphere, the Rights Sphere (largely represented by some form of governmental-type agencies) and the Social Sphere.

This writer recognizes the need to shape a view of the overall relationship between these three spheres starting initially from the perspective of the Social Sphere. His reasoning for this is extensively covered in the majority of most all of his dozen or so bLogs here at CureZone and most especially here at "Son of Truth of Self."

In a nutshell it is primarily and fundamentally within and from the Social Sphere that the other two spheres are created. The verifiable historical record for this statement is well-documented for the formation of the "Rights Sphere" when considered in forming: the "governmental-type agencies" (See: The Four Organic Laws, etc.)

With regards to the "Economic Sphere" that is largely a different story given the fact that originally "We The People" had stipulated our own monetary system in specific terms defining what our actual "Money" is. This monetary system was accepted as our protected Right, and in practice for over a full century before another system essentially, secretly, worked its way into the political back door of the "Rights Sphere" and within a couple decades eventually replaced our Rightful economic system. This occurred secretly and by fraudulent means and it needs to be corrected now. That system is not self-correcting and because the "governmental-type agencies" are dependent upon that system that realm also will not be correcting it. One way or another it is up to "We The People" to do the correcting as we are actually the employers of the "governmental-type agencies."

Our Social Sphere now needs support in a number of ways in order to take up the most honorable work that lies before virtually all of us (speaking from the perspective as a free American, living on American land and soil, and identified with what America truly stands for in distinction from all the incorporated legal fictions that have taken on various "colors of law" in names that although appear to be associated with/for America are in truth and reality not American! (See the other posts at this Blog regarding the reality of this.)

The Social Sphere is essentially the home where we the people live! We the people use the two spheres quintessentially as service providers. We are the employers and the service providers are our employees. We therefore need to recover our full Rightful capacity as employers and do our very best to have the right employer to employee relations in all instances of any service provider services that are provider to us and elsewhere in our name/s.

In order to fulfill our capacity in the above referenced functions there are now essentials within our own Social Sphere that deserve our attention. This writer now points to the following three (among others also previous pointed to):
Our relationship with Nature (includes all of our natural environments), our intentions and our interpersonal relations for "community" most especially for community-building.

Extending right-relations into the other two spheres begins with us extending right relations among ourselves. We need to learn what it takes to build authentic, self-regenerative community. We will need right intention to accomplish this. Our motivation can be supported and founded upon our relationship with Nature and for the sake of of all our environments wherever we may live, work, play regenerate, etc. Altogther we have a three-fold "social order": as a microcosm of that which has been outlined for the world however in our realm it is truly ours! Our right relations with the world begins within our social sphere and is supported by Nature, Intention and Community! All of these are referred to in our first Organic Law most commonly known as: The Declaration of Independence.

If we take a deep dive into American history (as well as her-story) we find that the creation of what was originally our American government specifically for the purpose of protection of our Rights was an evolutionary process that began with/in our own social sphere and this has been referred to as having begun around "mother's kitchen table." Thus her/his-story is essential to be aware of, to begin to understand where life come from, through and for what purpose as it points us to principals that are unavoidable truths of who we are as both individuals and as a people and what we need and must recover of our capacities in order to be in right relation with the rest of our world.

Understanding Mother Nature can help us in this recovery process and help us find fulfillment by returning to her/his-story again - to the Organic Law where it refers to: "The Laws of Nature and Nature's God."
The meaning of these quoted words appears to have omitted through the generations of public schooling and consequently resulted in a dangerous disconnect with life in many ways is setting off alarms for those who still can hear them!

Simply speaking our life-giving relationships must be recovered without which we die! Our intentions need to have course corrections to bring us back into the living stream of life. The course correction of intent can be re-chosen in an instant! To have this kind of course correction a "thought reversal" is considered to be a miracle. We need this miracle now! "Authentic, self-regenerative, community-building also includes intent and is another miracle we need now!

We are the miracle workers! Our very first miracle is to open our hearts and minds to realize this now!

September 19, 2020 - The Three-fold Nature of 'Political-legal Life' Sphere -

A Comment originally offered at the blog of "Outlaw Anthroposophist": Joel Wendt:

The "fulcrum of our time" is most definitely worthy of our attention, our sustained contemplation and deepest understanding. I wish to offer some additional perspective/s in the spirit of Steiner's suggestion to have twelve perspectives on any matter of importance.

The "political-legal life also three-folded into State, Media, and Citizen." Although there is truth to this statement it deserves to be seen within the light of the Organic Law as a devolution from an original "three-fold"[i] From the Organic Law perspective what is truly needed now is the reconstruction of "the States of America." "Reconstruction" was never completed after the conflict known as the "Civil War" and consequently the remaining two elements of the "original 'three-fold' 'political-legal life'" filled in the gap with their interests that included the "devolution" "into State, Media, and Citizen." Attempts to pursue any righteous remedy within this version of "political-legal life" may at best make for great entertainment but at what cost? .........

The American people deserve much more than a media circus! "Bread and circus" was what marked the final days of the "Roman Empire". We don't have to continue repeating that scenario! The time is ripe now for greater awakening as to who and what we are! The natural-born American is not a "citizen" of the "devolution into State" as that entity proclaimed in their so-called "14th Amendment"! All legal "words of art" need to be cleared of the beliefs that were programmed into the minds of children who attended public schools.[ii] This blog-writer highly recommends clearing our terms as an excellent place to start if we wish to have true dialogue with one another. As one Anthroposophist has said "Dialogue is the new community. Without dialogue the door to psychopathy is left open."[iii]


October 15, 2019 -

“The ‘middle sphere’ of rights and law[1] should be governed by the principle of … equality, and Steiner insisted unequivocally, at a time when many were unsure, that democracy is the only appropriate political form.[2] This is the proper sphere of politics,[6] and the only sphere in which politics should be determinative;[7] moreover, Steiner also locates here not only labor and the wages of labor, which he views as fundamental human rights,[3] but also – even more surprisingly – money and banks, whose proper function is to allocate capital justly for the good of all.[5] Steiner’s thoughts on money are fascinating: …[4] [8]


[1] This 21st century American writer (and researcher of anthroposophical subjects) reserves his Rights to challenge the idea of a “sphere of rights and law.” As an idealist in his own Right - he recognizes that the reality of such a sphere does not actually exist now in America and he does not see the likelihood that such a sphere will be co-created of, by and for the American people until the people awaken from their life-long conditioning under the legal corporate fictions that masquerade as the people’s government. In other words there is no “justice” in what amounts to as the “legal” sphere and the corporate groups in the world that operate this sphere are operating Lawlessly with impunity. Consequentially the “Rights” of the American people are at least ignored, often rejected and at time violently suppressed - all under the color of law!

The truth of the matter is that the American people have disregarded the warnings of their forefathers to be eternally vigilant for their freedom. Nevertheless the people can recover right knowledge of The Law, of their Unalienable Rights which include all the Rights necessary for their dejure self-government, just as the founding fathers had originally intended (before they encountered the slippery slope descending down into “politics.”

As far as this writer/researcher can tell these fundamental American Principals of self-government are not fully addressed where they are possibly most needed now - in the American studies of Waldorf High Schools.

[2] Who can say what nations of people (if any) Steiner may have been referring to with regards to “Democracy.” One thing is certain in America and that is “democracy” is not an “appropriate political form” for the American people - because “Democracy” was absolutely rejected by the founding fathers. The founding fathers realized that self-government that is most truly “of, by and for” the American people is “republican in form.” Democracy is utterly incapable of securing “equality” for the people. This is why there is no mention of any “democracy” in the Organic Laws!

[3] From the perspective of Law (based on The 4 Organic Laws for the United States of America) and the perspective of unalienable Rights (as declared in the first Organic Law: The Declaration of Independence) the only “rights” that people have are their God-given Unalienable Rights which are Common Law Rights. Under Common Law the people can make private agreements/contracts with others and as such they have a right to private “trade” as well as forming their own private trade associations, unincorporated organizations and the like. However - if their “labor" involves the US government or occurs in any federal territorial or municipal jurisdiction then there are no “rights” to be recognized because those federal realms are under the exclusive legislation of Congress which grants what may best be identified as “privileges” rather than “rights.” The Jefferson Memorial set the matter in concrete when it most essentially altered the Declaration of Independence by translating “Unalienable Rights” to “inalienable rights”. There’s a world of difference between “unalienable” and “inalienable” as there is a world of difference between “Rights” and “privileges”.

[4] From the present day perspective of this 21st century writer (and others) there is no “money.” Although the Constitution of September 17, 1787 stipulated no other “money” but gold and silver, FDR got American’s gold. The “Federal Reserve Notes were declared “legal tender.” In the beginning these notes were supposedly backed by gold and now they are backed essentially by oil (however that is now questionable). In any case Federal Reserve Notes (FRNs) are most certainly not money! FRNs are only notes of debt and they are part of a system that in reality is destroying the lives of millions of Americans (loss of home from fraudulent mortgage defaults) as well as the lives of many millions of other nations of people (See: “Confessions of an Economic Hit Man”).

If any one wants true equity of Rights in regards to “money” then they will have to face the true nature of this monetary system, as well as the private banks that are based on that system. The notion of applying a so-called anthroposophical idea onto the existing monetary system (that Woodrow Wilson bitterly deeply regretted having endorsed and that JFK was assassinated in part - for due to his Executive Order to issue United States Notes without the fed’s embedded debt virus) deserves to be examined and re-considered. Before imagining some kind of economic equality we will need personal transformation and a re-creation in our thinking, feeling and willing in regards to “Rights and Law” and then maybe we can co-create the recovery of our Lawful Right-imbued “sphere.”

[5] The possibility for a complete resolution that is urgently needed regarding all the fraud, duress, etc. inherent in the federal reserve private banking system can only manifest in a totally different form of banking that comes into Lawful existence by firstly being chartered by original States (Maine, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, Texas, etc.) and that has all of its real money based on actual hard assets. That will require the people who live on the land and soil in that state to recover their true standing as Americans (vs either their US citizenship or their citizenship of the US) and reclaim their state’s land and soil jurisdiction (vs the federally “franchised” fictitious corporation dba the state of _________.

[6] "Of The Four Organic Laws, The Declaration Of Independence and Articles Of Confederation foster freedom and The Northwest Ordinance and Constitution Of September 17, 1787 establish Politics and that is why Freedom and Politics Don't Mix." (Posted on July 16, 2011 by Dr. Ed Rivera, founder of the Organic Laws Institute and this writer’s foundational teacher in the Organic Laws of The United States of America).

"Freedom is defined in Black’s Law Dictionary 4th Ed. as, 'The state of being free; liberty; self-determination; absence of restraint; the opposite of slavery.' Politics is defined in Black’s Law Dictionary 4th Ed. as, 'The science of government; the art or practice of administering public affairs.'

My Students learn how to use the foundational and basic law the Organic Laws of the United States of America to define themselves as free inhabitants under the authority of the Articles of Confederation of November 15, 1777. Historians, alleged legal scholars and conventional wisdom must claim the Articles of Confederation repealed or replaced by the Constitution of September 17, 1787, but that fourth Organic Law merely permits the fake federal courts to refer to the Articles of Confederation as the federal Constitution. The Articles of Confederation of November 15, 1777 is the first and true Constitution of the United States of America.

Don’t be confused by written law. Learn the Masonic secrets planted in the Constitution of September 17, 1787 and the rest of the Organic Laws of the United States of America."

Chef Jemichel (Ed's student) says:
August 20, 2019 -

Thank you Ed for the thought: “Freedom and Politics Don’t Mix”!
It deserves sufficient contemplation to fully realize the truth of this!

In addition to Black’s definitions the non-legal definition for politics is also worth including here:
“the activities associated with the governance of a country or other area, especially the debate or conflict among individuals or parties having or hoping to achieve power.”

Due to the possibility that men can express their lower human nature I reckon it was inevitable that politics entered the arena of “governance.” That “fact of life” only underscores why this student is all-grateful for receiving the lessons on Freedom and that the first two Organic Laws foster our unalienable Right to choose to be self-governing as free inhabitants!:

[7] In America (and in light of the Organic Laws) “politics” has no Lawful business to determine anything at all for the American people! The people can determine for themselves virtually everything according to their best interests.

[8] From: “being human” - a quarterly publication of the Anthroposophical Society in America, 1923 Geddes Avenue, Ann Arbor, MI 48104 View it online at

For more information see the articles of Anna von Reitz and Dr. Edward Rivera/Organic Laws Institute.


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