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Why You Should Not Trust Medical Experts
(ABCs of Conscious Evolution)

Why You Should Not Trust Medical Experts by luckman .....

In the realm of medicine, placing inordinate amounts of trust in designated experts is one symptom of our collective complacency. Most people seem to prefer to outsource our intelligence and capacity for critical thought to someone else, someone we have been conditioned to trust.

Date:   8/28/2017 10:32:32 AM ( 7 y ago)

Brendan D. Murphy

Is it just me or are “free countries” like the US and Australia increasingly suffering from epidemics of human complacency, gullibility, and laziness?

These are the traits that breed tyranny in all its “glory.” In the realm of medicine, placing inordinate amounts of trust in designated “experts” is one symptom of our collective complacency. Most people seem to prefer to outsource our intelligence and capacity for critical thought to someone else, someone we’ve been conditioned to trust.

For example: “We asked an expert what would happen if no one got vaccinated and this is what they said, etc., etc.”

Asking “an expert” in this kind of context is an appeal to authority, a basic logical fallacy.

It’s a very appealing way out of actually investigating a subject in depth and thinking for oneself (appealing for some people, that is). Appealing to the authority of an “expert” is just too tempting for many chemically-addled humans at this point. Why painstakingly develop your own sophisticated viewpoint when you can just parrot what an “expert” has pronounced from on high without a second thought? They must know what they’re talking about, right? Why else would they be appearing on TV or radio as an “expert”?

Instead of placing all of your faith in someone promoted as an “expert,” how about something like this:

I investigated for myself and assessed the merits of arguments put forward by MANY “experts”, I learned HISTORY, I read scientific papers, studied clinical evidence and the testimony of endless insiders/whistleblowers, I listened to thousands of bereaved parents, investigated the Vaccine Injury Compensation Payouts ($3.5 billion and counting) and how hard it is to actually achieve justice, I studied the politics of medicine and vaccination (as well as human psychology), I weighed the evidence from all angles, and reached logical conclusions based on said evidence—far too much to get into in a short blog post.

But don’t worry, I’m sure your single “expert” knows what’s going on and should be completely blindly trusted, just like a Catholic would trust the Pope.

Vaccines, historically, were NEVER crucial in protecting ANY form of society, “developed” or otherwise. The idea of vaccines is to simulate the natural immunity acquired by a community’s contact with a disease—the evidence that vaccines work as advertised is, pardon my French, piss poor. Historians know that sanitation, hygiene, quarantine, water filtration, and better nutrition are to thank for the eradication and/or control of diseases and the reductions in mortality. All of the major reductions in disease mortality happened BEFORE vaccines were introduced as a result of these methods and interventions in living conditions, and moreover, there were some diseases whose mortality rates dropped in parallel and yet there was no vaccine even developed for them! What? You mean to say that vaccines have been given undue credit? Oh yes, absolutely.

In reality, vaccines succeeded in creating a raft of new diseases and harm (encephalitis, paralysis, developmental delays, autoimmunity, genetic damage, and on the list goes), a fact which is actively suppressed by the “authorities,” the same people who censor films like VAXXED and demonise anyone who asks legitimate QUESTIONS as they promote a cult-like ideology and social movement that promotes blind acquiescence over and above critical thinking and investigation.

In Australia we have reached the point where we value sacrosanct medical ideology over individuality, independent thought, and integrity in medicine. We value medical dogma over freedom, in point of fact, or the “authorities” do at least.

The Truth about Experts

“Experts” are people promoted by the pharmaceutical/medical Establishment to reinforce entrenched politically correct medical dogmas that tend, in the case of vaccines, to have little correlation to reality, if any at all. The job of the “expert” is merely to reinforce the lucrative status quo created by a multi-billion dollar industry.

Do you think industry will give that up voluntarily by admitting the truth? Why do you think industry fought so long to control medical education, hmm? In-doctor-ination! Imagine having hordes of mind-controlled board-certified shills out there pedaling your toxic wares for you and calling it “best practice medicine”!


Imagine if, at the same time, they also demonised and diminished the value of all of your economic competition?

Double cha-ching!

If you can’t overcome your egoic investment in the PC version of reality for your own sake, at least do it for the children who rely on adults to protect them from junk science and shitty medicine.

The Logic of Forced Medicine in a “Free Country”

There is a disturbing social undercurrent of medical zealotry in some nations, including both America and the Land Down Under. Some people just don’t seem to comprehend that you can’t have both “freedom” AND compulsory medical interventions. In the West it is a joke what we kid ourselves as constituting “freedom.” People push for mandatory vaccination and punitive measures for those who choose differently for their families, and at the same time have the dimwittedness to adhere to the “we’re a free country” fable.


It may have been once—and it could be again—but not through the coercive powers of government as it enforces medical tyranny by removing the freedom to CHOOSE. Without free choice there is only violence, coercion, extortion, and mind control. (Mind control is essential to getting the public to the point of fastening the chains to their own ankles, or in this case, campaigning for the erosion of freedom by forced medicine.)

You can’t have it both ways.

When you advocate for mandatory medicine, you advocate for medical tyranny—and you do it against the best available evidence.

Freedom means facing the unknowns and uncontrollables of life and having the capacity and the RIGHT to choose the responses to those challenges (real or imagined) that make the most sense to you. Freedom means that you can make that choice without fear of punishment or retribution (by government or anyone else); otherwise all you really have is a dilemma, not free choice.

You’re stuck between a rock and a hard place and all the while your government insults your intelligence by discouraging personal investigation, posing as the definitive arbiters of “truth”—truth that is just so self-evidently “true” that you’d have to be a crazy conspiracy theorist to exercise the audacity to dare researching the foundations of that “truth”… right? Because only baby killers are skeptical of government and medical authority figures, right? Only irresponsible luddites would investigate these things for themselves, right?

Only fans of disease epidemics could possibly entertain the thought of sustained personal investigation into narratives offered by government as gospel … right? Only paranoiacs would entertain neurotic thoughts causing them to want to assess the evidence on which medical authorities and government spokespeople base their opinions … right?

Which side of history do we want to stand on in the end?

Totalitarian regimes rely on many of the psychological and behavioural traits exhibited by people who are hostile to questioning the medical status quo: blind faith, unquestioning loyalty to the “leadership,” high levels of trust, fear of the unknown, abdication of responsibility for thoughts and decision-making, the subconscious drive to conveniently lay the blame for society’s ills on a subset of dissenters who raise questions or exhibit considered scepticism, and so on.

It’s just so much easier to be on the bandwagon than have the gumption, nous, initiative, and courage to critique the bandwagon ideology … until it’s YOUR child that the medical system damages and betrays, like the millions of others.

Unfortunately then it’s too late, and you yourself become a statistic: one of the many parents who bitterly regrets their blind faith in the featured “experts” of the medical system, experts who cannot help you undo the damage, and worse, will deny all responsibility and connection to it in the first place.

Freedom means having the option of not playing this sick game.

This article was first published and is copyrighted by Global Freedom Movement. It is republished here with permission.

Co-founder of Global Freedom Movement and host of GFM RadioBrendan DMurphy is a leading Australian author, researcher, activist, and musician. His acclaimed nonfiction epic, THE GRAND ILLUSION: A SYNTHESIS OF SCIENCE & SPIRITUALITY, is out now! Come and get your mind blown at

DISCLAIMER: This article is not intended to provide medical advice, diagnosis, treatment, promises, or guarantees. Consult your healthcare provider before taking action regarding any medical information presented. Opinions expressed here do not necessarily reflect those of Sol Luckman.



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