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Art,Dreaming,and Visions
(Dreaming a New Reality)

Art,Dreaming,and Visions by lfire .....

This past month of May has been filled with dreams, visions, art, and strange occurrences.

Date:   6/1/2017 4:46:33 PM ( 7 y ago)

"MAGIC" by LFIRE(c)2017 mixed media collage

Into the Darkness:

Today we Celebrate an Ascension of new possibility. That there is a new possibility is the thing that propels me to keep inquiring further and further into more dreams and visions. It is that possibility that has recently shown me other past lives and explained to me some of the reasons why I have been so attracted to certain religious (?) practices (Magic) and why symbols have been such a fascination to me through the years.

We are called to Dream knowing that the Darkness of our Unknown is a place where a Light is Always Shining. Humanity's destiny is to gain the willingness and courage to face the Darkness of our Unknown as the Way to Find the Light that would lead us through. It has been the darkness that has followed me through most of my life. I had to learn how to deal with it, how to keep going in the midst of it. How to find my way even while trying to traverse it. I'm doing my best to see the sometimes murky visions that peeked through that darkness, although I often thought that my "best" was never good enough. Why does it seem that I was not (and am not) shown those lives and times of complete joy and clear visions and direction?

We were Empowered by the Deer, the Hand of God, who holds every Spiritual Tool it's ever used. Oh DEER! One of my totems! I recently got a vision of an art piece that I may try to make as soon as I can get the materials.

Deer, who seems to be an eternal way-shower that seems to have hidden itself so well that even I could not see it. So quiet, so gentle...I wonder if she is showing up in the far background of my art (behind the scenes)?

The tools of Spirit! I get glimpses and wonder how to use them, hiding them in my heart, saying that I will look closer at them "sometime" (which often seems never to come). I feel that I am on borrowed time, that the illusion of time just interrupts the flow of Spirit that shows me the "future", the visions that I don't understand yet. Why am I shown these things, NOW?

I often feel things "about" to happen. I seem to understand things that others can't even perceive. I keep quiet as I know I seem "crazy" as others don't have a glimmer of what I "see".

An Internal Shift:

Something has shifted. Something has changed. I no longer wish to leave this planet. I feel something brewing. Something has changed and I need to be here. I'm not sure what it is. I feel weird.

Suddenly I need to do art. I feel inspired. I got a painting and a blank canvas at the thrift store and tore up the painting and while at the thrift store got an interesting printed pillow case and tore that up and put pieces of it along with some of the pieces of the painting on the blank canvas. Then painted solely by inspiration. Got it all done in one sitting.

Then there were the cats:

A while ago I was sitting watching TV and saw a blur of something moving. A while later, I saw a "ghostly" cat by the wall near my bed. It was a cat for sure, although it really looked more "not really there" and was more of a grayish version; I could not tell its color but "felt" it was an orange tabby. Then I could not see it. In a few minutes I felt the cat jump on my bed. It sat near my feet for awhile, then it jumped off. I looked but it was gone.

A few days ago, I had shut off the lights and was relaxing getting ready for sleep. I must have fallen asleep as I dreamed that there was a cat that walked from under my bed and was walking toward my room door. The dream was so real that I thought I was awake. Seeing a cat there was so real that it surprised me so much it woke me up. For a minute I thought it was real and half expected to see a cat there by my bed. This cat was very solid looking like a real cat and was a grey striped cat. I was half afraid to look in case it was really there. But I did look and it was not there.

Then there was the lizard:

I found a small lizard in my bathroom sink. All last summer there were small frogs showing up in my bathroom sink, even after a plumber worked on the pipes; he could not find anywhere they could get into the pipes or sink plumbing. Near the end of the summer they didn't show up anymore. Now I find a small lizard in the bathroom sink! I wonder if more will show up!!

Now I am being obsessed by the vision of an art piece made out of wire. It is sort of woven wire and other stuff. It keeps me awake and I dream about it. I have to get the stuff to make it before it drives me crazy.

There are lots of other things lurking around but I'm unsure what they are so far.

Noises in the night:

Living in an older mobile home, there are always odd creeks and noises. Recently we had huge wind storms that blew off a lot of our shingles. We had put up a lot of plastic sheeting to keep the roof from leaking, and they are weighted down by large bags of dirt. When heavy winds show up, those bags of dirt roll around sounding like someone walking around on the roof. All these sounds are "normal" and don't cause alarm at all.

But this night, I had already shut off my light and was relaxing to go to sleep. I was jolted by a HUGE sound right next to my bed. The force of whatever made that sound was so great, the bed shook. It sounded like a huge timber breaking or some really big metal structure falling. At first I was afraid to turn on the light to look to see what had happened. I cautiously peeked around in the dark. I could see the outline of everything and it all looked OK. So I turned on the light, not knowing what to expect.

What? Everything looked fine. I got up and looked everywhere for something that had fallen or was out of place. Nope. Everything looked fine! My heart was racing while I looked around even more. I could not imagine what had caused that horrible noise and the bed shaking. But no, I could not find anything that was out of place or that had fallen.

Needless to say, I did not get any sleep that night. I kept half expecting something else to happen. But nothing happened.

What the X%^*%&%*& is going on????
First cats, then a lizard, now this huge, horrible noise???

Visions of drumming:

Lately I have been having quick, short dreams and visions of me playing drums. No...not those kind of drums. These are unique drums. One of the is called a "Hang drum"; it is handmade by Swiss makers and is VERY expensive (thousands of dollars). I had heard one played many years ago. I loved the sound. I loved the ease of playing it. I didn't love the price.

So many years later, in the NOW.... I started having dreams about that drum. Thinking that maybe the price had gone down, I looked on eBay. Yes, the price was less, but still over a thousand dollars! I decided to look around on the Internet and found "hand-pan drums" which are made like the hang drum, but a lot cheaper! Then I saw a YouTube video with an African wood drum which I fell in love with!! There was a large selection and range of prices depending on how many notes you wanted ....the more notes, the higher the price. Fine. I kept on searching.

More dreams and visions later..... I could not stand it anymore so went back on YouTube and found a video on African wood drums ("tongue drum") with lots of notes (8)...Cheap!! OK, Spirit, you win. I ordered it. Now I am waiting to order the hand pan drum, but so far the smaller less expensive ones have a higher sound which I am not fond of, so we will see what happens.

Drum Arrives:

The wood drum came. What a disappointment! The tone was really bad and several of the notes were flat! I was so unhappy I ended up returning it. I'm not sure why it turned out this way. So far I am not inclined to try to get a different drum. Now I am seeing short visions of a Shamanic drum with chants that go with it; I'm not sure if I will try to afford this drum, although I have seen visions of it many times over the years.

Assemblage Art for upcoming show:
"Princess/Slave" by LFIRE (c)2017

This assemblage is a doll head painted black; re-bar holds the head up. There is a black jet beaded piece around the neck. She sits in a vintage coffee tin. No care was given to their tribal status when people were stolen to work in cotton, tobacco and coffee plantations; this piece gives honor to all those who became slaves.
"The Sentinel" by LFIRE (c)2017

Assemblage; the Silver Guardian watches over everything.

More Recent Blogs:

NEW! Poetry, Art, Drumming, Dreaming:

Art:"Hiding"/Time is an illusion

Art Visioning:

Shamanic Visioning:

Solstice/New Year's Thoughts:


****Random Acts With Art

****Art is Breathing:


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