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There Is No Liberty With Innocents in Prison!
(Son of Truth of Self)

There Is No Liberty With Innocents in Prison! by Chef JeM .....

We implore President Trump to grant pardons to these aforementioned people and restore them to their families.

Date:   2/12/2017 8:07:01 PM ( 7 y ago)

July 21, 2017 -

I just signed this petition:

February 12, 2017 -

"National Timeout Day"


18 March 2017 Contact: CSPOA

The Freedom Coalition announces "National Timeout Day" to free political prisoners in the US. The Freedom Coalition ( is a nationwide group of professionals and average Americans who have united to call for the release of many people who are currently in prison or who have been victimized by federal bureaucracies for violating unlawful regulations and rules that have not been passed by congress.

The original open letter to President Trump, Congress, the Attorney General, and other authorities, along with the list of Coalition members, which include congressmen, Judge Andrew Napolitano, and others, may be found on the Coalition website.

According to today's official announcement of the National Timeout Day, "The People of America are hereby calling for a National Timeout Day for April 1, 2017 (No Fooling!) a day when all politicians and the media, and all Americans stop talking about Russia, Health Care, Wiretapping, Tax Returns, Immigration, or which leader is lying, and focus on one issue; returning jailed innocent Americans to their families!!!"

The announcement also lists several of the people that need to be freed. One example is:

"Sam Girod[3], an Amish farmer in Kentucky, has been fending off the FDA for five years. He was recently arrested and now sits in a federal prison. What was his crime? Sam Girod actually made a healing salve out of Chickweed and shared it with people in need. He was stripped from his family and now faces life in prison!

Donations to defray costs of lobbying Congress may be made on the website also.

Action Requested: Open Letter to President Trump

We hope you will sign and send the following letter to President Trump on behalf of the freedom coalition and our neighbors we are working so hard to free. You may copy and paste the below or find a link to the document below, available for download. Thank you all for your support in this critical effort.

Dear President Trump,

I hereby request your immediate assistance and intervention in putting a stop to the injustices befalling numerous Americans, who are now in prison as a result of out-of-control federal regulations. These victimized Americans have not committed any crimes, have harmed no other human being, and are good honest people. It appears that their only offense has been to offend federal bureaucrats, who have in turn done all in their power to make examples of otherwise law-abiding citizens. Mr. President, I respectfully request that you do everything within your power to put an end to these senseless and cruel atrocities. A brief review of only a few of these injustices are as follows:

In November 2016 two Kansans -- Shane Cox and Jeremy Kettler - were convicted of alleged federal firearms violations in the U.S. District Court for the District of Kansas in Wichita. The charges against Cox and Kettler were in conflict with the State's Second Amendment Protection Act, upon which these citizens relied. Their prosecutions were initiated by the U.S. Department of Justice during the administration of President Obama and they have now been convicted of felonies yet have broken no laws.

Steve and Dwight Hammond from Burns, OR, were charged with "Domestic Terrorism" for burning debris and foliage on their family ranch. They were convicted, spent about a year in prison, paid a $400,000 fine (raised by their neighbors, fellow ranchers, and friends) and were then released. The judge said the charges against them "shocked the conscience of this court." The federal gov't appealed their "light" sentences and the Ninth Circuit sent these good people back to prison, essentially giving Dwight Hammond, now 76 years old, a life sentence. Both men went to prison twice for the same offense.

June 5, 2018 Update: The pardon for Dwight and Steven Hammond is in President Trump’s office. It is critical that we IMMEDIATELY gather as many signatures as possible to show support of their pardon. Please follow the link and sign the petition and then confirm your signature via email.

Follow this link to sign the White House Petition to pardon the Hammonds: URL:[4]

Sam Girod, an Amish farmer in Kentucky, has been fending off the FDA for five years. He was recently arrested and now sits in a federal prison. What was his crime? Sam Girod made a healing salve out of Chickweed and shared it with people in need. He was stripped from his family and now faces life in prison!

53 ranchers in Clarke County, NV, have all been run out of business and their lands and cattle confiscated by the BLM, U S Forest Service, and Obama executive orders, completely violating the U.S. Constitution and the Declaration of Independence. (Victims are Americans of all races and colors)

Kenneth Wright had his home raided and ransacked in Stockton, CA by the Dept of Education SWAT Team, because his estranged wife failed to pay back her student loan. He did not go to prison, but was placed in a hot patrol cruiser for 6 hours while the SWAT team raided his home to "search for evidence." This federal SWAT mentality (Dept of Ed.) has got to stop.

Such arrests and abuses are the result of bureaucrats creating criminals. If America is to be great again, as you have pledged, then this cannot continue. Mr. President, we implore you to grant pardons to these people and restore them to their families. Thank you for your time on this critical matter.

First, Last Name
City, State, Zip

For Immediate Release: February 1st, 2017

We The People of The United States of America, do hereby request the immediate assistance and intervention by President Donald J Trump, the U S Congress, the U S Attorney General, media outlets, churches, civic groups, and all freedom organizations, to join together in stopping the injustices befalling numerous Americans, who are now in prison as a result of out-of-control federal regulations. These victimized Americans have not committed any crimes, have harmed no other human being, and are good honest people. It appears that their only offense has been to offend federal bureaucrats, who have in turn done all in their power to make examples of otherwise law-abiding citizens. We beg the President and all public servants to put an end to these senseless and cruel atrocities. A brief review of only a few of these injustices are as follows:

* Steve and Dwight Hammond from Burns, OR, were charged with “Domestic Terrorism” for burning debris and foliage on their family ranch. They were convicted, spent about a year in prison, paid a $400,000 fine (raised by their neighbors, fellow ranchers, and friends) and were then released. The judge said the charges against them “shocked the conscience of this court.” The federal gov't appealed their “light” sentences and the Ninth Circuit sent these good people back to prison, essentially giving Dwight Hammond, now 76 years old, a life sentence. Both men went to prison twice for the same offense.

* Sam Girod, an Amish farmer in Kentucky, has been fending off the FDA for five years. He was recently arrested and now sits in a federal prison. What was his crime? Sam Girod actually made a healing salve out of Chickweed and shared it with people in need. He was stripped from his family and now faces life in prison![2]

* Kenneth Wright had his home raided and ransacked in Stockton, CA by the Dept of Education SWAT Team, because his estranged wife failed to pay back her student loan. He did not go to prison, but was placed in a hot patrol cruiser for 6 hours while the SWAT team raided his home to “search for evidence.” This federal SWAT mentality (Dept of Ed.) has got to stop. (Video is available on youtube)

* 53 ranchers in Clarke County, NV, have all been run out of business and their lands and cattle confiscated by the BLM, U S Forest Service, and Obama executive orders, completely violating the U S Constitution and the Declaration of Independence. (Victims are Americans of all races and colors)

* Other Amish farmers have undergone similar abuses and SWAT raids, because they do not pasteurize their dairy products. We likewise want the gov't to leave these good people alone and to allow Americans to choose their own dairy products from whomever they wish. (A definition of liberty)

* In Kansas, Shane Cox, who currently has a daughter serving our country as a Marine, and Jeremy Kettler, a disabled Veteran, were both charged and arrested. Cox for manufacturing a firearm suppressor, and Kettler for buying one. Both actions are allowed and protected by Kansas State law. Both were arrested by the BATF, who asked Kettler to testify against Cox. Kettler refused so he was charged also and is now facing prison along with Cox. Both men are entirely innocent.

Such arrests and abuses are the result of bureaucrats creating criminals. If America is to be great again, as President Trump has pledged, then this cannot continue.

Therefore, we solemnly request that an independent committee be established to review all arrests and incarcerations from the IRS, BLM, FDA, BATF, EPA, USFS, and all other bureaucracies, in order to free any similar victims. We have many Americans and public officials who are eager to work on this committee. In the meantime, we implore President Trump to grant pardons to these aforementioned people and restore them to their families.

I just signed the petition:

"There Is No Liberty With Innocents in Prison!"

I really care about this cause, and I'd love it if you joined me in supporting it. It's free and takes just a few seconds of your time.


March 17, 2107 -

Continuing on this same theme with Sheriff Richard Mack:

A Message From The Sheriff -
Richard Mack

The past few weeks have been a virtual emotional roller coaster, with lots of ups and downs. The most recent "down" is the trial this week of Amish farmer Sam Girod. He was found guilty on all 13 counts. Yes you read correctly, 13 counts of felonies no less! I can't even remember all of them, but I do know that fraud and conspiracy were the most prominent charges. He is to be sentenced on June 16th. Remember his crime: making a salve out of chickweed and selling it to people in need

We cannot ignore this good man's plight and the abuse he has received from our own federal government bureaucrats, who claim their only concern is "the safety of the American people." Can any of them or anyone else in our country explain how we are all safer with this Amish farmer in prison? He has never hurt a single person in his entire life! Just so each of you know, Sam Girod faces 48 years in prison, a virtual life sentence.

One piece of good news is that the Governor of Kansas, Sam Brownback, has written a letter to President Trump asking the President to grant a pardon to both Shane Cox and Jeremy Kettler. Of course, as you already know, we, the CSPOA and The Freedom Coalition[1], are asking the President for the same thing, but not just for Cox and Kettler.

Sam Girod, Cox, Kettler and the others on our list are but a few of the hundreds, perhaps thousands, of innocent Americans who have been so ruthlessly attacked and victimized by the Obama administration. We can't allow these Obama victims to remain incarcerated!

Now, it is up to us, you and me, to help our neighbors. Yes in the biblical sense, to be returned to their families and have their lives restored. Thus, we are asking you to do just two things:

First, do one thing to get our letter in front of President Trump. Contact your Senators, members of Congress, Governors, and perhaps the Chairs of the Republican Party, both state and local. Send them our letter, and maybe a copy of Governor Brownback's letter also, and make your voice heard!

Find your Rep HERE:
Find your Senator HERE:

Second, make a donation. We have spent full time on this crusade for the last two months and our funds are depleted. We are not asking for your life or fortune, as the Founders pledged, we are simply asking you to do what you can. There has never been a more Good Samaritan/American cause! Your efforts and talents are going directly to free your innocent neighbors!

Please consider chipping in a few bucks to our (Freedom Coalition Investigative Fund!) GoFundMe account HERE:

Yours in liberty,

Sheriff Mack

The Freedom Coalition just sent Sheriff Mack and will be sending additional teams to Washington D.C. seeking presidential pardons of those who have been victimized by big government regulations. This fund will also support the formation of an independent commission to review the arrest of these ABC bureaucracies that have abused their authority and quell ridiculous over regulation.

Gov. Sam Brownback Requests That President Trump Pardon Cox And Kettler

In a letter dated February 10, 2017, Kansas Governor Sam Brownback requested President Donald J. Trump to pardon two Kansans (Cox and Kettler) who fell victim to the overreaching and abusive policies of the former Obama Administration.

Here is a copy of Gov. Brownback's letter to Trump:

"Dear President Trump,

In November 2016, two Kansans -- Shane Cox and Jeremy Kettler - were convicted of alleged federal firearms violations in the U.S. District Court for the District of Kansas in Wichita. The charges against Cox and Kettler were in conflict with our State's Second Amendment Protection Act, upon which these citizens relied. Their prosecutions were initiated by the U.S. Department of Justice during the administration of President Obama.

Former U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder previously had sought to undermine the Second Amendment rights of Kansans by attacking the Second Amendment Protection Act at the time of its enactment. The unfair prosecutions of Cox and Kettler were no doubt an attempt to further this affront to the State of Kansas and to deter Kansans from the exercise of their constitutional rights. Unfortunately, Cox and Kettler were the unwitting victims in this overreaching Federal attempt to make an example of someone.

Accordingly, I am hereby requesting that you issue a full and complete pardon of Cox and Kettler as to these felony convictions. They should not be subjected to further legal proceedings on these matters, as to which they recently were sentenced to probation, and they should be allowed to return to their former lives. Thank you for your consideration of this matter and your support of the Second Amendment Rights of all Americans.

Sam Brownback


[1] The Freedom Coalition


[3] Update re: Sam Girod -

"On June 30, 2017 in Lexington, KY, Sam Girod, a naive and innocent Amish farmer, was sentenced to 72 months in prison. I am sure you will recall that Girod's crime, according to the federal agents going after him, was that he made a salve without the FDA's permission. That's it! A salve so innocuous that you could make it in your own kitchen. Just so you know that I am not kidding, the ingredients of this 'felonious' salve are: Rosemary, Beeswax, Olive Oil, Peppermint, Eucalyptus, and Chickweed.":



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