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suspicious deaths of individuals close to bill clinton,
(Southern Etiquette or life in Dixie)

suspicious deaths of individuals close to bill clinton, by kerminator .....

*** these are only the ones we know about - VERY SUSPICIOUS INCLUDE, AND AMOUNT TO A REIGN OF DEATH AMD TERROR: *** Does any of this make you wonder?

Date:   7/30/2016 7:02:12 PM ( 8 y ago)


"A trail of Death"
The following is a list of a number of persons who have died in suspicious circumstances who
had connection to the Clinton's or the Clinton's dealings. The length and breadth of this list is
disconcerting. It is beyond credibility that very many of these cases are coincidences.

Forward any errors or inconsistencies as the list has been compiled from multiple sources:

Name Date Cause Explanation
---- ---- ----- -----------
Ron Brown's 04/96 Murdered Drive by shooting, day after Ron Brown's plane crashed.

Ron Brown 04/96 Plane Crash
Commerce Sec. near indictment who allegedly threatened Secretary of Clinton with "not going down alone". U.S. said no black box was on this government plane, though Croatian and
French TV showed teams pulling one out. Air Force, for the first time ever, canceled the safety Investigation of a U.S. government crash on friendly soil.
*** 34 Passengers 04/96 Plane Crash
On plane with Brown. A stewardess was rescued
several hours after the crash alive. She died in route to hospital from blood loss due to a cut femoral artery sustained in the crash ?

Adm. Borda 1996 Suicide Allegedly shot himself in chest with handgun, distraught with Chief of Naval Operations questions regarding his medals that he had answered a year Operations earlier. He was a combat veteran from Vietnam who received combat ribbons for some activities while there. Others, were reclassified later to combat, after which he began wearing these as well. When questions regarding the latter ribbons arose, he
simply said he would not wear the ones in question if there was going to be a big deal made of it.

This combat veteran, and our highest ranking Naval officer, responsible for a couple of hundred thousand service men, and always a capable officer and soldier; now a year after settling the issue, he shoots himself over it?
Others believe that he was eliminated because he refused to transport Chinese, Eurasian and other forces on U.S. Navy transports to U.S. and Canadian shores for Semi-permanent "ongoing" training.

Bill Shelton 06/94 Suicide Allegedly shot himself at grave site of fiancee, Kathy Ferguson,who died the month before, also from suicide. Shelton was an Ark. state trooper who had vocally been proclaiming that his fiancee had not committed suicide. Allegedly shot himself behind the left ear.

Kathy Ferguson 05/94 Suicide Ex of Ark. trooper Danny Ferguson, engaged to trooper Bill Shelton. Danny Ferguson allegedly escorted Paula Jones to Clinton's hotel room and Kathy was vocal about her knowledge in the case and was to be a corroborating witness for Paula Jones in her sexual harassment case against Clinton. Allegedly shot herself behind left ear.

Attorney for 05/94 Suicide Allegedly jumped out of a building to kill Himself. He represented Dan Lassiter, a close friend of Bill Clinton, who was indicted on drug charges and sent to prison.

Ronald Rogers 03/94 Plane Crash
Ark. dentist for Clinton's, killed on way to interview with a "London Sunday Telegraph" reporter to reveal info.

Hershell Friday 03/94 Plane Crash
Clinton attorney and fund raiser. Plane blew up.

Ed Wiley 11/93 Suicide
Allegedly shot himself in head in Virginia. Real Estate attorney and manager of Clinton presidential campaign finance committee.

Luther Parks 09/93 Murdered
Head of Clinton's security team in Little Rock, gunned down in his car outside of Little Rock. Home broken into before his death, dossier on Clinton taken.

Stanley Heard 09/93 Plane Crash
Chair of Chiropractic Health Care Advisory Comm. for Clinton who had treated Clinton's mother, stepfather & brother. Killed when airplane crashed after reporting fire on board.

Steve Dickson 09/93 Plane Crash
Counsel to Mr. Heard, killed in same crash.

John Walker ????? Accident
RTC investigator who fell from balcony of apartment that was also a getaway for Vince Foster.

Vincent Foster 07/93 Suicide
Allegedly shot in Ft. Marcy Park. Bullet not found, White House said gun used stayed in hand. Initial witness said there was no gun. Close Counsel friend of Clintons. Alleged possible affair with Hillary, involved in In slaw CIA computer cover-up, tracked Clinton finances. Many irregularities in death and its investigation.

Paul Wilcher 06/93 Murdered
Washington attorney, investigating federal corruption, including Mena and BATF assault on Branch Davidians. Shortly before his death, gave Janet Reno with a 99 page affadavit. Planned TV documentary. Found dead on toilet before mtg with Danny Casolaro's attorney.

John Wilson 05/93 Suicide Alledgedly hung himself. Reportedly part of Whitewater and was ready to talk.

Sgt. B. Haney 05/93 Helo Crash
All four died in crash in the woods near Quantico, VA.

Sgt. Tim Sabel
All had escorted Clinton on flight to the USS Roosevelt.

Maj. William Barkley
Vidoetape made by firemen at crash site siezed by feds.

Capt. Scott Reynolds

5 Aviators 03/93 Plane Crash
All five died in a crash when "waved off" from landing on the carrier Roosevelt. All five had escorted Clinton during his visit to the Roosevelt several weeks earlier.

Gen. Robertson 02/93 Helo Crash
Deputy Commander, Chief of Ops, Chief of Intel. &
Col. Densberger crew Chief for V Corps which was prominent in Bosnia- Col. Kelly on Serb operations, along with the carrier Roosevelt. They were associated with Clinton's visit to the USS Roosevelt. Helo crashed near Weisbaden Germany.

Steve Willis 02/93 Waco Assault
Killed in assault on Davidian compound. All transferred Robert William from the Secret Service, where they were Clinton guards,
Conway LeBleu to BATF prior to the assault. Killed by friendly fire.

Todd McKeehan

Jim Wilhite 12/92 Skiing Accident
Vice Chair. of Arkla, Inc. with ties to Clinton & Mack Mclarty, whom he called just hours before his death.

Paula Grober 12/92 Car Accident
Speech interpreter for deaf for Bill Clinton. Killed in car accident with no witnesses. Traveled extensively with Clinton from 1978 `til death.

Paul Tully 09/92 Murdered Democratic Natl Committee Dir. found dead in hotel. "Dear friend" of Clinton and a trusted advisor. Authored key strategies for Clinton and the Democratic party.

Victor Raiser 07/92 Plane Crash
Chair. of Mobile Telecomm whose subsidiary is SkyTel. A finance co-chair in Clinton organization who soured. His plane went down in Alaska on a fishing expedition.

Monty Raiser 07/92 Plane Crash
Victor Raiser's son, killed in the same plane crash.

5 Passengers 07/92 Plane Crash Killed while flying with Raiser's on fishing expedition.

James Bunch ????? Suicide
Suicide similar to Vince Foster. Texan w/"black book"
of influential Texans & Arkansans who visited prostitutes.
A rumor persists of potential notes on Bill Clinton.

Stanley Huggins ????? Murdered
Partner in Memphis law firm investigatin Madison
Guarantee. His 300 page report has never been released.

Florence Martin ????? Murdered Accountant subcontracted to CIA in the Barry Seal case.
Dead of three gunshot wounds to the head.

Sue Coleman ????? Suicide
Had affair with Clinton while attorney general. "Suicide" with gunshot wound to the back of her head. No autopsy, was pregnant.

Danny Casolaro 08/91 Suicide
Reporter investigating Whitewater, Mena, BCCI, & ADFA. About to receive info linking Iran-Contra to the Inslaw scandal when found in bathtub with wrists slit.

Kevin Coney 1988-89 Murdered
Six Ark. people who came forward with info about the Gregory Collins death of 2 teens near the Mena operations. All killed

Kieth McKaskle before testifying.
Stabbed, shotgunned or burned.

Jeff Rhodes Local detective, John Brown, reportedly solved the Richard Winters case and gave findings to FBI which sat on them.
Jordan Ketelson According to Brown, "We now who killed these kids.
The reason this case has been stopped ... is because it tracks to Bill Clinton being involved in the cover-up".

Kevin Ives 08/87 Murdered
Two Bryant, Ark teens who saw too much of the Mena
Don Henry air drops. Found on train tracks. Initial report said they fell asleep and was made by a state coroner appointed by Bill Clinton. Parents protested and after months, had the boys exumed and re-examined. Cause of death then changed to murder, the boys having been stabbed and skulls crushed before the train arrived.
Officials in the Administration who have died in the first four years :

Secretary of Commerce
Deputy White House Counsel
Chief of Naval Operations

Of these 89 deaths the causes break out as follows :

Of these 89 deaths the causes break out as follows :

Deaths Cause Incidents
59 Plane Crashes 12
13 Murders 13
10 Suicides 10
04 Waco Assault 01
03 Accidents 03

If you work with Clinton and deal with any of his scandals, or if you attempt to investigate them
or accidentally come across them, you could likely die in a plane crash, a murder or suicide.

80+ Near Waco in the Assault on the Branch Davidian Compound.

170+ In Oklahoma City where tech. and eye witness do not match government story of bomb.

1100+ In Chicago and surrounding area from a supposed 2 day "heat" wave.

120+ In Value Jet crash where Chuck Hays, a CIA operative w/info on Foster was supposed to fly.

270+ In TWA crash. Eye witness accounts
(incl. Air Natl Guard Pilot) don't match fed's story.

With the 90 above, this totals over 1830 individuals !!!

(The Value jet and TWA disasters are ominous when you consider the other plane crashes that
have killed Clinton associates, potential threats or enemies. Who was on that TWA aircraft?)

... and these are only the ones we know about !!!


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