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Keeping the dream alive! The vision lives again !
(Plant Your Dream!)

Keeping the dream alive! The vision lives again ! by YourEnchantedGardener .....

Keeping the dream alive ! The vision lives again !

Date:   2/25/2016 7:28:28 AM ( 8 y ago)

#Scrippsnatsup #EHSymposium2016 #expowest #SanDiegoSeedswap
#HeirloomExpo @AIHMGlobal Thanks for keeping the dream alive! #RareSeeds Grow @RareSeeds in #TheSoilStory Let's Restore food as medicine and remember The earth and the soul are soil mates.

FULL #Plantyourdreamblog



February 26, 2016
4 am-5 am approximately

Wow! I just had the most powerful dream that totally woke me up! 4:00 am plus feb 25!

My friend Jeffrey Smith, who will be in town likely March 4-6 and participating in the environmental health symposium #EHSymposium public forum 3-7 pm March 6 on GMO's and Glysophate, was in the dream.

Jeffrey has been one of the keynote speakers for number of years at #HeirloomExpo,TheNationalHeirloomExpo, scheduled next for September 6-8, 2016 at the Sonoma fairgrounds in Santa Rosa, California.

I do the opening ceremonies and closing ceremonies for this landmark event that draws together key seed lovers & and food growers on the cutting edge of regenerative agriculture.

Spring 2016 - Fall 2016 I will be guiding in this International united nations year of the pulses #IYP2016 a A series of opening and closing ceremonies to help us each live lower on the food chain because we are living more fully in each others hearts.

I will be issuing a series of e-books available to Apple Lovers
Returning to #KeepTheBeet with Nature as we remember the time tested promises we have made between our soul and nature to help our world be come again and enchanted Garden global country club .

It's time again to remember that friendship knows no boundaries and that each nation of the world produces special unique rare seeds who will get in touch with their own rare seed nature as we tend our dreams in Soil

It's a gift to work with my sponsors who are demonstrating that the highest corporation is the incorporation of you Humanity and it's power to have unity through diversity.

This is why GMO's are a form of that culture that could not sustain our sacred seed nature. GMO's contaminate The diversity of our seed supply.

I'm looking forward to reading The seven love cures, words that men need to know and women want to hear as we remember that through increasing human understanding between men and women we bring the enchanted Garden closer to us. That e-book is now available thanks to my friends at Apple support who have guided me and helped me learn how to become an Apple author .

Through my participation in the upcoming environmental health symposium I'm aiming to meet some of the cutting-edge doctors of environmental health who are leading us to reclaim again a toxic free world .

I'm looking forward to meeting Professor Seralini from France who will be making his first US public appearance in San Diego. He will be speaking at the public forum March 6 along with my friends new an old who are making the world safe for moms across America and their children .

Serilinii's rat feeding studies showed that these very intelligent creations nature would develop tumors on GMO's .
My own experience with rats is that when fed organic and biogenetic foods grown on healthy soil they make wonderful pets!

I will be planting dreams individually at the upcoming health environmental symposium from the back of the enchanted Garden Mobile, my 68 VW van .

Hope to see you online as I share a few of the ideas from the health symposium through the plant your dream blog that now has more than 17 million page views. Let's get together in person and online as we plant your dream with the new Baker Creek winning back our sacred seed starter kit available from the Petaluma seed bank.

At the close of the expo west March 13, Sunday about an hour and a half after the show closes, I will be leading an unofficial closing ceremony where you can plant your dream in the amphitheater right outside The Anaheim convention center . Years ago I planted the dream here with the Aramark kitchen staff to grow herbs. Less than a decade later the Anaheim convention Center, through the collaboration between the center and the leading organic & non-GMO emissaries and organizations show up to stand up for quality inn supplements, to salute cutting-edge entrepreneurs, and taste test The latest organic foods from some of the nations most kindhearted and well intended companies

The Anaheim convention center is now one of the lead environmental Sustainable convention centers in the world. The foods provided at the nearby Anaheim Marriott as well as Hilton and the convention center itself all know how to prepare organic meals ! What a triumph as corporations and large businesses dedicate their presents to influencing scale toward organic production .

I want to give special props to my friends at the organic farming research foundation, the Organic Trade Association, and the Organic Center for years of inspired and grounded work moving the organic agenda forward .


From Facebook Feb 25, 2016

Writing down ideas for upcoming spring events as well as through the fall.

We will reenact the wedding of Uncle Sam Marries anti-GMO reading from the seven love cures and telling the vision of food as medicine as we proclaim are sacred seed nature and remember that the earth and the soul our soil mates.

We will read responsively a few of The Seven Love Cures during the Opening Ceremony.

These are interactive poetic statements that are words men need to know and women want to hear. In Creating more understanding between men and women we bring in the enchanted Garden a name for our renewed earth that grows one plant in one seed at a time.

As men and women both know we are seed growers by nature. Seed growing is part of being human. 2016 is the international year of the pulses. Why not regain our expertise growing all kinds of seeds, heirloom seeds, the indigenous legacy we are left from the past to the present to the future.

Come and stand in our circle 11 AM Sunday, March 20 at the world be cultural center. Come prepared come to plant your dream and restate your sacred bond with the earth and all life.

The e-book the seven love Charis is available through these links for Apple lovers

You can get a Headstart on reading the seven love cures here.
The Seven Love Cures are in this ebook:


Abby Youngs inspired me through winter 2015-2016. Abby loves Suzies farm. She makes me want to run away and join the circus and be its master of ceremony

looking forward to her happy participation in the opening ceremony March 20 Spring equinox 11 AM as we consecrate our sacred seeds and rare seed nature.

We will reenact the wedding of uncle Sam Marries anti-GMO ("Auntie" GMO, get it? ) reading from the seven love cure responsibly as we look into each others eyes.

I want to put out a special invite to join some of some of my favorite acre yoga stars including Matthew Love Johanna Kether Adrianna Peters and the tiny footprint challengers Joshua Thomas Alvord. I want to invite Stephen A. Markowitz and Cara H. Cadwallader. Stephen was head of the Whole Being Weekend for a number of years, and is the current owner of the Hidden Valley Hidden Valley Retreat and Spa now on the market.

Check out the #Sdseedswap page on fb — with Lisa Russell, Alex Whyte, Abby Youngs, Lucila De Alejandro, Stephanie McCoy, Benjamin von Cossel, Dale Eblacas and Shannon McCabe at WorldBeat Cultural Center.

Writing down ideas for upcoming spring events as well as through the fall.
We will reenact the wedding of Uncle Sam Marries "Auntiei-GMO (get it Anti,GMO...) reading from the seven love cures and telling the vision of food as medicine as we proclaim our sacred seed nature and remember that the earth and the soul our soil mates.
We will read responsively a few of The Seven Love Cures during the Opening Ceremony.
These are interactive poetic statements that are Words Men Need to Know and Women Want to Hear. In Creating more understanding between men and women we bring in the enchanted Garden a name for our renewed earth that grows one plant in one seed at a time.
As men and women both know we are seed growers by nature. Seed growing is part of being human. 2016 is the international year of the pulses ‪#‎IYP2016‬ Why not regain our expertise growing all kinds of seeds, heirloom seeds, the indigenous legacy we are left to the present from the past to the future.
Come and stand in our circle 11 AM Sunday, March 20 at the world beat cultural center. Come prepared to Plant Your Dream and restate your sacred bond with the earth and all life.
The e-book the seven love Charis is available through these links for Apple lovers
You can get a Headstart on reading the seven love cures here.
The Seven Love Cures are in this ebook:


Writing down ideas for upcoming spring events as well as through the fall.

We will reenact the wedding of Uncle Sam Marries "Auntie" GMO (get it Anti-GMO...) reading from the seven love cures and telling the vision of food as medicine as we proclaim our #rareseed nature and remember that the earth and the soul are soil mates.

We will read responsively a few of The Seven Love Cures during the Opening Ceremony.

These are interactive poetic statements that are Words Men Need to Know and Women Want to Hear. In creating more understanding between men and women we bring in the enchanted Garden, a name for our renewed earth that grows one seed and one dream at a time.

Men are seed growers by nature. Seed growing is part of being human. 2016 is the international year of the pulses #IYP2016 . Why not regain our expertise growing all kinds of seeds, heirloom seeds, the indigenous legacy to the present from the past to the future.

Come and stand in our circle 11 AM Sunday, March 20 at the world beat cultural center. Come prepared to Plant Your Dream and restate your sacred bond with the earth and all life.

The e-book the seven love cures is available through these links for Apple lovers


You can get a Headstart on reading the seven love cures here.

The Seven Love Cures are in this ebook:


For those who want to look in online on the #PlantYourDreamBlog or be there in person I want to personally invite you to attend the opening and closing ceremonies at the San Diego heirloom seed swap march 20 in San Diego at the worldbeat Center

We will be having classes and educational opportunities from 11 AM to post sunset! Let us come together to show and do the tiny footprint dance as we all express revered gratitude that we've made it through winter and are hopeful for new growth .

Looking toward to spring ! Last year , I enjoyed very much bringing the enchanted Garden Mobile in support of the San Diego Earth fare and San Diego State Earth Day events

Look for the EG mobile . Nearby the Dr. Bronner's booth where the circle of our friends display their products .

Last year the circle included my friends from Sambazon who are saving rain forests as a demonstration that we can turn our bucks spent and profits made to help our beloved Mother Earth.

Keeping the dream alive !

I'm currently in the middle of my second e-book, that will be a series of e-books as a tribute to Dr. Bernard Jensen, my health mentor and one of my spiritual fathers . For more than He kept alive the work a previous masters of health and healing through the dark ages of government turning a blind I Eye toward what needed to be done to return the soil to maximum fertility or support food as medicine. Dr. Bernard Jensen asked that I follow in the footsteps of Dr. Allfred W Mccann, Who wrote the science of eating during the World War. Mccann and his colleague Dr. Harvey Wiley had a different vision for the FDA. Had their vision been followed in government all foods today would be whole and pure and we would have turned away from biotechnology in food production before it ever got a foothold in America.

It's time now. Let us push the restart button for life on planet earth. Let us remember there was a dream me that there was a dream now remembered where people in neighborhoods and small farms shared foods and there were no homeless people cut off from the ground. We are all in a sense homeless when we lose their ability to grow our own food .

The farmers markets are merely a tip on the iceberg of what is possible now as communities reestablish local food growing methods and support one another .

The Baker Creek seed collection of 1800 heirloom varieties models for me a cutting-edge desire to work with all seed companies to make sure that every community has seed banks and seed libraries.

we are each as rare seeds compelled to become the salvation of the American dream that not only has food transparency but thousands upon thousands of home gardeners growing and teaching basics skills that help us all restore food as our primary medicine. We will begin this work again on the spring equinox 2016.

Food is now being uplifted that it might gain the results that masters of healing such as Dr. Bernard Jensen knew was possible . This is possible through support of biodynamic gardening and farming principles .

We need therapeutic quality food if we are to gain the kinds of results to Dr. Jensen and his forebears including Hypocrates had in mind .

Dr. Jensen modeled what was possible, and I've done my best to my own health pursuit to demonstrate that nature had a magic survival kit in mind.

Debilitated by prostate cancer a severe fall off a gurney in a hospital, and later a car accident that paralyzed him from the waist down, Dr. Jensen, a San Diego native son, show that on his Native Indian land called hidden Valley health ranch in Escondido California, that thousands upon thousands of patients who showed patience in nature's ability to cure, were able to get up from their bed to walk again!

I was right there as Dr. Jensen's witness when he left his wheelchair and stepped up to the stage at one of his last seminars right before the turn of the century. You could hear a pin drop!....

What does all this have to do with the upcoming environmental health symposium bringing the most cutting edge doctors and researchers together?

What does this have to do with the upcoming #expowest , The natural products Expo in Anaheim? What does keeping the dream alive have to do with the #SanDiegoSeedSwap,TheSanDiegoHeirloomheirloomSeedSwap on the upcoming spring equinox???

Read my new e-books words that men need to know when women want to hear, and the keeping the dream alive series!

Visions of the opening ceremony at the spring equinox

You'll be as excited as I am right now! What is the role that children will play in the opening ceremony March 20 at the worldbeat Center?

What will the opening ceremony look like as circus performers and acro yoga devotees help consecrate the new Baker Creek heirloom winning back our sacred seed starter kit? And commit to grow out @rareseeds because rare seeds grow out the remaining indigenous marginalized heirloom seeds of the world !

Don't miss being part of these tremendous events that will reshape the course of our relationship to rain, sun, earth, and the air we breathe as we all proclaim this earth is ours and go on to outgrow GMO's!

Don't miss being with us at these rituals and ceremonies as Uncle Sam prepares in his heart and soul to marry again Auntie GMO ("anti" GMO, get it?)

Props to @AIHMglobal

The hands of the doctor of tomorrow are now becoming the doctor of today through the works of my friends who are part of the #AIHM16 The Academy of health and medicine and its @globalAIHM Ootreach! well as the Scripps natural supplement conference family,

October 30- November 3 join me at Paradise point San Diego as the new medicine takes form. I will also plant dreams both here and at the Pacific symposium, Held near simultaneously at the catamaran resort nearby .

The doctors of the soil are rising again to restore sacred food as food as medicine! Don't miss any of these exciting events and be sure to get the e-book series!




Vitamin "L" is for Love.

Be sure to get familiar with the sacred seed prayer and for sure let this be the year you join the enchanted Garden clubas we encourage our world to grow a healthier pizza and wingback are sacred seeds .

Truly this is the year of political revolution that begins with you with your feet in soil and your soul in the driver seat of your life .
Leslie Goldman Your enchanted gardener, San Diego. @YourEG #Plantyourdreamblog

Link to the ebook words men need to know when women want to hear

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