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Raw Milk Is a Universal Human Food - Including in Canada!
(Raw Milk: The Whole Truth)

Raw Milk Is a Universal Human Food - Including in Canada! by chef jem .....

Video of Mark McAfee Speaking at the 2016 Guelph Raw Milk Symposium

Date:   2/2/2016 11:28:17 PM ( 8 y ago)

"... It's the first food of life." It just needs to be produced in a safe environment. - Mark McAfee

Mark is founder of The Raw Milk Institute.[14] He recently spoke at the 2016 Guelph Raw Milk Symposium[1] told his audience that he and his associates have just one single focus: safety.[2] They have no position on legality.

I posted a comment to this video of Mark McAfee speaking at the 2016 Guelph Raw Milk Symposium

I can’t help but wonder what Mark’s rate of speech is. I think it should be measured however that would require a transcript! One thing for certain it has steadily increased over the years. If you want to hear Mark speak at a substantially slower rate then get a copy of “Raw Milk: The Whole Truth”. I have four video clips from that DVD at YouTube:

March 2nd, 2016 -

Just submitted the following reply (at "The Bovine"[3]) regarding a comment by InalienableWrightsIn on: "B.C. Raw Milk Negotiations Underway" (that appears to be a reprint of page two in the "British Columbia Herdshare Association Newsletter").

Greetings InalienableWrightsIn!

Your comment attracted my attention in at least a couple ways. Firstly I understand the distinction between Rights vs privileges and that the above "negotiations" have all the appearance of the later. I appreciate seeing your reply to that! My second attraction is a curiosity as to the recognition of Rights in Canada; as a natural-born American "free inhabitant" I am not familiar with Canadian Law. The "thumbnail" graphic accompanying your penname appears to refer to the preamble for the Constitution (of September 17th, 1787) "for the United States of America". Seeing that underscored my curiosity as to what if any similar Rights may have been declared and recognized in Canada. If you know, would you be willing to provide links to those documents? I'd like to see them and possibly comment further based on those documents.

Cordially and sincerely,
Chef Jemichel
@ San Diego, California
in "The United States of America".

March 11th -

"Recent swat-style raids and arrest warrants on small farmers have inspired mothers and other activists to take their message to the courthouse where they plan to risk criminal charges, and possibly jail, by gathering for a peaceful milk and cookies picnic."[4]

My comment with minor edits (subject to the Blog site's approval process):

This cause is indubitably most righteous! If we don't have a God-given Right to traditional nourishing foods then there are no Rights. Nevertheless there is a price to be paid for freedom and truth is "the coin of that realm". In the United States of America we have the Declaration of Independence as our first Organic Law with acknowledgement of our "Self-evident Truths". Does Canada have an Organic Law with like acknowledgement? If not then do the good people of Canada need a "Declaration of Independence"?[5]

March 15th -

This "most righteous" cause concerns God-given Rights to Life, Liberty and Pursuits of Happiness and these Rights are in contrast to "legal" privileges! Continuing with "Canada".[6]

April 1st - Happy All Fools Day!

Just posted at The Bovine:

This issue most largely concerns the limits of governmental jurisdiction and much more so than it actually concerns the public safety. Private contracts are generally outside of the public domain and therefore not truly a "public safety" issue. However, if the jurisdiction issue is not properly addressed (by directly questioning the authorities at each and every encounter) then government assumes that the people are voluntarily submitting to the "supremacy" of the government. Therefore the perceived "protests" of the regulated health and safety procedures are simply rebuffed and the resistance to complying automatically becomes a target for punitive actions. That is all in the government's favor. Based on the long standing history of this issue that condition may very well continue, but it doesn't have to!

I believe that the strategy deserves to be reviewed. Consider having a single focus on one thing: challenging the jurisdiction by questioning the authority. Where in Canadian Law does government have the unbridled Right to impair the obligation of contracts? If there is no Law to support government in interfering with private contacts than that fact needs to be squarely brought to government's notice. Then any government agents who act contrary to the unrefuted truth (of the duly challenged jurisdiction) should be held liable for each and every trespass. Then I believe the governments attitude will change.[7]

September 22, 2016 - Happy Equinox!

From "The Bovine":

"Action Alert from 'Our Farm Our Food'
The following message was circulated today to the farmshare community around Michael Schmidt and Glencolton Farms:

'We need your quiet presence in court on Monday, September 26 and Tuesday September 27, 2016 ...'"[8]

I wish I knew Canadian Organic Law like I know the Organic Laws of the United States of America! In America the United States Congress has a proprietary-based jurisdiction meaning that its laws are limited to the land that it owns - i.e. the District of Columbia, the Territories and places that the states have allowed the United States to own lands (although in this last instance that doesn't necessary mean the "landlord" has the jurisdiction there as well).

However, the federal governmental agencies claim they also have jurisdiction via interstate commerce and that they have the right to protect the public from health hazards they say come with unpasteurized farm milk which (thanks to Mark McAfee) is now subject to "education" regarding the high sanitation standards that are practiced by the dedicated farmers who provide farm fresh unpasteurized milk to their community by the preferences of the community. Efforts like this are changing the legal climate in the u.s.of A with more states allowing the sale of raw milk within its borders. And based on the Organic Laws here every state should allow communities the freedom of choice. IMO it's an unalienable Right for every individual to the food of their choice for their Life (see the Declaration of Independence). But Canada obviously is not like the u.s. of A. in this regards. Yet I wonder whether their is an Organic Law for Canada that acknowledges the unalienable Rights of the Canadian people. I wish I knew!

Sept. 27th -

The following comment was just offered at The Bovine[9] after today's report from Canada.

"I appreciated the reports and especially the courage I hear being expressed.

External government feeds upon fear. Self-government is an unalienable Right however that can't be expected to be officially acknowledged by external government. Two 'camps' exist within the 'Rights Sphere' one based on written law and the other based on unwritten or common law/laws that are written upon the heart. (If an individual is not capable of following the unwritten law in their heart then maybe external government needs to play some kind of a 'guardian' function however that is not the case in this instance.)

The first 'camp' has to be confined to the written law or there is an ever present danger of expanding its borders into areas of the individual's private life that is likely to be injurious to freedom. The Individual has to hold external government in check when presented with allegations of infringements upon its written law. Truth is the written law is firstly for restraining external government!

Re: 'Freeman'[i] -
There is a corresponding term in the 'Organic Laws of The United States of America': 'free inhabitant' and it is specifically stated in the second Organic Law: 'Articles of Confederation'. Does a term of this nature exist within 'Organic Laws' of Canada? That would be a real find!

Nevertheless there remains the English Common Law - which is what an American 'free inhabitant' may rely upon in events of controversies not resolvable with interpersonal dialogue. Is a Common Law 'court' an option in Canada?

I applaud the 'self-evident truth' being declared in this report. I hear the choice for self-government being responsibly exercised. I support these principals!

~Chef Jemichel
California Republic ~
In The United States of America and without the 'United States' as it is defined in The Organic Laws of The United States of America.

March 3, 2017 -

The Most Essential & Unalienable Right to Truly Nourishing Foods Continues to Be Denied By Government!

"Raw dairy farmer Michael Schmidt and his farm cooperative are heading to court this coming Monday." --Kimberly Hartke

Farmers Face Trial for Allegedly Obstructing Officers

Peaceful farmers stood their ground during aggressive raid on their farm, now face trial and jail

March 3 2017—Ontario, Canada— EIN Presswire -- A highly anticipated drama will unfold in the Walkerton Courtroom starting Monday, where Glencolton Farms coop owners will re-live the dramatic stand-off at the farm where they source their food. On Monday, March 6, 2017 at Walkerton (County of Bruce) Courthouse in Ontario, 207 Cayley Street, 3 farmers and a colleague face charges of obstructing police officers during a farm raid. The trial is set to begin at 9:30am.

The four men on trial are Michael Schmidt an outspoken activist on food rights who lives on the farm that was raided; Robert Pinnell, farm hand and mechanic; John Schnurr, business consultant; and George Bothwell.

The four men, along with a fifth whose charges have since been dropped, were charged with obstructing a peace officer during a well-publicized raid on Glencolton Farms on October 2nd 2015.

Glencolton Farms has been the center of the Canadian raw milk battle for over 23 years. Glencolton Farms is owned by 150 families who are members in the Our Farm, Our Foods cooperative.

At the core of this standoff, a few weeks prior, York Region issued a motion for permanent injunction against distribution of raw milk, directly threatening parents with arrest. York Region then followed up with a raid to confiscate the farm owners' equipment and food. Owners of the farm and supporters of food freedom were angered by the government's action against their food source and stood in peaceful opposition to the government action against them.

During the raid, over 60 owners and friends of the farm blocked the driveway in order to prevent the confiscation of their equipment and their dairy products. The standoff ended peacefully after the investigator agreed to leave all items at the farm.

Six weeks later 5 arrest warrants were issued against the 5 individuals.

"What I eat, and what I feed my family, from my own farm and my own farm animals should be my choice, not a bureaucrat making that decision for me," says Marta Bak, a mother and one of the farm's owners. "I want to feed my family the best that I can."

The trial is scheduled to last the whole week.

For more info on the raid, see this video:

Our Farms, Our Foods Coop is a 200 member cooperative formed for the purpose of boarding personal cows with a responsible dairyman. The group is just one of the many interested stakeholders in changing Canadian policy on raw milk. For additional information on raw milk For more on this case see The Bovine.

Media Contact:
Liz Reitzig

March 4, 2017 -

The following comment is "awaiting moderation".

In Love and Respect – hasn’t this “battle” gone on long enough? When does the “government” get severed its over-due Lawful Notice of their trespass (with a thirty-day grace period to respond and stand down or be charged with a laundry list of damages subject to compensation)?[10]

The time is absolutely NOW to cast out the conditioned spirit of voluntary servitude to soulless fictional entities masquerading as dejure government!

March 11, 2017 -

"...hav​ing ob​served first- hand the many lawyers, judges, tri​bunals, court re​porters, court clerks, ex​pert wit​nesses, po​lice of​fi​cers and civil ser​vants in​volved dur​ing my years on the case, and ex-trap​o​lat​ing from there — is that the prov​ince’s costs have got to be well over $ 2 mil​lion by now. And the main thing that’s achieved is giving Michael Sch​midt ex​tra pub​lic​ity. With news of ev​ery pros​e​cu​tion, more and more peo​ple won​der what’s so great about un​pas​teur​ized milk, and whether they should try to get some."[11]

In addition to the "laundry list of damages" (mentioned above) there is the illogic (if not insane) "udder waste" of apparent public funds for a non-victim statutory violation. And this is not just a Canadian phenomena. Who knows what the "costs" have been throughout virtually all of the fifty independent states of America plus the federal "United States"!

May 9, 2017 -

Raw Milk Legalization: Canada Versus U.S.
By Pete Kennedy, Esq. | April 21, 2017

This June the trial of Ontario dairy farmer Michael Schmidt and three other farmers for obstructing a police officer will resume. The charge stems from a 2015 raid of Schmidt’s Glencolton Farms where members of a food cooperative obtaining raw milk products and other foods from Schmidt stopped police from confiscating those foods.

The province of Ontario and local government authorities have been prosecuting Schmidt since 1994 for distributing raw milk, spending millions of dollars of taxpayers’ money in the process. The sale and distribution of raw milk have remained illegal throughout this entire time in all Canadian provinces. It’s interesting to contrast the provinces’ refusal to change laws on raw milk sales with legal developments in the U.S. over the past 23 years.[12]

May 26, 2017 -

Just submitted (at 9:50 Pacific):

May 27, 2017 at 1:50 am
Did the charges in this case at any time state names of the defendants in ALL CAPS? If so then the entities that those names represent need to be distinguished and completely distanced/separated from the living, breathing (milk drinking) Individuals or the Individuals are assumed to be voluntarily submitting themselves under the asserted jurisdiction just as if they were truly subject to it.

For more information on this see:[13]


[2] The Raw Milk Institute - Mission Statement:



[5] More information at:






[11] National Post · 7 Mar 2017 · Karen Selick (lawyer and com​men​ta​tor).



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