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Liquid Fast - Phase 2: Day 3
(Liquid Fast 2016)
The start of the 2nd phase of my 2016 liquid fast
Date: 1/27/2016 3:42:14 AM ( 9 y ago)
On day 3 of the 2nd leg of my liquid fast - I did an initial 21 days of liquid fasting, having a small meal each of the last 3 days, then I went back to liquids only for the 2nd leg of my fast, again planning to stick with it another set of 21 days.
It's been really good, great :) It was nice breaking the fast a little the last 3 days, I had small meals of simple food starting with broth and then a bit of meat and rice eaten very slowly over several sessions - the last night of the 21 days happened to fall on a Full Moon which is a special ritual feast day of offerings and practice for those following Buddhist traditions - so it worked out as a perfect time for me to do what I was doing. I had a teacher once who advocated breaking a fast with this full moon ritual feast so it was really nice it worked out that way unplanned.
Grace :) the fast has been very grace"full" - something I feel is strongly increased by the Chulen practice I'm doing this time round.
I got back to my regular yoga practice (finally) day 1 and 2 of the new phase and that went well for the most part except that on day 2 I could feel I was bringing out the old neck/shoulder injury again - I took today off - I had to go to town anyway, but mainly to give that time to heal up - I'll have another session of yoga tomorrow but really avoid the couple of moves that I think are bringing that up - I felt completely healed but I guess that weak point is still there lingering beneath the surface.
I've ordered some books on acupuncture and some needles - I've practiced cupping and massage (a few styles) and some reflexology for many years now and have received enough acupuncture in the past to know a bit about the points I generally need done - as I don't want to spend $80 and upwards a session and live remote I've decided to put my hand to doing some self treatment - ordered some needles and moxa and am looking forward to treating the injury and getting some practice with using them :)
My new (so excited :) juicer should be here tomorrow - its going to be awesome, today while I was in town I bought up some veg - cucumber, kale, snow peas, zucchini, parsley, tomatoes and fruit - yellow watermelon, organic bananas, strawberries and blueberries, pears and apples & 2 mangoes - I already have some beets, silverbeet, rock melon and spinach & coriander in the fridge so I'm looking forward to making some amazing juices a couple times a day and have been looking up how to calorie count these (started calorie counting on this new leg of the fast mainly because I got a new phone with a great app that makes it super easy and quick so more or less out of curiosity... good to know what I'm taking in)
(**what I learned is the rule for counting juice is count the whole fruit or veg by weight then subtract 4 cals per gram for the leftover fibre afterwards - pretty simple)
Today I tried something different that I came across also reading up on juicing - and juiced an organic banana peel with some of the canteloupe I had - it was soooooo nice - totally recommend that, don't throw away organic banana peels, totally juice them, what a beautiful flavor. The only down side is I have no idea how to calorie count that lol - but JUST DO IT :) Totally Rules!
So my bf gets the banana & I get the peel & we're both happy :)
Going to try to stick a bit more on the green side juicing, not too heavy on the fruit juice,
I did make the Jamu I talked about in an earlier post and have been having it - every other day, with one egg yolk - its really nice and the tumeric is super stuff
I got some nuts to make a bit of MYLK as well or to add to some of the fruity juices - that would be a once a day thing, maybe a late evening drink
I'll try it and see how it feels - not totally convinced I'm going to add those in at this point in the fast - I'm keen to do this 21 days, than a third set of 21 days adding in broths - and finishing my big fast up sometime early March.
I might hold off on the MYLK till phase 2 if it makes my digestion say hello.
been a little more conscious now that I am calorie counting - drinking a bit more water, more herbal teas and less creamy drinks - things like jamu and kefir I tend to have every other day - and I'm starting each morning with a small glass of water with a charcoal suspension and following that with a little shot of lemon juice and warm water to help detox and alkalize.
I'm happy with the fast and the new things I've learned on this journey - still have a long way to go, not quite halfway yet but I've come quite a way since this all started :)
Good luck to all you readers with whatever you're doing in looking after your own health
More Soon!
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