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The #EGMobile is my Teacher, I shall not Want
(Plant Your Dream!)

The #EGMobile is my Teacher, I shall not Want by YourEnchantedGardener .....

The #EGMobile is my Teacher, I shall not Want. I hear a different philosophy of life coming on inside me that is inevitable. I hear a poem that wants to be written starting to compose itself. This plant Your Dream blog is my first attempt to verbalize and understand this new philosophy of living and the poem that wants to be written. Thanks for joining me on the journey!--Leslie Goldman, Your Enchanted Gardener, Plant Your Dream Blog

Date:   12/1/2014 5:22:59 AM ( 10 y ago)

The #EGMobile is my Teacher, I shall not Want


The Enchanted Garden Mobile's Journey to Win Back Our Sacred Seeds


2:43 pm
December 1, 2014

I just woke up with a shocking revelation of how much is on my plate. I could go into self-doubt and shock anticipating how difficult it might be and stressful to resolve all these issues. And yet the opportunity now is switch my orientation to life. The issue is basically how to live more and recognize life for what it is, living life as a performance piece, a work of art, and an opportunity for self-expression.

A new philosophy of abundance is required now

I'm being reminded of a new philosophy of abundance.
This philosophy is based on knowing that I will always have enough. This philosophy is based on trusting and having even more faith that my needs will be met.

This philosophy counters attitudes of poverty where I would hold onto things as a way of imagining I can preserve Life without taking the risk into the unknown. This new philosophy is not about playing life safe.

A few mind pictures come to mind.

One mind picture is about the Tibetan sand painters.

They spend hours and days creating the most beautiful and perfect art object.

Then when they are done, the sand painting is destroyed.

I imagine they take pictures before they destroy it. The purpose of the creation is the act of creation itself.

There's something in the creation that embodies soul growth out of the very experience of creating the art.

I want to study more about sand painting.

I want to understand more the philosophy of the creator of the art.


Tibetan Monks Create Wildly Intricate Sand Painting, Before Washing It All Away Completely

Mike Jones · Top Commenter
I know this doesn't compare, but as I was learning pottery I had another potter tell me that the minute you create your most perfect piece, the one you are most proud of, take your wire and cut it in half and throw it away. The purpose is to not get so attached, the reminder of impermanence as others have said. You have to be content knowing that anything can destroy your work, so you do the work for the sake of the work, not for the sake of keeping it.
Reply · Like · Follow Post · October 7 at 7:15pm


A Band I saw destroyed its instruments at the end of the performance, and then went on to do the next performance with a new instruments

In college I remember hiring a band that did a marvelous performance. When the performance was done to musicians destroyed their instruments.

Reflections on the Body

With the human body there's something to be said about living in such a way that we live a long life.

Some people do not live in order to attend to preserve the body.

I want to hold on to the body.

The body eventually is used up. What we leave behind is a legacy and the good that we have done through having a body.

The Enchanted Garden Mobile is my Teacher

The enchanted Garden Mobile is my teacher.

She is a 68 VW van that has brought great joy to me and others.

The very act of driving her on a journey of more than 1600 miles to the National Heirloom eExpo rearranged my mind three years in a row. A rekindling of faith has been engineered inside me through the very act of taking this potentially perilous journey.

Some people gamble at slot machines.

They risk what they have imagining they can win more.

For three years now each fall I have found myself challenging my entire mental outlook by the fact that I went on the road in this 68 VW van.

What is the recovery of a mental outlook worth?

I'm reflecting on a great joy. I'm reflecting on the joy of hundreds of people who received and touched an extraordinary experience in themselves in seeing my 68 VW van on the road.

I've been driving down the road. I've had young people pull up alongside the EG Mobile and begin to scream out in joy. This happened to me the night I left the #Pacsymposium2014.

In a world of cars that are engineered new every year, model after model. There's some kind of thrill in seeing this vehicle that is still on the road and has been on the road since 1968.

I cannot tell you how many people week after week have amazing experiences within themselves simply because they have seen the enchanted Garden Mobile.

I've watched people's eyes roll back as they reflect on the dreamy wonderland of their lives decades ago when they had their own VW van.

For many people, the EG Mobile represents the 60's itself.

I'm reflecting now on what the EG Mobile has taught me, and taught me recently through her Thanksgiving "Break"

I'm reflecting now on what she has yet to teach me because of her most recent unexpected Thanksgiving "break."

Nadine and I were on our way to JR organic farm CSA when smoke began billowing out her engine.

I pulled over, out of the the freeway traffic lane.

I did not cuss I did not imagine the worst. I immediately called the AAA, the auto club. Ricardo the driver arrived in Lestan 20 minutes.

He put our beloved enchanted Garden Mobile on a flatbed truck.

We went home and were on the road again in Nadine's vehicle in less than an hour.

There was Grace in the timing of when of her Thanksgiving "Break."

The original plan was to take the EG Mobile up to the Rodriguez ranch.
Then Nadine was going to drop me off with all my props.

Gratefully, the Thanksgiving "Break" happened right off the Miramar Way Exit, before Nadine dropped me off. Things could have been really difficult if she was alone in the van! This would have interfered with her picking up her daughter. The Van would have had to be towed home. I would have been without a ride home, or getting a ride home would have been an extra effort. The Rodriguez Ranch is way out in the country.

The Best Laid Plans of Mice and Men often go Astray

I had many things in mind that I saw in my mind's eye that I wanted to do at the Rodriguez Ranch.

I saw myself interviewing Joe Rodriguez Sr in the back of the EG Mobile.

I saw myself creating a gathering with the family. We would sit together around the dinner table after dinner, each seeing and then seeding their own seed dreams and then planting them in a dream pot of growing ancient grass that I had brought with me in the back of the EG Mobile for that purpose.
I did not bring the Seed Dream pot.

I saw myself doing some activities with the small kids.

I saw the smaller kids with kid scissors in hand or with the help of the teens helping the children cut out beautiful pictures of fruits and vegetables from old Baker Creek heirloom seed catalogues to decorate a pizza box.

I also brought two of the archival notebooks filled with family photos spanning a period of 20 years. These did make it with me to the gathering in a basket I brought.

I imagined myself putting the albums on the table and giving family members the joy of seeing their own images spanning a long period of time. This did happen!

Because of the Thanksgiving break I was not able to follow through with many of these ideas.

Because of the condensing of time there was only so many props that I was able to take with me in a Nadine's smaller vehicle. We were arriving later than I expected. Besides this, she also needed space for her daughter, the #Fussyteenager. Basically, I was in gratitude that I was able to get to the gathering at all.

In spite of not being able to do all these various scenes that I saw in my mind, I still experienced a great joy simply through being at the event. I basically surrendered to what I could do.

Curiously Nadine had been triggered by all the props that I had taken with me.

She said something like "Do you always have to work at these events. Can't you just enjoy yourself?"

Didn't she realize that imagining things in my mind's eye and then doing them gives me and others a great fulfillment?

Our world today is going to pot.
Many are aware it is falling apart.
What can we learn from the ride?
What can we learn from the journey?

Dr. Bernard Jensen would say, Most people die in bed

Dr. Bernard Jensen, My spiritual father, was a man who overworked. He would work night and day.

Sometimes after seeing patients all day he would work late into the night in his library, taking quiet time, and being inspired by books that were his friends.

He lived to be 91 or 92

He was a charismatic speaker and he inspired many people to a better way of living.

Sometimes he would say, "Most people die in bed."
A long life live is not good enough. A good life lived is long enough.

What he left behind was memories. What the EG Mobile is helping me create are memories.

I'm reflecting now on my experience of Thanksgiving at the Rodrigues Ranch with the family.

I'm reflecting on how many of the young people knew me by my name. Many of these cousins in their 20s I could not even recognize. They looked so different from the kids that I would invite decades ago to crayon or chalk on the side of the enchanted Garden Mobile. That was before she began to be beautified.

I've taken so much joy in this beautification of the EG Mobile!

In the early days of the EG Mobile, decades ago, I left her exterior unpainted. I had a lot of joy and others were enchanted that I would ask them to make drawings or write messages on her exterior. I would do this with the Rodriguez kids who are now in their 20's.

There's so much beautification that I still want to do not only on the outside but the inside is well.

I got three trips to the national heirloom expo from the EEG Mobile, this vehicle of great learning and inspiration to others.

Reflecting on her Thanksgiving break, and all the other things on my plate calling to be addressed now. I could withdraw from life into a tightened ball of constriction.

I could imagine the worst, and reflect on how in previous moments I have succumbed to stress from some of the same conditions, and now there are even more things to be addressed!

Truly I am being challenged.

When I began this Plant Your Dream Blog I could feel myself constricting.

The very idea of having to replace my engine is enough for me to throw my dreams about the enchanted Garden Mobile Journey to Save Our Sacred Seeds out the window.

And yet I have been building a different story for 2015, a story of this incredible vehicle that travels from San Diego to Santa Rosa next year for the National Heirloom Expo.

Along the journey she--the vehicle-- stops at various Whole Foods Markets.

She becomes a seed library on the road.

She is a driving vehicle of inspiration encouraging conversation.

In her beauty and charm she invites others to plant dreams on the spot and have new memories.

What is the expense of undertaking such a journey?

I need to have a budget now, and become more prosperous than ever.
I need to step out again on faith.

What does this journey ask of me as far as my personal growth?

I will not constrict.

I will not give up on the dream of the enchanted Garden Mobile on a journey to win back Our Sacred Seeds.

It is now December 1, 2014 and the time is 3:32 AM

The question I have now is do you hear me?

I am going to shake some trees, and refine my message, and fundraise now,
as well as do the other things on my plate.

Are you with me?

Will you be a part of my journey?

Leslie Goldman
Your e
Enchanted Gardener
Plant Your Dream Blog.



Footage of EG Mobile



Begin to fund raise and ask others to support my patient. Create a budget of how much it will take to do this effortlessly.

11:29 am
December 1, 2014

11:54 am


12:14 pm
December 1, 2014

pursue joy
not if you want to go anywhere in life--
motivational speaker--
i am a juncture
wide angle lens--
some where on the continuum--
light curves---

keep your dream in focus--
iron replacement--
one section of your section--
the narrow focus--

my bigger picture--

one of those rare people who has this vision--
we turn to you…

there are more people in the world--
prefer the private like
motto: operate from the position of having character
definition of character--
having the tenacity to follow through after the excitement of making the decision is over…

do you have character or are you just a character?

I got you a good moment--
despite myself---it amazing--
how i have come throughout my own tumult….
put up some big roadblocks---
one of the character
I maily
it is the capacity…



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