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More Clarity Regarding "The Organic Laws"
(Son of Truth of Self)
The first "Founding Fathers" vs the second "Founding Fathers"!
Date: 11/4/2014 11:29:06 PM ( 11 y ago)
Paycheck Piracy NOTE:
The four Organic Laws and all the Titles of the United States Code tells us unequivocally that the United States of America and the United States are separate and distinct entities connected almost exclusively to the two pairs
of Organic Laws written about the same time. They are:
A. The first two Organic Laws, the Declaration of Independence of July 4, 1776 and Articles of Confederation of November 15, 1777 are the first pair of Organic Laws that are connected to the United States of America, the Confederacy and the first and perpetual Union.
B. The last two Organic Laws are the Northwest Ordinance of July 13, 1787 and the Constitution of September 17, 1787, the second pair of Organic Laws which are connected to the United States, "this Union," the United States, which include the governments of the 50 States, the federal territory within those States and Washington D.C., Puerto Rico, Virgin Islands, America Samoa, Guam, and the Northern Mariana Islands.
Unlimited self-government was a gift to all Americans from the Founding Fathers who gave us the Declaration of Independence of July 4, 1776 and the Articles of Confederation of November 15, 1777. What the first Founding Fathers gave us was lost when the second set of Founding Fathers conjured up the Northwest Ordinance of July 13, 1787 and the Constitution of September 17, 1787.
Nov. 8th -
"A hundred years ago the average man knew the law and was equipped with knowledge of how to conduct himself, and his affairs so as to avoid legal situations and protect himself, his family, and his property from legal predators. This is no longer the case - and law is no longer just 'law,' but a cornucopia of 'code,' requiring cavernous libraries with miles of shelving just for housing its billions of pages of print (Library of Congress has over three million different law books on file - approximately 80 linear shelf-miles of law books).":
(Posted January 30, 2001)
Therefore the "hundred years" in this opening statement could place that at around 1900. I would add another decade for good measure. In any case whatever may be considered as the "average man" today he is at the mercy of specially trained decoders called attorneys.
plus: "Cracking the Code Third Edition" (cracking the "Uniform Commercial Code" (UCC)
November 17th -
"Benjamin Franklin had long been a proponent of self-government and independence for the colonies of North America. In 1754, he had penned The Albany Plan for uniting the colonies, but the rest of the people were not ready at the time. He waited.
The Second Continental Congress convened on May 10, 1775. The Second Congress met because the First Continental Congress had decreed that it would, if the concerns of the First Congress were not addressed by the King. They were not. Preceding the opening of the Congress were the first shots of the Revolutionary War, making the Second Congress more than just a political gathering but also a body in charge of military tactics for the burgeoning rebellion.
Franklin saw his opening - to further the war effort, the colonies should align themselves not just with a common military goal but also with a common political goal: unification."
Read more here:
This presentation indicates to us that Ben Franklin was of the "first" group of "Founding Fathers".
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