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God and the Great Pyramid
(My Quest for the Truth of Life, by Kerminator!)

God and the Great Pyramid by kerminator .....

** The information on the statistics of the great Pyramid will lead you to believe that it was built with divine help! Duplication of most of the work could not be done today! **

Date:   8/11/2014 10:46:50 AM ( 10 y ago)

The Great Pyramid

Some of the most intriguing statistics of the Great Pyramid on the Giza Plateau.

Admittedly this last remaining of the original - 7 wonders of the ancient world; thus has traditionally found itself wrapped in mystique and wonder, even tied to Egyptian philosophy and culture.

How was this giant structure built? By whom?

And for what purpose?

The answers to these questions are as frequent as the rain, with almost as many options as rain drops. If it were not for the fact that we could see and touch the Great Pyramid, we would hardly believe it existed at all, for we can not duplicate its design today!
Perhaps its existence, construction, and mystery stand as a testimony to God’s omnipotence, omniscience, and omnipresence.

Indeed this giant monument has a story to tell!

It has thirty times more mass then the empire state building, its base covers approximately 13.6 ac. with not more then 1/2" variance from any corner. Try excavating a 13 ac, site today with that little tolerance, even with our high tech laser equipment it would be difficult.

The inner structure consist of approximately 2 1/2 million stones, none of which weigh less then 4,000 lbs, some as much as 70 tons. The pyramid was constructed to face true north a marvel in itself, not duplicated today. What are the odds that its East-West axis would correspond to the longest land parallel and its North-South axis to the longest land meridian. The odds of its having been built where it is are 1 in 3 Billion. {meaning nearly impossible} The Pyramid is located at the exact center of all the Earth’s land mass.

Like 20th century bridge engineering, the Pyramid cornerstone have ball and socket construction. This would allow it’s 6 million ton mass to survive expansion and contractive movement as well as all seismic activity over the centuries.

It has not always appeared as rough as it is today, originally it was encased with a protective layer of 100" thick, 20 ton polished white limestone blocks, Like a white robe of righteousness these marble-like stones, superior in hardness and durability protected the core from the elements. The 144,000 casing stones were so brilliant they could be literally seen hundreds of miles away.

Even more amazing is the fact that these stones are cut within .01 of an inch perfectly straight and at nearly perfect right angles, for all six sides. It was as if they were formed from a mold. They were placed with an intentional .02 inch gap that would be filled with some type of sophisticated white cement. This antediluvian super-glue would seal the stones making the structure in effect, one solid mountain monument.

This I believe would allow the man-made structure to survive even the great flood. Evidence that the pyramid was once covered with water does exist.

Among those who investigated the Great Pyramid was Sir Isaac Newton. His keen observation of many of the previous measurements recorded by others helped in unlocking and revealing certain mathematical relationships.

For example, the height of the Pyramid’s apex is 5,812.98". The circumference at the base is 36,524", each side being exactly 9,131". If the circumference is divided by twice it’s height, the result is 3.14159, which as any geometry student knows is PI. This is just one of many examples where PI is demonstrated, showing in reality the Pyramid to be a square circle. The circumference number may have caught your attention, if not, just place a decimal over 2 places left. You will arrive at 365.24, now you've got it, the exact length of our solar year.

All four sides of the Pyramid are slightly bowed in. The concave effect duplicates exactly the curvature of the Earth. The average height of Earth’s landmass, above sea level, as can be measured and calculated by modern-day satellite technology is 5,449". Well, what do you know, this is the vertical height of the Pyramid. 5,449 also plays another role when calculating the numerical total of the original 30 Hebrew letters in Isaiah 19:19,20. This process known as Gematria is the science of finding meaning in the numerical value of words.

Isaiah records, "In that day shall there be an alter to the Lord in the midst of the land of Egypt, and a pillar at the boarder thereof to the Lord. And it shall be a sign and fir a witness unto the Lord of Host in the land of Egypt: for they shall cry unto the Lord because of the oppressors, and he shall send them a savior, and a great one, and he shall deliver them." The Gematria total is 5,449.

Is all of this just coincidental? Could someone be trying to get our attention?

Thus far we have considered just the outside of the Pyramid. Clearly whoever designed and built the structure had special insight concerning not only engineering but astronomy, mathematics, topography, geography, and theology, for as we move inside, the reason for the monument becomes very obvious.

The first record we have of entry into the Pyramid occurred in 820 A.D. Perhaps we could have just read the instructions, prior to this forced entry by the Arab Al Manum in 820 A.D. it was noticed that the outside cover stones were etched with a vast amount of writing.

The people of the area had viewed the Pyramid and its polished stones with awe for centuries. But when a 13th century earthquake loosened some of these casing stones, the Arabs recognized a great quarry of pre-cut stones that could be used to finish off places and mosques. The stones were just sitting there for the harvesting, and eventually used to build mosques and palaces in Cairo and other cities such as El Kaherah.

** {Was it not wonderful that it had set there for thousands of years and then the Islamic Arabs came along around 800 AD and took the polished outer covering for personal use!}

The only casing stones remaining are at the very top of the Pyramid. I’m quite sure that the information written on the outside would have put to rest much of the speculation regarding the pyramid. But the Islamic's seem to just take whatever they want even in today's world!

Every builder or architect would normally sign for the job however "Who" built the monument I believe is of little importance as compared to the reason for its existence.

With all possible insight missing via the casing stones, we would be left to guess at the messages on the inside, if it were not for the word "pyramid" itself/ It does NOT define a three-dimensional triangle, nor is its root even Egyptian. The word is a combination of two Greek words, "pyra" – meaning fire, light, or visible and "midos" – meaning measures. So, quite literally we could call the Pyramid the, "Visible Measures Monument."

Once inside the core, certain measurements might unlock its secrets. It seems that the key to understanding what’s inside hinged on a little known, but widely accepted principle of esscotology.

Just as the year-day concept is crucial in interpreting Bible prophesy, (one day = 1 literal year, eze 4:6, Num 14:34), the year-inch principle is invaluable in defining the Pyramid. By applying one year to each inch (sacred Jewish inch), the message that developed was crystal clear: the Pyramid was simply a Bible in stone.

Some surmise that alignment with certain stars would provide a construction date, however since the Great Flood caused a wobbling through space and eventual tilt of Earth’s axis, it would seem unlikely to provide such a date with great accuracy. Kate Spence, a Cambridge University Egyptologist, a believer in this theory place the construction date at 2478 B.C. give or take 5 years. This I believe would us back before the great deluge and would indeed account for many of the distinctive features we find unbelievable today, such as a true north-south alignment.

We are quick to forget that atmospheric conditions were quite different before this time. With a water canopy in place (Gen 1:6,7), this would not only account for the proliphic growth, both animal and vegetable that we find in the Bible and the archaeological record, but for much greater accuracy in directions and alignment. This would result from a greater electro-magnetic field, plus the added light magnification that the canopy would provide. Other pre-flood factors might also add to such precision.

Regardless of a precision construction time the incredible interior design, though a relative simple blueprint, draws ones mind to that all important question posed by God’s word, are we going down to the pit or up to the Kings chamber? Life is all about choices, isn't it? Eternal choices included. From the study of God’s word, prophetic books (Daniel-Revelations), we can calculate back from dates the Bible itself establishes to understand the messages and events indicated in the Pyramid.

We know, from the book of Genesis in the Bible that God did not leave our 1st parents, His special creation, high and dry after their fall. Though separated from His physical presence and cut off spiritually, God had already prepared for such an emergency and implemented His plan to rescue humanity.

Adam well understood this plan as evidenced by his cooperation in regards to the penalty. The wages of sin is death. We find the roots of the Sanctuary service revealed even in the garden just after the entrance of sin. Could it be that our parents were so devastated by what they unleashed to their posterity, that Adam, understanding God’s rescue plan was impressed to construct a monument to commemorate it. A monument of stone that would endure any test of time, elements, man’s intervention or even a great flood. Enoch who was taken up into Heaven the seventh removed from Adam may be a candidate also!

An axonometric view of the Great Pyramid would reveal several features which include; an entrance, descending corridor, underground chamber, service corridor, ascending corridor, queen’s room, air shaft, great gallery, antechamber, king’s chamber, and the weight relief chamber. Each of these components run various lengths. Utilizing our principle of 1" representing 1 year we come up with some interesting dates in history. For example, the scriptures indicate, through prophetic passages, that Christ as our High Priest entered the Most Holy of the Heavenly Sanctuary in 1844.

Perhaps simply by coincidence this is the measurement of the great gallery. That would take the beginning of the great gallery back to 0. From that entrance back to the point where the descending and ascending corridors intersect is 1485".

This could possibly correspond with the incident of the ten plagues in Egypt and the Exodus of Israel. This was indeed a time of making decisions and eventually a couple of million were allowed to leave. Traveling back up to the entrance is 1170" and would bring us to the year 2,654 B.C.

So it appears to be a type of time marker; which God has allowed to let us know how long mankind has been upon the earth!



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