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Conclusion of Christ Part 1
(Absolute Truth Some Wisdom and Intercourse....)
*** We live in a day of confusion and complex pluralism! Which is to be politically correct is to say that all religious are of equal value and whatever one believes is OK, as long as you are sincere that it is a valid path to God! That is the real question! ***
Date: 6/11/2014 10:28:18 AM ( 11 y ago)
Today it appears that one needs to have tolerant, open-minded approach where one avoids offending any particular religious group; thus on the surface it appears to be the way to go! - {Not so!}
Christianity is viewed as inferior to most if not all of the world's religions... Thus it is totally naive to assume that these other faith systems are truly respectful toward the tenets of Christianity! Because the opposite is actually the case!
It should be noted that the so called
"Religious flexibility " supported by the
" Politically (in) Correct " views are not reciprocated!
Although one should certainly needs to respect others - including their beliefs ans religious faith! Yet since there are many areas of difference between Christianity and all the other world's religions - it completely irreconcilable! Because The Lord Jesus - Yeshua is not to be just another prophet; to be compared with all others... Because He is the Son of Almighty God our Eternal Heavenly Father - our creator!
Jesus did not just come to preach and teach - He came as the God Man connection!
** Thus He alone can stand and Claim to be the Only Way to God! He is the final fulfillment which the human heart has longed for since time began! He came lived as a man, was killed by men; then rose from the dead and ascended into Heaven to be seated at the right hand of God The Father Almighty! He lives and has been seen by thousands over the years which is more than any other religious figure can say or boost!
He alone is the hope of mankind for our {your} Salvation -because if you have True Faith and believe upon Him you will be saved!
He will return again of that you can be sure! But are you ready to meet Him?
One day you will have a face to face come to Jesus meeting - will you be ready?
It is your choice! Choose wisely you only get one chance!
We will explore and show more on the true nature of Christ and what other religions believe about Christianity!
More later...
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