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SNOOZE Will Wake You up!
(ABCs of Conscious Evolution)

SNOOZE Will Wake You up! by luckman .....

SNOOZE is a book for readers ready to awaken from our mass cultural illusion before we self-destruct. SNOOZE calls out for readers open to the challenging adventure of opening their minds. It illustrates, in intriguing story form, the possibilities that imagination, dreams, visions, paranormal experiences, respectful relationship to nature, and non-linear thinking may hold the keys to resolving the ecological, economic, social, and political deadlocks we are currently experiencing.

Date:   6/4/2014 3:44:16 PM ( 10 y ago)

Sol Luckman

The early reader reviews of my new novel about lucid dreaming and the paranormal are starting to come in. The book’s first five-star review is posted here.

Today I’m excited to share another five-star review—this time by Merry Hall, Co-Host of ENVISION THIS, an online radio show connecting listeners to visionaries of a more resilient, equitable, and Earth-friendly future—that will knock your socks off!

Merry has posted her amazing review (below) on the novel’s pages on and

SNOOZE is a book for readers ready to awaken from our mass cultural illusion before we self-destruct. SNOOZE calls out for readers open to the challenging adventure of opening their minds. It illustrates, in intriguing story form, the possibilities that imagination, dreams, visions, paranormal experiences, respectful relationship to nature, and non-linear thinking may hold the keys to resolving the ecological, economic, social, and political deadlocks we are currently experiencing.

The characters have names that point to their archetypal significance, but also have decidedly unique adventures that reveal their individuality as fully developing human (and more-than-human) beings. SNOOZE introduces us to a diversified yet uncannily unified set of characters headed up by:

Maxwell Andrew Diver, an uncommon boy not only in his supernatural capabilities, such as ESP or the ability to heal with touch, but also in his intelligence and courage

Captain Thomas Diver, Max’s father, Navy pilot and celebrated NASA astronaut, “the proverbial insider, a folk hero, a golden boy who could do no wrong”

Dr. Cynthia Holden Diver, Max’s mother, a maverick anthropologist specializing in cryptozoology—a fancy word for the study of mysterious, officially unacknowledged creatures, who died in childbirth with Max but, nonetheless, forms with him “a dynamic duo…of quintessential outsiders…with eccentric notions”

Tuesday Monday, Max’s best friend, whom teachers were unanimous in thinking “some kind of prodigy” but who “paid the price for her precociousness by being ostracized as the resident nerd”

Dr. Morrow, Navy doctor considered an expert in sleep disorders, who wants to “study” Max as a subject in his experiments

And these are only some of the fascinating people in Max’s “real” or waking world of space-time. Wait until you meet their counterparts in Max’s dream world of time-space, a world that he maintains is equally “real”!

If you love a not-so-classic tale of Joseph Campbell’s “Hero’s Journey,” travel along with Max on his very adventurous flight into parts of reality we seldom dare to explore. You will be richly rewarded with hidden treasures that could awaken you to the hero and the mission buried within you. You may, incidentally, also discover a new and paradoxical relationship between science and fiction—normally considered incompatible routes in the quest for truth.


I’ll be appearing as a guest with Merry on ENVISION THIS June 23rd, so be sure to follow this great online radio station or this blog for more information.

For those unfamiliar with my writing, or who only know about my bestselling nonfiction, this isn’t my first time around the novelistic bend—or, for that matter, off the fictional deep end.

Eric Hoffer Award-winning author Sean M. Poole described my debut novel, BEGINNER’S LUKE, for which I was offered a contract by a respected New York publisher I declined in favor of self-publishing, as “a transformational novel, a manic manual of self-discovery, self-invention and renewal.” Reader Views called BEGINNER’S LUKE “a modern-day ALICE IN WONDERLAND,” while Apex Reviews referred to it as “a mind-bending journey through the mind of the ultimate iconoclast.”

BEGINNER’S LUKE was a zany, dithyrambic hymn to the transformational power of the imagination. SNOOZE, by contrast, is a razor-sharp exploration and celebration of the supernatural in the form of an epic, coming-of-age tale of one extraordinary boy’s awakening to the world-changing reality of his dreams.

Decidedly sci-fi in its emphasis on the unexplained, from Bigfoot to levitation to telepathy and beyond, SNOOZE is also unmistakably literary—featuring memorable characters, engaging drama, an offbeat sense of humor, and page-turning pacing reminiscent of THE DA VINCI CODE that will stir you wide awake!

Would you like an Advance Review Copy of SNOOZE to read and review? Peruse the first fourteen chapters and explore becoming an early reviewer here.

Sweet dreams!

Copyright © Sol Luckman. All Rights Reserved.

Sol Luckman is a prolific visual artist and critically acclaimed author. His numerous books include the international bestselling CONSCIOUS HEALING and its bestselling sequel, POTENTIATE YOUR DNA. Sol is also author of the BEGINNER’S LUKE Series of seriocomic novels characterized by Reader Views as a “modern-day ALICE IN WONDERLAND” and by Apex Reviews as a “mind-bending journey through the mind of the ultimate iconoclast.” His latest novel, SNOOZE: A STORY OF AWAKENING, is the riveting, coming-of-age tale of one extraordinary boy’s awakening to the world-changing reality of his dreams. Follow Sol on Facebook here and learn more about his work at


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