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What's Your Card?
(Son of Truth of Self)

What's Your Card? by Chef JeM .....

An initial introduction to the "Destiny Cards" "Love Cards" system.

Date:   4/1/2014 6:31:08 AM ( 10 y ago)

November 14, 2017 -

Today's "Thought for the day" inspired me in a number of ways. It begins by saying: "How to get along with others is the most important problem that human beings have to solve every day. Work on yourself, therefore, in order to develop the psychic and moral qualities which will allow you to better understand and accept others."[6]

"How to get along with others" depends upon understanding others which you can gain in two main ways. One is through dialogue with the individual. Dyad communication/relating exercises can support that as well. The second way to gain understating of others is to know their Destiny Cards. The compatibility between cards has been worked out virtually to a science so that your Birth Card plus another's Birth Card can be rated on a scale of compatibility that ranges from a low of -9 to a high of +9. -9 says: "This is an extremely difficult relationship for you. Only a saint would pursue it."

April 1, 2014 -

One of the first esoteric systems that I began working with is that of the "Destiny Cards" aka "the little book".[1] Apparently it is considered to be the original Tarot.[2] Virtually everyone with whom I share the cards with are impressed! When I already know the individual then the characteristics of that individual as indicated by cards are most obvious to me. When I don't already know an individual then when I share a reading with them I ask them what they think of the description. In any case I feel great gratitude for this system!

Here's an introductory overview of what it contains.:

"... there are 52 cards in the deck representing the 52 weeks in a year. The 13 cards in each suit represent the 13 weeks in each season. The 12 Court Cards—the Jacks, Queens and Kings—represent the 12 months in a year. If you add the face value of each card together, which adds up to 364, then add the Joker (valued at 1¼), they add up to 365¼, the number of days in a year. The two colors, Red and Black symbolize day and night, positive and negative, yin and yang, male and female. The four suits—Hearts, Clubs, Diamonds, and Spades—represent the four seasons—Spring, Summer, Autumn and Winter."[3]

My first card (Birth Card) is the King of Hearts, the "Master of The Heart" aka "The Loving Father Card" and "Paternal Authority".[4]

(I am so glad that I just added that last "AKA" as it isn't one of the references that I have for this card and yet that "title" does carry significant meaning for me that I now value!)

If you have this King in your profile then you may like to know that you are here to obtain mastery of your emotional life and especially through your relationships. I acknowledge this as true for me not only in this card but also (coincidentally) through my Human Design planetary activation with my natal North Lunar Node in the Solar Plexus Center at Gate 37. The Solar Plexus Center is the emotional center! Therefore it is my destiny to obtain this kind of mastery in my lifetime!

Speaking of destiny, a third reference I have on this is the Secret Language of Destiny that I also include in the work I do. In that system I am a "Transcendent Emotional Organizer"!

February 11, 2019 - Cards For the "United States" -

In addition to what may be considered as the first card for the "United States" based on the famous date: July 4, 1776 I now include and actually prefer a second card based on when Congress resolved the "Unanimous Declaration on July 1st. That day gives the U.S. the Ace of Spades.

I wrote the following to one of the online sites devoted to Destiny Cards:


Thank you for your site! I absolutely love working with the cards! I appreciate the information you share here.

Thought you may like to know that there is another card for the "United States" based on the July 1st day when the "Declaration" was originally resolved. Therefore I especially like to include the Ace of Spades in this regards. That card holds a great deal more meaning for me as to where the "United Staes" comes from. ...

And now let me introduce you to The Ace of Spades!:

The Card of Ambition and The Magi Card -

The Ace of Spades is the ancient symbol of the secret mysteries, the most spiritual card in the deck, and yet, also the most material. The A person usually has a life-long conflict between their material, worldly urges and their deep, past-life spiritual heritage. ... Their mission is to find the inner peace that comes through a life of service and dedication to higher principles.

As their karma from previous births is discharged, they come to realize this and learn to follow the unwritten law of spiritual truth. In many ways they have put themselves upon the cross. Whenever they deviate from the law, or disregard their spiritual nature they seem to be unjustly punished. Those Ace of Spades who are mostly material-minded seem to have one problem after another. However, whenever they do follow the law, they are protected, finding the inner peace they seek through awareness of their wealth of spirit.

July 16, 2015 -

Yesterday I discovered Destiny Card Freeware for which I am all the more grateful for![5] In addition to calculating the Birth Card for any birth date the software also identify the current 52-day planetary period for the individual as well as its main card influence. I especially appreciate also having the card of the day.

Today (September 7th) my card is Five of Clubs!

"The Basic Meaning of the Five of Clubs

'Change of mind and plans' is the basic meaning of the Five of Clubs. However, any five can mean change in residence or travel opportunities. Five of Clubs can also mean a restlessness that brings up a desire to explore new realms, at least on the mental level.
Whenever this card appears, it may be a signal for a change in your life. You will likely feel a dissatisfaction with things as they are and want to progress into new areas. Be open to new plans, new ideas, new places to go, etc. The only negative side of this card is an unwillingness to commit one's self to any particular belief or philosophy."






[5] My letter of Gratitude:
Greetings dear Cindy!

Thank you for making the Destiny Cards Freeware available at your site!:
(11-14-17 the "Destiny Cards Freeware" doesn't appear to be available.)

I discovered your page via my search for "Reiki symbols" and that connected me to:
(11-14-17 - this page doesn't appear to be available as well.)



Destiny Cards, Love Cards, king of hearts, mastery of love, mastery of the heart, loving father, paternal authority, Political Ponerology, human design system, North Lunar Node, emotional center, solar plexus, ace of spades


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