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FDA Edu Videos in honor of Label The FDA
(Plant Your Dream!)

FDA Edu Videos in honor of Label The FDA by YourEnchantedGardener .....

FDA Edu Videos in honor of Label The FDA

Date:   1/4/2014 12:28:04 PM ( 10 y ago)

FDA Edu Videos in
honor of Label The FDA

Reid's Cash For Clunkers FDA FOOD SAFETY #2751-#S-510 Passes!

Uploaded on Dec 21, 2010
Reid's Cash For Clunkers FDA FOOD SAFETY #2751-#S-510 Passes! Campaign to Educate Washington on Real Food Safety congratulates Senator Harry Reid and Reps (sarcastically) for helping us pass the Cash for Clunkers FDA Modernization Act on the Winter Solstice Lunar Eclipse December 21, 2010. Join the Dialogue on Science, Ethics, and Food on Facebook to find out more about Foods that are healthy to eat. Regain your beat with nature through growing a beet in a pot.


Wrote a poem today, "Chewing on Food Safety"

In the midst of Colony Collapse
in bees, mammals, and what remained
of Human Potential to survive and thrive
on Planet Earth--faced with a breakdown
in the Chain of Whole Being on Land and Sea--
Local Family farmers of all kinds, conventional
and organic, join hands across the
farm fields of America to send a mighty message
to resound in the Sacred Halls of the Capitol.
Full Bodied Legislators have their hearts and minds
turned upward as they imbibe
locally grown farm fresh food
and then vote for Real Food Safety.
Their every actions from that day forward
connect to noble deeds.

A simple beet who decided to talk led them.
In "udder" disbelief, grass eating cows who had burped
through decades crowded in factory farm sheds,
fed diets of grains that made them ill;
dolphins in the sea, swimming to avoid droplets of oil/gas spills,
take courage talk courage
from Keep The Beet Media Star,
The World's First Talking Beet Plant.

All life, living and once dead,
speaks up to reroot
our beloved "America The Beautiful!"

Sprout eaters, vegetarians;
vegans who love full heartedly
meat eating canines, join hands
in good thoughts to educate Washington
and ask them to Chew on Real Food Safety.
Patriots of every brand, cross party
lines to create an outcry that shatters
the walls of the mainstream media.
We the People shall be heard.
Democracy is not a spectator sport.
Let us in.

All hear the call.
We all have a moment of awakening.
Our contaminated Industrial Food System
and over drugged fields are the source of the problem
of Food Safety.

Phones ring as the fated so
called Food Safety Modernization
comes back to common sense.
The answer to real food safety
begins in our own backyard
with one million more small
gardeners and micro farmers.

Here a hen, here a rooster
are on the phone clucking
and online pecking emails to their
elected reps in both houses
in Keep The Beet's
Rock Your Soul Opera called Beet Keepers, Return!

Washington can not believe its ears!!!
Sounds deafen Lobbyists who had spent billions and billions
imagining they could influence men and women
they thought that they had voted into office.
This can never be the case in America the Beautiful!
Our legislators--all of them
know truly in their hearts
America The Beautiful.

The sight is amazing!
Our Honored President is inspired
by fresh and local foods that Our First Lady
serves him from the White House
organic garden. He dec1ares to the Nation
he is a Beet Keeper in this
the Enchanted Garden Era.
1000 years of peace start now.
Nations around the world honor
our president who was given
a nobel peace prize.

Birds Twitter!
Sustainability again rules the land.
It is one beet. Many Pulses

Soldiers come home.
We honor our returning veterans
and send them back to school
to relearn how to grow food
in their own backyards.
A new middle class in America
is reborn. Children receive all the
plant based education they need,
and exude virtue that inspires
mothers, dads,
grandma and grandpa.
Young folks adopt elders.
A happy day returns as
farmers wake up
and all elected
say, "Happiness is organic."

The later verses
of "America the beautiful" sing out
throughout the Land:

*O beautiful for spacious skies,
For amber waves of grain...

America! America!
God shed his grace on thee
Till selfish gain no longer stain
The banner of the free!

America! America!
God mend thine every flaw,
Confirm thy soul in self-control,
Thy liberty in law!

America! America!
May God thy gold refine
Till all success be nobleness
And every gain divine!

O beautiful for patriot dream
...beyond the years
...alabaster cities gleam
Undimmed by human tears!
America! America!
God shed his grace on thee
Till nobler men keep once again
Thy whiter jubilee!

FROM The Song

It was written by Katherine Lee Bates
in 1893 and first published in 1904.

America the Beautiful
Words by Katharine Lee Bates,
Melody by Samuel Ward


The President in our Rock Your Soul Opera
smiles knowing is supported by the people
and forever safe. We all agree to disagree.

He sends a personal contribution
to the Beet Keepers to help launch
a year long campaign to Educate
Washington on Real Food Safety.


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