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Special Interests are having their way with us-shocking!
(Plant Your Dream!)

Special Interests are having their way with us-shocking! by YourEnchantedGardener .....

Special Interests are having their way with us-shocking!

Date:   7/6/2013 12:28:38 PM ( 11 y ago)

Shocking Evidence that Special Interests are having their way with us

The last couple days I slowed down enough to take photos of the label on the Naked Juice bottle I bought at our local supermarket Von's, I was excited to find that one day after the Mother's Across America March to Label GMO's I had found a product that indeed made a point that their were no gmos in their product. I was very excited to find this! I wanted the Mom's March to know this so we could thank Naked Juice and its owners, PepsiCola.

The label clearly said no GMOs and made a point of talking about how on principle, they did not use biotechnology to produce the healthy juice.

I know Naked Juice began as a local So Cal Company that went national when they were sold to PepsiCola. It began as a good company with good intentional. Many of us gave money to buy this product and in some sense we helped the company prosper.


Looking at the Facts Behind Naked Juice: They are in a Lawsuit Accusing them of Fraud!

Then I looked at the company on the internet and what others were saying. I was led to a story about a Lawsuit now pending since September 2011 claiming the company is doing fraud calling their product non gmo. Technically, the Green Machine I was drinking, may very we'l have no GMO's in it. Soy--most of it genetically engineered--is the main culprit of GMOs in some of the Naked Juice Blends: however, if the lawsuit is correct, the owners of this company are misleading the buyer on numbers of counts.

PepsiCola Contribution to No on 37

This is one incident where I stand with the the Organic Consumers Association calling for a boycott on this product. Here is that petition:


On a Deeper level, I am stunned that Special Interests such as PepsiCola, and the makers of Naked Juice, are having their way with us as people.

They are still saying on their bottle--on the bottle I found of Green Machine in June 2013 at Vons--that they have no gmo's. Maybe other bottled do not have this I.D., but it hurts that companies abuse the public trust.

In my book Grow A Healthier Pizza, I look at this issue of how long Special Interests have had their way with us as People.

This goes back more than 100 years in the US, as far as I see.

The FDA began as a noble vision as one example. Dr. Harvey W. Wiley MD wanted to outlaw junk food. He would have banned junk food including CocaCola had he had the power. His efforts passed a Pure Food and Drug Law of 1906, but he could never enforce this law. Special Interests had their way.

THe Path to Soylent Green

I have been mulling over the Movie "Soylent Green" in recent days. I have been watching this during the time I have been recovering from a procedure to remove Kidney Stones. Oh my Gosh!

"Soylent Green" is about People adn what happened to us.

It is this disregard for the public trust that leads and undermines and brings us to the state where people are no longer people and who are living off of each other, rather than the benefits of each other's noble dreams.

This is why we need a Campaign to Grow A Healthier Pizza. We have to educate beginning with our children.

I invite you to join us.


The Campaign to Grow A Healthier Pizza

The Campaign to Grow A Healthier Pizza was born during the heat of the Prop 37 People's Initiative. This effort, was blocked again by Special Interests, whose vision is one that would put our Sacred Seeds in the Pizza box,

The message of the Campaign has evolved and remains the same.
"Take Your Sacred Seed out of the Pizza Box and Plant Your Dream!:

We are living in one kind of Box or Another, So take Your Sacred Seed out of the Box, and Plant Your Dream

We are all living in one box or another. "Soylent Green " is mandatory viewing for anyone who wants to see where we are going; and yet there is another vision afoot, that is Sponsored by The Seed of Peace, you are, and the world you are making through our Collective Grassroots Movement.

On this day of July 4, I want to refine the Visionary statement that goes with the Campaign to Grow A Healthier Pizza.

This is now the main graphic now reads:


"If commercial interests--
once again-- have convinced Congress--
to do business as usual;
and that profits are more important
than our children
having improved lunches in schools,
if Congress has now said that a few tablespoons
of tomato sauce define Pizza as a Vegetable,
then we as Conscious Consumers
will ‘Grow a Healthier Pizza’

July 4, 2013
1:20 pm

On this day of the Mothers Across America March to Label GMO's I want to add this line:


"If commercial interests--
once again-- have convinced Congress--
to do business as usual;
and that profits are more important
than our children
having improved lunches in schools,
if Congress has now said that a few tablespoons
of tomato sauce define Pizza as a Vegetable,
then we as Conscious Consumers
will ‘Grow a Healthier Pizza’

Amber Waves of Ancient Grain Growing
will Return Spacious Skies of
‘America the Beautiful’
to our Grassroots Movement. The Right to
have every Ingredient in Food Labeled;
To Know that Food is Medicine;
To Know how to Grow our own Food--
These will Win Back Our Sacred Seeds.

1:44 pm-3:33 pm
July 4, 2013



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