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Some facts to help you live better! Part 1
(Southern Etiquette or life in Dixie)

Some facts to help you live better! Part 1 by kerminator .....

** If you are ever going to get a real handle on your health; then start by reading this information! ...

Date:   4/10/2013 8:14:57 PM ( 11 y ago)

Dirty Little Secret #1:
Drug Side Effects Are Not Only Dangerous...
They're DEADLY!

For years, even decades we've been told that if you have pain... just taking something like... Advil... Aleve... Bayer... Celebrex... Demerol... Motrin... Naproxen... Oxycontin... Percocet... Tylenol... Ultram... or Vicodin... and your pain will simply disappear.

And that's fine - if you're not a fan of living.


While these drugs may be working right now to temporarily stop your pain... they are secretly working behind the scenes... tearing apart your stomach... turning your organs into mush... and causing your insides to become leaky faucets of BLOOD!

Don't believe me?

Here's proof:

Adverse drug reactions are the 4th leading cause of death in the United States... and even put your life at risk in the hospital... affecting more than 1 in 10 patients.

Only Heart Disease, Cancer, And Strokes
Kill More Americans Every Year!

Here are just a handful of examples of commonly prescribed pain meds and their health-crushing effects...

Aspirin - Want to DOUBLE your chances of developing a perforated ulcer or gastrointestinal bleeding? Then start taking "1-a-day" Aspirin and kiss your organs goodbye!

Tylenol/Acetaminophen - Every year, more than 56,000 Americans will visit the emergency room due to acetaminophen overdoses. It’s the leading cause of calls to Poison Control Centers and by far the leading cause of acute liver failure, causing nearly 50% of all cases.

Vicodin, Lorcet, Norco, Percocet, Percodan, Hydrocodone, Oxycodone - Over 16,000 people per year DIE from opiate overdoses. These highly addictive pain meds prescribed by pill-happy doctors cause liver failure, severe constipation leading to ruptured bowels, blocked bowels or sepsis… severe respiratory depression, confusion, coma, and complete cardiac arrest.

Advil, Aleve, ibuprofen, naproxen - These "everyday" pain meds carry a heavy burden. Much heavier than you would ever expect. Just check out these stats...

... The odds of dying from taking a nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID) after just two months is around 1 in 1,200.

... Roughly 16,685 people die each year from NSAID related complications... stealing the life away from as many people as AIDS!

If you want to play "prescription roulette... just take Celebrex and triple your risk of heart attack!

Celebrex - Feeling like playing a little Russian roulette with your heart and brain? Just take prescription Celebrex and you'll instantly triple your risk of heart attack or stroke!

While studying the drug’s potential as an anti-cancer drug, the National Cancer Institute discovered that...

"Those taking 400mg doses had 250% greater risk of dying from heart attack or stroke... and those taking the 800mg doses has 340% times the risk!"

So the question is...

... WHY are these pain medications so harmful to your body?

... WHY do they put you at risk for so many other side effects?

... WHY have you been betrayed and lied to by the drug companies and doctors who prescribe you these potentially deadly pain meds?


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