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"Eternal Vigilance ... The Price Of Liberty"
(Son of Truth of Self)

"Eternal Vigilance ... The Price Of Liberty" by #29621 .....

The truth of "The Republic" and our ongoing need for liberation!

Date:   3/12/2013 4:58:47 AM ( 11 y ago)

July 29, 2018 -

"... With prayers that continue to be answered, often in the most unexpected ways, and with faith in justice and love and what is right, we continue to move forward and make gains every single day. We are doing this together, as a vast unincorporated team --- Team America. It doesn't have one face or one color. It doesn't have a political party. The Declaration of Independence is its only Mission Statement. ..."[1]

"... Can Power be controlled?
The framers of the Constitution believed that in establishing an independent Judicial Department to pass upon the constitutionality of the acts of Power they had solved the problem.

But solution in that way must always depend upon the independence, quality, and courage of the judges. And those things depend upon the unremitting support of an educated press and people. The following discussion will show how the plan has been working out, and that eternal vigilance never was more clearly the price of Liberty than it is to-day.":

My search trail began with "Republic+federalist papers" then "anti-federalist papers" then to this quote; "Lawyers are being graduated from law school by the thousands who have little knowledge of the constitution. When organizations seek a lawyer to instruct them on the Constitution they find it nearly impossible to secure one competent.":

and finally to the site above.

"... What substance was in the word (Liberty) in 1776 and 1787? With that known, the Constitution will be understood.

What this word had come to mean in England at the time of the Declaration of Independence may be taken from William Blackstone, who began in 1758 a course of lectures in the University of Oxford, in a chair just established, which lectures in book form are known as "Commentaries on the Laws of England," and which were taught in the College of William and Mary by Chancellor Wythe to James Madison, Thomas Jefferson, and some others who had to do with the founding of this Republic. Edmund Burke, one of the friends of the colonists in the House of Commons, stated that more books of law were going from Europe to the colonies than of any other kind. It is not unlikely, therefore, that Blacksone's remarkable formulation of English law, done in a literary style yet unexcelled for lucidity and charm, was known to many of the deep students and thorough scholars of that time besides those who came from the College of William and Mary. Moreover, an edition of Blackstone was brought out at Philadelphia five years before the Declaration of Independence.

Blackstone defines (Vol. 1, p. 125) natural liberty as follows:

This natural Liberty consists properly in a power of acting as one thinks fit, without any restraint or control, unless by the law of nature; being a right inherent in us by birth, and one of the gifts of God to Man at his creation, when He endowed him with the faculty of free will."

October 13, 2013 -

In my continued contemplations of "these Truths" (see the "Declaration of Independence, DOI) I realize that they are the true spirit of America! When these Truths are considered it will become obvious that they are the bedrock of truths for Americans! "These Truths" include the truth of self, life and others. To "hold these Truths", (DOI) is an act of love, our own self-love, our love of life and the love of humanity. All of this is worthy of our individual consideration whenever we contemplate upon the foundation of Law in America. American law is required to be written and all written law must be construed within the context of the Organic Laws which includes the DOI as the first Organic Law. It is the cornerstone for the following three Organic Laws. These Organic Laws are recognized within the "United States Code" as I have described in my other blog entry at "Son of Truth ..".

Got liberty?


September 12, 2017 -

To whatever extent you think you have "liberty" there remains still more liberation to be had. There are many indications for this. One indication that I have found is represented by the planetary body known as Eris that was discovered on January 5th, 2005. Eris represents liberation and how that reaches you Individually depends on where Eris was activated in your natal planetary activations known as your natal chart. For me Eris appeared in my 6th House of Work & Health. One aspect of this translates as "Liberation from the standard health care system". This influence was excellerated in 2013 when Uranus transited my 6th House. I intend to verify the dates on this and "report" back here.

The so called "Republic" (as per Ben Franklin and apparently of the "United States") was the product of the secret constitutional convention of September 17, 1787. The truth is the actual "Confederation" that was formed by the several sovereign states continued to be alive and well! One of the methods used to deceive the nations is to rename a lawful thing and then control that!




republic, liberty, these truths, declaration of independence, written law, organic laws, liberation


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