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Twelve Paintings that Speak to 2013
(ABCs of Conscious Evolution)

Twelve Paintings that Speak to 2013 by luckman .....

Our world has now cycled out of the Age of Pisces, characterized by duality and conflict, into the Age of Aquarius, believed in many ancient wisdom traditions to be a period of increasing abundance, harmony and joy for all people. The great Shift of the Ages has come—but not gone. We’re in its transformational and revitalizing energy right now—and will most likely continue to be for the foreseeable future.

Date:   1/8/2013 1:55:02 PM ( 11 y ago)

Sol Luckman

Instead of making predictions for the coming year, this time around I thought I’d try something different and share my twelve favorite paintings of mine, along with a bit of commentary, from 2012.

In certain ways, these paintings may actually illuminate the general tenor of what’s in store for us in 2013 ... and beyond.

They also tell a story of my shifting focus as an artist—as well as the shifting focus of many people throughout the world—to matters more spiritual than physical in nature.

And, yes, I’m aware of the inherent pitfalls, the potential pretentiousness, of writing about one’s own creations—to say nothing of tying them into such a seemingly abstract notion as personal and planetary transformation.

But 2012 was a watershed year for me as a painter, a year in which despite a variety of difficult challenges, I experienced a sensation of “finding myself” artistically—and began producing work that felt very much like my own, thematically as well as stylistically.

Coming from a writing background, I can’t help but appreciate the irony of being drawn, as it were, to paint with ink.

And not just any ink. Indelible ink. Bombay ink full of shellac that leaves a hard and fast line the instant it makes contact with paper. Where one’s tiniest mistakes are immediately enshrined for posterity.

Failure in such a medium can be instantaneous, and devastating, since there’s no way—as there is with oil paint or Microsoft Word—to simply cover up or delete one’s errors and carry on.

I went so far as to compose a little poem on this subject:

Inks do not
As a general rule

But with enough coaxing
Occasionally they can be
Persuaded to forgive

But as I like to say, breakdown is a precursor for breakthrough. With my painting, as soon as I learned to “get out of my own way” and allow the ink to communicate its desires, I started creating pieces that did not feel at all premeditated, contrived, or overly influenced.

This happened over a particularly prolific stretch in the summer of 2012 as, among other things, I developed an entirely novel relationship to negative space.

Philosophically, theologically and even scientifically, it’s hard to argue against the fact that things come from nothing—that the material world and its objects are born, literally and figuratively, out of a void.

But to experience that void, not in traditional meditation, nor in passive surrender, but in the very active process of making art, was a new one for me. Not surprisingly, a number of my recent works foreground negative space in an almost “Japanese” manner.

By negative space, I mean the creative matrix, the womb, the yin that gives birth to the yang, the implicit giving way to the explicit order.

In Dewey Larson’s terminology, elaborated in his Reciprocal System of physical theory, my artistic endeavors provided a window through which, in fits and starts, I was able to glimpse the energetic exchange (which is constantly occurring) between time-space and space-time.

Also not surprisingly, in ranking my favorite ink-on-paper pieces from 2012, which start with number #12 and end at #1, I was struck by the way in which every single one of them is about energy.

“Torsion” energy, the hallmark of the void, or time-space, which underpins the observable universe, is a major subject of my writing on healing and transformation.

My position is that this subtle force, which the ancient Greeks called “aether,” is consciousness itself—and gives rise to what we think of as reality as merely an epiphenomenon—not the other way around.

Stated differently, as I explore in-depth in both my nonfiction and fiction, consciousness—especially what might be called imagination—is the primal energy of creation itself.

When we use our imagination to make things, we’re not emulating the Creator; we’re being the Creator. And the Creator in us would have it no other way.

There seems to be, at least in the circles in which I travel, a nearly universal consensus that the torsion “blueprint energy” for our world and its systems is, in fact, and undeniably, increasing.

Whether it’s time “speeding up,” or “ascension” symptoms, or elevated “psi” abilities, or an awareness of exponential “chaos” as the old-world mentality comes under a variety of pressures to change somehow acting in concert, people from all walks of life, and from all over the globe, appear unanimous in sensing that the jig is up on our outmoded systems that serve the interests of a tiny ruling elite while oppressing the masses.

The reason? Simple, really. Those of us who have studied the precession of the equinoxes understand that a major planetary cycle timed to the top-like wobble of the earth’s axis, lasting approximately 26,000 years, just completed on December 21, 2012.

But the end of the world, so hyped by mainstream media, which never lets a good crisis go to waste, though the Maya themselves never said the world would end, was just the beginning.

Our world has now cycled out of the Age of Pisces, characterized by duality and conflict, into the Age of Aquarius, believed in many ancient wisdom traditions to be a period of increasing abundance, harmony and joy for all people.

The great Shift of the Ages has come—but not gone. We’re in its transformational and revitalizing energy right now—and will most likely continue to be for the foreseeable future.

The very subject matter of my paintings from 2012, emerging from a deeply “zen” state, steadily evolved to depict aspects of this uplifting energy so many of us now feel infusing our bodies, hearts, and minds.

A number of these depictions are featured in my list of favorites. I certainly felt energized when painting them. May you be similarly uplifted by viewing them.


For years I've been saying that humanity is leaving the Gray World and entering the Green World on our way to the Blue World. What these color distinctions mean has never been absolutely clear to me—but one can sense an upward movement in this progression of “worlds” that resonates strongly with concepts such as awakening and enlightenment.


An interchange of the “micro” and the “macro.” The foreground appears not to be ground at all, while one could perhaps walk across the sky. Does the new era dawning in the aftermath of the Shift of the Ages occur as heaven becomes the earth, or as the earth becomes heaven? Either way, I’ll take it.


Need I say more? Okay, I'll say more. The waves of cosmic energy have been steadily building for years—and especially during the past year. Individually and collectively, we have a choice: either we can be swept under, or we can grab our surfboards and, in the immortals words of the B52s, pass the tanning butter.


See #12 above. The Blue World is still below the horizon, somewhere across the galaxy, but it’s out there, beckoning. Blue comes after green in the rainbow, and we’re just now entering the Green World, so how could it be otherwise?


To my surprise, and great delight, I discovered the universe and a painting of the universe are created exactly the same way.


Standing before this painting in the aftermath of the brutal Sandy Hook “false flag,” I rapped, “The shooting rings as merely another polluting, convoluting our ability to act with nobility and do the right thing, cut the purse strings of the puppet masters, the pranksters and banksters, who of old sold their souls, impossibly tasked (though who could’ve asked) with stopping the light. Problem-reaction-solution. It’s just so much pollution, confusing the global brain like a video game. What can we do but break on through? A new day dawns where we’re no longer pawns. Timing is on our side. Get ready for the ride. A solar event may be the advent. Try not to be naughty, you silly Illuminati, here in the purple haze of your closing days. The beginning of your end is the end of our beginning. You may still pretend, but we’re winning. And don’t forget while you chain and gain: that light in the tunnel might just be a train.”


In a memorable episode of HBO’s classic series Sex and the City, guest star David Duchovny, playing the role of a “crazy” ex-boyfriend, shares an extremely lucid realization with Carrie Bradshaw when the iconic urbanite balks at his suggestion that the two go for a hike together. “Hiking is walking,” he informs her. I experienced a similar epiphany upon finishing this piece, when it occurred to me that ascension is just a fancy word for climbing higher and higher.


Here’s an excerpt from the Hopi Prophecy involving the Red Kachina, which some theorize to be our sun’s counterpart in a binary system: “When the Purifier comes we will see him first as a small red star which will come very close and sit in our heavens watching … to see how well we have remembered the sacred teachings. This Purifier will show us many miraculous signs [and] we will know that our creator is not a dream. Even those who do not feel their connection to spirit will see the face of the creator … Things unseen will be felt strongly. Many things will begin to occur that do not make sense, for reality will be shifting back. We will receive many warnings allowing us to change our way, from below the Earth as well as above. Then one morning we will awaken to a Red Dawn. The sky will be the color of blood and many things will begin to happen … Reality will not be as it is now.” Heavy stuff, but ultimately positive.


“We dance round in a ring and suppose,” wrote Robert Frost, “but the secret sits in the middle and knows.” I could expound on the poet’s profound differentiation between ephemeral human “knowledge” and eternal divine Knowing, but unfortunately, that’s … a secret.


Regarding the new era we’re entering, Hopi prophesy further states that “when the Blue Star Kachina makes its appearance in the heavens, the Fifth World will emerge. This will be the day of Purification. It will come when the Blue Kachina dances in the plaza and takes off his mask.” As if on cue, many of our so-called leaders in politics, banking, corporations and the military are being “unmasked” before our eyes and brought to justice—a hopeful trend that should increase in 2013. Which, in my opinion, is reason to dance in the plaza.


Close your eyes and watch the burning filaments of the day incandesce like webs shaking faster in the wind. That’s the frequency increase singeing your neurons, until your DNA dissolves into caterpillar soup and recombines as a butterfly.


If all the darkness in the world can’t extinguish a tiny candle, how could a world only partially in darkness, to the tune of a measly one percent, possibly put out the sun dawning on a bright new era for humanity? It can’t. And it didn’t. Welcome to a world in the process of rapidly healing and transforming in 2013!

Copyright © 2013 Sol Luckman. All Rights Reserved.

[Sol Luckman is a prolific visual artist and critically acclaimed author of fiction and nonfiction. His numerous books include the international bestselling Conscious Healing: Book One on the Regenetics Method and Potentiate Your DNA: A Practical Guide to Healing & Transformation with the Regenetics Method. For information on the “revolutionary healing science” (Nexus) of the Regenetics Method, check out Sol is also author of the Beginner’s Luke Series of seriocomic novels that hilariously foreground the role of imagination in creating our individual and collective reality. Characterized by Reader Views as a “modern-day Alice in Wonderland” and by Apex Reviews as a “mind-bending journey through the mind of the ultimate iconoclast,” Beginner’s Luke is also, as literature professor Niama Williams has written, a “spiritual journey that you do not want to put down.” Share the Adventure of an imaginary lifetime by visiting View Sol’s paintings and learn more about his work at]


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