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Follow up with Keith Pezzoli on Arundo Research
(Plant Your Dream!)

Follow up with Keith Pezzoli on Arundo Research by YourEnchantedGardener .....

Follow up with Keith Pezzoli on Arundo Research

Date:   8/4/2012 2:48:38 PM ( 12 y ago)


August 4, 2012
3:02 pm

To Keith Pezzoli,
Director of Field Research, Lecturer


Let's pursue this.

Leslie Goldman
AKA Your Enchanted Gardener

Plant Your Dream Blog

I put this email in a blog.

here is the Link

Keith, I want to follow up with a idea that we discussed earlier in the Spring.

A would like to work with a research student to look at the plant Arundo Donax.

This plant is considered a fire hazard in San Diego County and the recommended procedure is to kill it with Round Up Glysophate.

There are anecdotal stories of how Monsanto has funded various Invasive Plant Councils to support the killing of this plant.

There was a treatment that was started by a group in Ojai called Arundo Nation that discusses this topic.

The plant has caused considerable expense to my neighbors who were instructed by the Fire Prevention Bureau of San DIego to cut the plant down.

I have a large stand of it on the side of the canyon next to our house.

When I began my study of this plant is was an understanding that it could not be composted or mulched, or chipped.

There have already been experiences here on our property to indicate this was possible to shred it through a chipper. to effectively mulch it without fear of it sprouting.

I have proved that the plant can be composted, and that it can be a useful mulch.

While we are attempting to eradicate this plant at great expense, there are farmers in the Portland Area who are being paid to grow this plant.

It is one of the fastest growing plants in the world, and a likely source of Biofuel and biomass.

The plant has significant cultural meaning to the Mayan people.

I had leads to a number of Mayan elders and teachers who use the plant as central to their local indigenous economy.

I taught at the 2nd Festival of Traditional Medicine of the Americas ion Tecate in May.

I heard Traditional Medicine healers talk about the used of the plant that is called Carrizo in that culture.

It is a plant that is highly regarded.

The Plant has many names around the world.

It has definite medicine value in the root system.

I would like to pursue the idea of a Museum Exhibit on the 102 Uses of Arundo Donax.

I am involved each year in the Pacific Symposium of Oriental Medicine.

The Plant will be my main plant used to make bouquets.

Here is a plant that when befriended has many potential uses.

He is a plant that is currently considered trash by the San Diego Landfill, at a time when we will soon have a law in San diego that will block green waste going into the landfill.

What are the costs to consider this plant waste?

I would like to have other research on the plant assembled.

I spent many hours blogging on this and could provide some leads to a research student.

I am very concerned that there is a considerable pressure to use Round Up on this plant at a time when it is becoming clearer and clearer that Round Up Glysophate is dangerous to the soil.

Months ago, I heard a very interesting story from Oscar Romo, who is involved in the TJ Estuary.

He told me that once there was a driving local economy in craft items sold to tourists before the border wall went up.

No one had any problem with the stands of Arundo Donax because the people of Mexico would come over and harvest this plant.

Then, the border wall made harvesting of Arundo Donax inaccessible.

Suddenly, we had a major problem with Arundo Overgrowth.

Millions are now being allocated to eradicate a plant that could provide many useful benefits at a time when most people are nature deprived.

I want to know what this plant has in mind and how it can contribute. to helping us come into a right relationship with nature.

I say let us research the 102 Uses of Arundo…

This would be a book that many would like to read.

I would like to see a museum exhibit come out of this as well.

Leslie Goldman
Your Enchanted Gardener




This is the story of two friends who hit upon a novel way to try to stop an herbicidal spraying campaign in their bucolic canyon: They found a green company to make the spraying’s target, an invasive cane species called Arundo donax, into a commercially viable crop. If they succeed, Monsanto, makers of the herbicide used in the campaign (Roundup®), might just back down. This alternately light-hearted and hard-hitting documentary captures real-life quest in an amusing tale that also lays bare the perils of pesticide use and corporate rule. Patty Pagaling, an Ojai valley resident finds out that Monsanto's legendary glysophate (a derivative of RoundUp) is being sprayed in her pristine Matilija Canyon to kill the “devil weed” Arundo donax. Problem is glysophate is known to cause serious health problems including lymphatic cancer with impacts to wildlife and water systems.

Patty, who has a background in Native American culture and education decides to take on one of the largest chemical corporations in America. She forms a local group, Pesticide Free Ojai Valley and pretty soon they find themselves in broiled in a series of random "sprays" for apple & gypsy moths and other pests the county and state of California has deemed deleterious. Patty takes her case to the county supervisors but finds political ineptitude and indifference, with a long standing insidious relationship to the chemical giant. Deciding it's better to fight fire with fire, Patty and her activist friends decide to harvest the Arundo reed and turn it into everything from perfume, bread to couture underwear. Going from her hippy digs to Rodeo Drive in Beverly Hills on a quest to find the best product ideas for Arundo, along the way her journey exposes Monsanto's chemical treadmill and the revolving door between the chemical giant and the EPA, as well as the viability and beauty of Arundo and it's incredible history as a cure all with multiple uses. The film uses humor, adventure and the personal courage of it's activists to engage the audience.

PFOV Campaign Leader: Patricia Pagaling
Producer: Patricia Pagaling
Consulting Producer: Carolyn Scott

Status: In production summer 2009. We will be producing a promo to raise funding.

For a full treatment contact: Patricia Pagaling

Pesticide Free Ojai WEBSITE:

contact Patty Pagaling:





Jesus Alvarez--Mayan Teacher and Ally with Carizzo. Carizzo is a Sacred Plant among the Mayans. Carizzo was sacred to the Buddha. Carizzo, also known as Arundo Donax, is a big moneymaker for Monsanto Corp, who have paid for the creation of many Invasive Plant Councils to make War on this Plant that has more than 102 uses. Arundo Donax needs to be managed. That is clear. It can be a Fire Hazard if left to grow out of RIght Relationship to Humans, but when managed it is one of our lead potential Resources for an alternative to Ethanol, a major Biotech investment. Is there any wonder why this plant--one of the fastest growing in the world--is labeled invasive? To kill it, earns millions for Monsanto who have sold Rec Departments a Bill of Goods that Round Up is the solution for this plant that many identify as one of our top enemies.

Keith is a part of the Sustainability projects at UCSD.
He said he would assign a person to work with my blogs.



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