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Real Food & American Freedom Need Each Other!
(Chef Jemichel ~ The Chef-Doctor)

Real Food & American Freedom Need Each Other! by chef jem .....

A need for enlightened sovereignty by understanding the Organic Laws of "The United States of America".

Date:   2/23/2012 3:22:22 AM ( 12 y ago)

Update - March 16, 2012:

Who are we if not the sovereigns? -
"... men can never escape being governed. Either they must govern themselves or they must submit to being governed by others. If ... they refuse to govern themselves, then most assuredly in the end they will have to be governed from the outside. They can prevent the need of government from without only by showing that they possess the power of government from within, a sovereign can not make excuses for his failures; a sovereign must accept the responsibility for the exercise of the power that inheres in him, and where, as is true in our Republic, the people are sovereign, then the people must show a sober understanding and a sane and steadfast purpose if they are to preserve that orderly liberty upon which as a foundation every republic must rest."
Theodore Roosevelt
Jamestown Exposition April 26,1907

I think there is a need for what I would call an enlightened sovereignty.

"It is the manner of enforcement which gives Title 42 1983 its unique importance, for enforcement is placed in the hands of the people. Each citizen acts as a private attorney general who ‘takes on the mantel of the sovereign,’ guarding for all of us the individual liberties enunciated in the Constitution” (Frankenhauser v. Rizzo, 59 F.R.D. (1973).

Of course the outer government does what it can to truly discourage people from thinking of themselves as sovereigns, since that term represents a threat to their usurpation and all the violence that is committed under color of law. What other course is there? Either we resume our Rightful identity and all the powers that go with that or we suffer one way or another if not outwardly then with inner fears. This is why I am saying we really need to come back to a full understanding of our Foundation in Law as is clearly revealed in the Organic Laws:

I imagine that we could have a course launched from this blog:

I think we could make more progress in our intentions to "develop creative approaches to fight the food authoritarians"! At least that is my intention and the reason why in keep coming back here. But what brings others here? Posted at:

August 11, 2018 - The United States Is a Federal Republic - The United States of America Is a Confederacy -

"The United States of America is not a republic it is a Confederacy of States which have delegated some, but not all their sovereignty to the United States in Congress assembled under the Articles of Confederation of November 15, 1777. The name 'United States' is used to describe territory ceded to and subject the exclusive jurisdiction of the United States of America. The name 'United States' is derived from the name, 'United States of America' for the proprietor of that territory."[1]

March 9, 2018 - Link to the Organic Laws in United States Code:


It is because I genuinely care about the American family farmers, ranchers and all other providers of animal products across the country that I became a WAPF member (since the get go) and a former chapter leader.

I have seen the effect of a number of conditioning factors in America (including public education with it's governmental indoctrination) that have severely limited the ability of the public to see through the appearances of many things and especially when it comes to "government" and it's authority.

That "reality" has all the more motivated me to research the lawful limits of the Federal government as to both subject and territorial jurisdiction. Having done that I have finally come to a conclusive understanding that I would like to share with all Americans who are concerned about all "onerous regulations" but especially in regards to our food!

The Federal government, in this instance Congress, has limitations to it's jurisdiction however that entity is not going to openly reveal that to the American people! Yet, the limitations can be known if anyone wants to see them! Therefore I deeply believe that the American people need to re-educate themselves on the most fundamental basis for securing their rights. And I see this same need in every farm/farmer/food issue that I have known over the years that is confronting the American people.

One very good source of information on this subject (that I have found easy to read and most interesting) is: "Four Pillars of Constitutionalism" by Richard H. Cox. It is actually only about 62 pages of his "introduction" that is then followed by the "four pillars". These four pillars are the foundation of Fundamental Law and yet they are not generally addressed in the schools of law in America. Richard Cox makes an excellent presentation of all of this in a most straight forward manner and unlike most any other researcher that I know of on American Law.

I believe that as soon as most any American understands just how limited the government's jurisdiction is they will more easily realize that they have a choice as to whether or not they voluntarily subject themselves into any particular federal jurisdiction. I do not say all Americans because there are some exceptions but virtually none when it comes to American farmers and ranchers who are on their own private lands. I'm confident that many Americans will benefit by knowing all that the Organic Laws include and with that knowledge to realize their true status in relation to the "Supreme Law of the Land". It's the kind of knowledge that is power in that it can completely turn the tables around in the "war" against the American farmers.


Why I care about real food and the current raw milk issue!

I'm truly inspired with a vision while reading "Are all bugs bad?" by Victoria Coulter!:

The problem with how we think about our relationship with the microbial world is that we do not realize what we are - or, more specifically - what's inside our bodies (and in a number of ways including what's gotten into our heads)! If the truth takes three stages before it is finally accepted then I believe the third stage about the truth of raw milk must be terribly overdue by several decades! I see plenty of evidence (published since the 1940s) indicating that there is a concerted effort in suppressing the truth!

I had no idea at age 13 when I first was asked about what I want to "be" when I grow up that I would be championing "real milk"! Especially when I grew up just an hour from "The Dairy State"! It wasn't until I moved to California (another thirteen years later) that I discovered raw dairy in the form of several wonderful dairy products from Alta Dena Dairy. Without public access to the internet at the time - the truth about the war against raw milk was largely hidden. Now, the "hood-winking" about raw milk is being seriously limited, largely by way of this very technology that I am using now in writing this message!

The truth suppression about raw milk is truly one of the most amazing things I have ever known! I think it deserves to be a permanent feature in "Ripley's Believe It Or Not" or the like! How is it possible that people have let the enjoyment of a truly life-giving food (which many estimate, has been a fundamental part of the human diet for many thousands of years) very suddenly (in light of milk's entire time line) be regarded as a form of "Russian roulette"? But apparently "all is fair in love and war"! The war tactics that have been used to demonize raw milk are truly remarkable in the sense that the demonizers have apparently convinced 95% or more of all dairy consumers (given that only a few percent of Americans actually have raw dairy in their diet).

So why should I care?
I believe that the demonization of raw milk (with it's design to intimidate the public through scare tactics, inducing shock and essentially forcing unsuspecting people into accepting pasteurization) is not a single isolated "pageant". (A recent incidence by, what is fair to call, the "Food Police" is also blogged by Victoria at the site linked above.) Enforcement of government "recommended" "nutrition" is simply a continuation of the long history of Federal usurpation. That usurpation is at the core of the reason why I care.

The idea that the Federal government has a truly Lawful Authority to impose codes (or any other Acts of Congress) onto the American people who, essentially, are not living on Federal property is simply unfounded in our four-fold Organic American Law! IMO - the "Raw Milk" issue is not only about the milk. It is also not only about any number of Rights issues (from Food and Farm to Civil Rights and more)! I believe that it is truly about the very source and substance of American freedom - whereby every American can live as a "free inhabitant" on virtually any American land, completely free of all written law (just as it is declared in the first Organic Law: The Declaration of Independence)! This true Organic Law-ful freedom is never ever mentioned in any of the government schools and yet it is clearly declared in the four original Organic Laws!

For further information on these Organic Laws see: "Four Pillars of Constitutionalism" By Richard H. Cox. Also talked about in my blog on the subject:

Originally posted at:

Update: March 10th

Organic Law - Status - Farms - Sustainable Agriculture plus "Real Food" for "Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness".

I'm inspired with this thought after sharing with Vernon Hershberger (of Grazin' Acres farm in southern Wisconsin) regarding my studies in Law (I am enrolled in a course of Law) in which I'm focused on identifying Rights in light of the government attacks on small farmers! I have discovered that the Organic Laws reveal a specific status identified as "Free Inhabitant" that is truly independent and outside of the clearly defined, territorially-limited jurisdiction (that is completely subject to the United States government). Yesterday I pointed Vernon to an article on that. Since then I've continued to think about this "status" and it's implications and I now believe that this knowledge is not only for the small farmers (especially all those who are in any way being harassed, oppressed, coerced, etc, by government) but for every American as well!

Therefore I'd like to inspire the rest of the club members of "Right To Choose Healthy Foods" and any other friends of Vernon, to consider making a small donation to Vernon for his enrollment into the course of law on the Organic Laws that is taught by Dr. Ed Rivera.:

10:39 PM (& updated 3/11)
I'm now in the process of having my Law professor review my logic in the following.:

There are a growing number of Americans who are choosing real foods over the highly-processed "foods" that food manufacturers have been "pushing" (comparable to drugs) upon the American people for well over eight decades now.

These people realize that the real foods actually come direct from farms (rather than from some kind of factory).

So far we have the basic idea that "Real Foods come from Real Farms" (not counting wild game and seafood).

Over the past decade a number of farmers at the small farms that are offering these real foods have been targeted and legally attacked under the color of law (for allegedly violating commercial codes) and so far this appears to be an effective strategy in the war against real food (that is largely focused on real milk at present).

Here is where it begins getting "interesting":
many of the farmers have a "sixth sense" that the government attacks are exceeding what the limits of what is right and proper, however, there is considerable "short-sightedness" in clearly identifying exactly what those limits are. The farmers, as well as the rest of the American people, will not realize "exactly what those limits are" unless they look at the Organic Laws and understand one most vital truth: that they can assert a natural status of "free inhabitant" that is exactly what the term says it is!

The "free inhabitant" status is in great contrast to the other conventional and more popular status of "citizen of the United States". This latter status only came about since the Fourteenth Amendment and it was originally created for the express purpose of extending federal citizenship to the former slaves who could not qualify as State Citizens.

Virtually anything that is granted by the federal government is subject to the federal government terms. "US citizens" are subject to all the terms of this federally created status. On the other hand the "free inhabitant" is not a status that is "granted" by the federal government but it is the natural, original status that came as a direct result of our complete Independence from Great Britain and that has been recognized in the Organic Laws. But you have to come to the Law to see it and understand it because the government is not talking about it at all!

April 13, 2023 - From Grazin' Acres April Newsletter:

Back to the Trial 
For our Back to the Trial edition this month I will attach a few of our personally documented accounts of the raids that were done on the Farm in 2010! From these you will see a vivid picture of what went on on the Farm through the eyes of our family when all at once the half a dozen police and Ag personnel vehicles came flying in the driveway as if they owned the place! 
Next month I have planned to have a special guest write up an account of the week of the trial through the eyes of an activist who was leading out in organizing and carrying out the huge task of planning the rallies at the courthouse and taking care of the people when they showed up!

Comment: Several months ago this Blog-writer inquired with "an activist who was leading out in organizing and carrying out the huge task of planning the rallies" as to whether any videos had been made of this process. Although this writer didn't get a reply from that individual he is grateful that Vernon has been inspired to present some of their history on the legal attacks back in 2010.




American Freedom, food, freedom, food law, america, liberty, food rights, real food, organic law, free inhabitant, republic


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