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Marijuana Thoughts
(Plant Your Dream!)

Marijuana Thoughts by YourEnchantedGardener .....

Marijuana Thoughts

Date:   2/7/2012 10:45:48 AM ( 12 y ago)

Strange to be writing about this topic this morning. I want to make some comments on this subject. Among some close friends I have had during my life, it is politically correct to smoke, by this I mean smoke marijuana.

I have never given this much thought, except that around our home we have rules that ask this be a no smoke zone. I have personally never been drawn to smoke anything.

It is legal in some states in the united states to smoke. and I believe that smoking marijuana should not be crime, just as drinking booze should not be a crime.

That is not to say it is in the best judgement of some to smoke or drink.


There is a poem I was looking for this morning called Pain in Paradise. I cannot find it. My head is dull from being too tired and too much in the world. I would say that it is the preference of many in the world to keep us stupid, and smoking marijuana can be one way to stay stupid through avoiding problems or uncomfortable feelings that come up when we have problems.

The way we handle pain and discomfort exercises and develops our higher judgement.

I have my share of anxiety. Handling anxiety through choosing Flower Essences as a Remedy has given me the capacity to work through my life issues, rather than medicate.


Getting High is the natural consequence for me of working through things. Working through things helps me grow wiser. There is a high that comes from winning a race, from doing a job well. In between the job well done and the problems that come up, anxiety can come up.

Getting high with marijuana may be a way that some people deal with anxiety. Every time they become anxious, they might choose to medicate with marijuana rather than deal with the pain and discomfort.

Dealing with the pain and discomfort make me stronger. I want to feel what I am feeling. Other times, my feelings can be paralyzing and so I choose the flower essences--with unique abilities that are a gift of the flowers, to help me pierce to the other side.


My soul I call my individuality. Many times I feel as if my soul is buried at the bottom of a well and it is being help down by feelings. When I can pierce through by getting through my uncomfortable feelings, I embrace my soul and in this process become wiser.

I am not sure that for me this would have been the same process, if I medicated with marijuana that I sense blocks rather than helps me pierce through.


I have many experiences of creative spurts, and high moments of inspiration. I have known creative artists in my life who seem to calm their minds down so they can enter these same creative spurts. For me, I let go through entering altered states through writing, or somehow get going in spite of my fears and uncomfortable emotions.

I sense that pain goes with the territory of being human. It is a signpost that we have the possibility to live in paradise through working things through.


I sense that a person can experience the high of scoring a home run with marijuana, but this feeling of high or exhilaration comes from the feeling of scoring the home run without running around the bases.

It is the running around, the going around the bases that gives me education. Working through an experience gets me high.

I sense that if a person medicates to get way from their states of lows they are missing an opportunity to learn something.


Everyone may be different. I am sure that marijuana works for some people.

I have just seen too many close ones who do not seem to function at their peak and who use marijuana.

Right now, writing this may be a distraction, just as smoking might do the same for others.

I prefer to be sharp, and clear witted and right now, I am neither feeling sharp or clear witted.

On to other things....

I want to exercise my ability to focus now, be be Mind-Full. Mind-Full is one of the remedies I want to take now.




Recently a combination of employment, legal and financial duress created incredible stress. I was driven to distraction when I needed to be in top form. I selected Mind-Full since my current issues require intense focus, mental agility, clarity, attention to detail and superb communication ability. I've used essences before with positive results, but was amazed at the dramatic difference only 2 successive doses of Mind-Full made. "Morning fog" vanished; I woke early and bustled around the house cheerfully multi-tasking. In place of wheel-spinning anxiety, I felt clear, calm alertness. The essences in Mind-Full have powerfully bridged me to my energetic reserves, which I can now harness purposefully. Your compound formulas are brilliantly designed indeed. Thank you for your healing service to humanity!
— M.W., Los Angeles, CA


I was once with a healer who used Flower Essences. These were uniquely produced. He made a point of harvesting the flower without cutting them off the plant. I watched him do treatments. I person got on the table who had smoked a lot of marijuana in his life.

The healing meridians of the person were reversed and the healer had to reverse these polarities before the treatment would work.

He said that when a person smoked, the healing energies, in other words, were upside down.


Some interesting thoughts on Marijuana

Marijuana is not very similar to any drug used for treating ADHD. The closest street drug would be a stimulant, like cocaine, but clearly, a cocaine addiction is much worse than suffering from the symptoms of ADHD. (Yet many ADHD patients have confessed to turning to illegal stimulant drugs and not feeling 'high' off them). Most ADHD drugs are stimulants, but marijuana is not usually categorized as a stimulant in scientific communities but a depressant, even though it can have short-term effects that resemble those of a stimulant for some people.

One big problem with marijuana and ADHD is that it brings about lack of motivation, which can be a big problem with someone who suffers from ADHD. Why make it worse? Another problem is that marijuana has negative effects on memory--another problem that an ADHD sufferer doesn't need to aggravate!

The list goes on.

Part of me wishes there could be a cheap alternative to medication for those without health insurance, but no street drug that I have ever researched is likely to help.

708/30/09 6:48am

Are you a doctor? Marijuana does not always bring about lack of self motivation. I smoke pot when I am super stressed and can function better on the household things I have to get done. Marijuana works for me the way speed works for other people, especially when they start cleaning. I'm not saying I'm a lazy house keeper. I clean everyday, but there are times when I do not do the deep down clean that needs to be done. If I am high I feel like I need to be doing something so I do not just sit around. That is your opinion about laziness and lack of self motivation when it comes to individuals with ADHD and pot. People who are lazy sometimes have a problem with depression or straight up procrastionation, it does not have anything to do wit being high. They get high to escape everyday reality. I know many people who smoke and function very normally.


I was writing about using Mind-Full Here.


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