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A Re-Look At Mayan Calendar's Ninth Unity Wave That Began March 9, 2011.
(Son of Truth of Self)

A Re-Look At Mayan Calendar's Ninth Unity Wave That Began March 9, 2011. by #29621 .....

May 2nd, begins Night 2

Date:   5/2/2011 9:15:33 PM ( 13 y ago)

Greetings Beloveds ~

May this message find you well and thriving!

Our global info-sphere is buzzing today with news of an
'enemy overcome.' A wide spectrum of reactions are being
discussed and shared across the web, in peoples homes,
workplaces and community forums -- both physical and digital.

This sudden proliferation of information is creating ripples
far and wide, as each and every Beloved on the planet is being called within to discern truth, transmute fear, choose Love and Go Gratitude!

Sitting in meditation this morning, seeking clarity on the deeper meaning of yesterday's revelations, a prompt came to re-look at a calendar based on the Ninth Unity Wave, that began March 9, 2011.


Unity Wave calendar charts a growth cycle of Life,
from Seeding through to Fruition. Each Day and Night carry
a unique stage of growth, and as we align our consciousness
with the Life-giving cycle we are, indeed, seeding and Birthing New Reality.

... May 2nd, begins Night 2 with the corresponding energy being 'reaction'. This energy will be present for the next 18 days, peaking on May 10-11.

Considering the perpetration of information rapidly circling the globe - this calendar is spot on!

To quickly review:

On March 9th, the 9th Unity Wave began it's 234 day cycle,
ending October 28, 2011. On March 10th, the world watched
as a 9+ magnitude earthquake rocked Japan, and a following
tsunami forever changed the landscape of the land and people.

The global outpouring of Love, compassion and caring assistance for the Japanese people is a direct reflection of the seeded Unity consciousness that continues to take root and grow in our Hearts and Minds.

Today, we find the energy of 'reaction' proliferating conversations. We are truly witnessing the micro/macro aspects of creation, observing cosmic energies playing out across the global field, impacting our lives in a deeply personal, yet, universal way.

Our task today, yes! every day, is to choose our response -
our reaction - to the rapidly changing landscape of reality, as this determines our future pathways and growth patterns.

In choosing to Love what IS, and go forward with Gratitude, we are creating new patterns, new possibilities ... New Realities.

Now, you may yet realize that our new Blooming Humans
program mirrors the Days and Nights of the Unity Consciousness wave - by first activating a Dream Seed then following each stage through to Fruition.

However, these stages are concentrated into a 42 day space of time. The intent is to attune, and accelerate, our thoughts, energies and focus towards seeding and fulfilling of our Unique Roles in Birthing New Reality, and to co-create a Common Vision that Unifies our Hearts and Minds. First within and so manifested into the world.

If you have yet signed on for the series, please consider
gifting yourself the opportunity today!

Consider it this way: In 42 days, you will have experienced a full, cyclic-alignment with the energies of the Ninth Unity Wave, and will be prepared to respond to the rapidly shifting landscape of creation in a Life-affirming way.

Our first wave of Blooming Humans are just now completing
their 42 day journey, and here are a few of the responses we
are receiving:

"I regret being unable to find the words which could possibly express my gratitude to all of you for making possible what has taken place in my life over the last 42 days -- unprecedented growth has occurred for me in this existence, in large part due to your creative intuition, generosity and support.

What fine work you have done. It has really opened me up, and made the impossible thinkable. The point at which my thoughts occur now manifest almost instantaneously. It has been an intensely creative time of rebirth for me at every possible level, and then beyond that. Thank you for your incredible contribution to my humanity, to all of us.

Love, beyond reason, and without limits or expectations -- may it be there for all of you"

Alanna P.


"I really appreciate your Blooming Humans messages! There is
so much to say about this topic, yet you have been able to get it down to some bare minimum but wonderous essentials! I
congratulate you not only for some fine ideas made new! but also for your lovely, thoughtful, heartfelt presentations of these messages!

Thank you so very much! I am very grateful to have received them!"

Love and Many Blessings,



"Before each day of the Blooming Humans path my writings
{I am writing my third book "The Answer Within"} would be
completely compatible with the next days meditation, so much so, it would be as if I had planned the meditation.

We truly are Being United by God to become Aware of the Seed
of our Beginning. For Yesterday is no obstacle to our Tomorrow because we are Alive in the Now.

The labels identifying our Uniqueness and Diversity is simply a Special Path to our placement in the Garden of our Unity. Thank you for allowing me into your vision and joining me in mine. There Will be Peace on Earth."

Mary Rose DeAngelo


"Thank you so much for this. Your series has helped me bring to fruition my dream to move to the other side of the country, take care of business there and to become a successful entrepreneur."

Lori G.


Beloveds, many years ago, Martin Luther King, Jr. offered these profound words of Truth and Love:

"I mourn the loss of thousands of precious lives, but I will not rejoice in the death of one, not even an enemy. Returning hate for hate multiplies hate, adding deeper darkness to a night already devoid of stars. Darkness cannot drive out darkness: only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate: only love can do that."

May all our Hearts come together to mourn the loss of lives,
of friend and foe alike, as we overcome the only true enemy -
the Shadow of Fear - by choosing Love. To Love what IS.
Love Ourselves. Love One Another.

Let us choose this day to re-affirm our commitment to Peace,
Cooperation, and Unity by accepting our personal power, and
responsibility, to Love in the face of fear. To go forward with Gratitude in our Hearts, knowing we are the One's we've been waiting for, and it is up to us to choose Love and BLOOM.

Again, and again ... and again!

Thank you, Beloveds, for your courage to choose Love and
Go Gratitude! Each and every person makes a world of
difference. Beloveds, this person is YOU!

Many blessings ...

in Love and Gratitude,

Stacey Robyn
and the ground crew of Go Gratitude!

P.S. The Blooming Humans 42 Day series is an on-growing event, ready to go when you are! Available 24/7 -- anytime, anyplace. Well-Come to the Garden, Beloveds. Here we grow!

Please feel free to re-post this message, in it's entirety, retaining all links and author credit in place. Thank You!


Go Gratitude
1849 e. Guadalupe Rd.
Tempe, AZ 85283


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