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One day! Wham! Rev.1
(Forgotten Words!)

One day! Wham! Rev.1 by kerminator .....

We humans seem to just get into the "poor me" syndrome, and think only about ourselves... Which is why one day, you are going to wake up and run smack dab into the rock solid wall of reality; and it ain't going to be nice, folks... That is when the Truth hurts!

Date:   3/30/2011 8:46:10 AM ( 13 y ago)


 Are you ready for eternity?

 What will it take to wake you up to the fact that there is nothing here on this earth that will save you?

 People get in the habit of going about their day to day life and not paying attention to what's happening around them!  Then one day when they depart this temporary earthly trip and find they were going the wrong way, what a surprise! 

 Your future is out there in the unsighted Spirit Existence of Eternity!  This is the real place of Truth...

 What ever you think, or feel for the most part is not even a minute fraction of the Awesome greatness of the Spiritual realm that exist around the Absolute Power of Almighty God!  What a absolute shock it will be and is for most people upon leaving this earthly existence!  Most of what people have conjured up and used as religion or beliefs will pale in comparison! 

 The thought that people are needed here on earth to do God's will or work is an absolute lie!

  The only thing you can do for Almighty God, is to accept His Grace of Salvation and forgive others so that you may be forgiven; Then to surrender yourself a a humble servant / slave to His Will in your life!  Because even if you could have done all (every single one) of the so called "good things" in all of history; you still would not even begin to come close to making God happy!   We can not change God's will or make Him do what we want no matter;  how many pilgrimages, we go on, or how much effort we put into prayers, or what ever else we think we can bargain with God that will effect Him!

 Most religions do not even get close to understanding or teaching the real purpose of our (you) life upon this earth today...  God is looking for humble servants, not super stars...  He wants people who will accept His will and Way in their life and not try to make themselves look Good!  This is where most people fail!


 People who serve God are under discipline so that they may choice to be able to distinguish between what is Holy (Righteous)  and that which is common, thus between clean and unclean!  If we can not restrain ourselves then we will surely find that whatever loosens the reins of restraint is not to be undone!  When you go the way of sin you move far from God's Will in your life!

   It is futile for us (you) to attempt to control ourselves by our own ill!   You must constantly keep in fellowship with the Lord!  Anyone who offers opinions freely and speaks in the name of the Lord carelessly is far from God! He who mentions God's Name casually only proves his remoteness from Almighty God!

 The nearer one is to God's Will in their life the clearer you see your own faults... 




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