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Feast of our Lady of the Rosary
(Sacred Heart of Jesus & Immaculate Heart of Mary)

Feast of our Lady of the Rosary by Archangel777 .....

Pray the Rosary NOW!

Date:   10/7/2010 12:24:25 AM ( 14 y ago)

How Did the Feast of the Most Holy Rosary Start on October 7th?

In the Great Battle of Lepanto the Christians Defeated the Muslims by Praying the Holy Rosary…To order a copies of the 11x8.5 inch Flag-Rosary Poster on the right click here.

Four hundred years ago the Ottoman Empire (Moslems) was conquering the world.  A powerful Ottoman armada advanced on a badly out manned and out gunned Christian navy.  The world was in great danger.  All that stood between the Ottomans and Western Civilization were a relatively few ships, a small number of valiant men and the Holy Rosary.  So the men knelt in prayer and invoked the intercession of their Heavenly Mother.  Pope Pius V asked the Christian world to pray the Rosary for the success of this crusade.
     After disappointing delays, the league fleet under Don John of Austria smashed the big Moslem fleet at Lepanto on October 7, 1571.  The delighted Saint Pius V established on October 7, the Feast of the Most Holy Rosary and of Our Lady of Victory to commemorate this astounding victory, which he attributed to Mary's intercession. (On October 7, 2001, the United States started bombing Muslim terrorists in Afghanistan.)  This miraculous Christian victory at Lepanto is now widely regarded as a decisive moment in the history of Western Civilization.
    Today, we are in the grip of another decisive moment a life or death struggle to defeat the world of terrorism and war by Muslim terrorists and Communist forces.  Once again we are out manned and out gunned even though the media would have us believe otherwise. 
But we do have a more powerful weapon, the Most Holy Rosary.  And through the Rosary, we have recourse to the all-powerful intercession of our Heavenly Mother.  Truly, never was it known that anyone who fled to Her protection, implored Her help or sought Her intercession was left unaided.

To order a copies of the 11x8.5 inch Flag-Rosary Poster on the right click here.

 Two Large Pillars at Sea…
On May 30, 1862, St. John Bosco related the following dream.  It concerns the battles of the Church against many adversaries, the sufferings of the Pope, and the final triumph through devotion to the Most Blessed Sacrament and to Our Lady, Help of Christians.
    There was a majestic fully equipped large ship, the representing Church, and many smaller ships, which receive commands by signal from it and carry out movements to defend themselves from the opposing fleet.  There was fleet of innumerable enemy ships in battle array with all types of weapons trying to destroy the big ship.
    In the immense expanse of sea, two mighty columns of great height arise a little distance of one and other.  On the top of the higher and bigger one stands the Sacred Host of great size proportionate to the column and beneath is a placard with the words: Salus Credentium – “Salvation of the faithful.”  On the top of the other column was a statue of the Immaculate Virgin with a placard with this inscription: Auxilium Christianorum – “Help of Christians.”
    The supreme commander on the big ship is the Sovereign Pontiff.  He tries with all his might to steer the big ship toward the two columns to anchor to them. 
All at once the Pope falls gravely wounded.  (On May 13, 1981 Pope John Paul was shot in St. Peter’s Square in Vatican City, Rome.)  Immediately, those who are with him run to help and they lifted him up.  A second time the Pope is struck down again and dies.  A shout of victory rings out among the enemies: from their ships and unspeakable mockery arises.
    But hardly had the Pontiff died when another Pope takes his place.  The pilots, having met together, have elected a new so promptly that the news of the death of the Pope coincides with the news of the election of the successor.  The adversaries begin to lose courage.
    The new Pope, putting the enemies to rout and overcoming every obstacle, guides the ship right up to the two columns and anchors to them.
    Then a great convulsion takes place.  All the enemy ships scatter, collide and break to pieces one against another.  Several small ships that had fought gallantly for the Pope race to be the first to bind themselves to these two columns.  Many other ships watched the battle and afterwards they also fastened to the two columns.  The a great calm then came over the sea.
    On the column below the Statue of Our Lady there were the numbers 19 and two spaces.   It was explained that after the decisive Moslem defeat at the Battle of Lepanto they would arise again to try and destroy Christianity and Judaism in the latter part of the nineteen hundreds.


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