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Found More Grace---Fes Flower Remedies to the Rescue
(Plant Your Dream!)
Found More Grace---Fes Flower Remedies to the Rescue by YourEnchantedGardener .....
Morning check in. Range of emotions from despair to depression. Given too much.
Date: 9/22/2010 10:07:36 AM ( 15 y ago)
7:38 am
I am feeling despair.
I have given so much out the last numbers of weeks.
I have been racing from place to place, pouring out,
not really, standing still long enough to receive the Grace
from all I gave.
The impending passage of S-510,
the upside down Food Safety Modernization Act,
that may go before the Senate as some kind of amentdment
September 23, has me really depressed.
A big box of FES--Flower Essence Services
remedies arrived the other day as samples for
the Upcoming Pacific Symposium 2010.
I asked for some extra bottles of Post Traumatic Stress stabilizer
and Grace for my own use.
I seem to have misplaced the Post Trauma Stabilizer
and the bottle of Grace I had on my trip north,
This is disheartening.
I do not even remember which remedy I had with me
at the Yom Kippur. I bought one in O.B. People' Food.
I skipped a payday--and important time of receiving
to leave my assignment at the Yom Kippur
and follow inspiration to go to La Milpa for The Final Harvest
Gathering September 18.
It feel it was very important that I go to La Milpa,
but now I am second guessing myself.
I really missed something special by not staying to the end.
I had set something in motion for the Yom Kippur closing.
I did not get the complete or results I needed.
I need to forgive myself.
Then, yesterday, I got up very early in the morning
some time after 3 am, and worked through the entire night
and day.
I went into a deep space to create more new materials
for the Pacific Symposium.
It took all day.
There is some fine tuning.
They came this massive heart breaker.
I was living in a bubble that maybe we had turned Golliath aside--
S-510. A Senator said no, but other senators are going
to sneak the bill through as if this--one of the most
controversial bills that we determine our future with food
is determined.
It is so difficult for most people to see through the Spin.
Even the senators cannot see through the spin.
This bill gives profound authority where it cannot be trust.
It give massive authority to the FDA, an agency
that has a clear directive, as expressed by our Czar of Foods,
to align the U.S. with multinational interests who
want to control our food supply.
FDA, can we afford this?
At the same time,
One of my favorite farms is shutting down.
The system of farming they represent is butting
heads with the regulatory system that likely
will be strengthened once S-510 passes.
I sense it is just a matter of time.
I went out to acupuncture yesterday,
and then O.B. People's Food.
I was on vapors from no sleep.
A young man came up to me and introduced himself.
He saw me at La Milpa on Saturday.
He is buying some of Barry Logan's equipment
to carry on at another piece of land.
This land represents seven years of soil growth.
You can see the three films I made here.
Replacing my bottles of FES Grace and Post Trauma Stabilizer
was weighing heavy on me.
My room is in chaos from not being here in one world
that is basic and foundational.
THen I opened the order of FES that had been sent.
It is so lovely, the packages.
There were extra bottles as I had requested of Jan
who works with FES.
I would like to take photos of the packages.
They are truly beautiful,
one set of the Flourish line and one of Seasons of the Soul.
The writing on the packaging is lovely
and poetic.
I found more Grace and Post Trauma Stabilizer,
but I am concerned that I am not holding on to things.
I am between worlds now.
I need some hugs and energy coming in,
including energy in the form of funds from sponsors.
How do I ground?
What remedy do I need now?
Is it fear less.
What remedy is for over whelm
and depletion?
It brings to mind this poem of mine.
"In You, I see the flowers I love so much
in the garden. Nature has smiled on you to
make this world beautiful!"
I have given so much.
8:03 am
Did not do StayActiv yesterday.
Astrology now is to streamline,
according to The Life Connection.
Fall is in the air.
My bowel is looser.
I ate two plums before bed.
I need to say away from fruit.
I need to support my body now
in coping with the shift of seasons.
They are problematic.
I have to get some completes today and wear blinders,
or else I will not be able to move forward.
Ground today. Grounding Green?
I need to find a treasure.
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