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Being an Evolutionary Leader
(Plant Your Dream!)

Being an Evolutionary Leader by YourEnchantedGardener .....

On the frontlines of Evolutionary Leadership The attempt to live together update in intentional community

Date:   7/14/2010 10:35:29 AM ( 14 y ago)
9:16 am
July 14, 2010


8;27 am
July 14, 2010

On the frontlines of Evolutionary Leadership
The attempt to live together update
in intentional community

My startup disk is almost full.
My Imac is asking me to shut down programs.
There is too much going on.

I laid in bed for an hour
attempting to make sense of what happened last night.

Angelene described it as the Tower of Babel.

We were definitely not on the same page.

I am participating in an evolutionary experiment
here in San Diego. It has global import.
What we are doing here here important work.

Nine people, including a guest who has been here
for more than ten days, are attempting to live together.

That in essence is the problem here on planet earth.

We do not know how to live together.

We are attempting that shift here,
to go from a group that makes ends meet
through simple collecting rents from rooms
to living in community.

This morning, I feel frustrated.
I feel misunderstood. I feel I
misread the possibility because I was going too fast,
asking too much.

I have been at my wit's end of months
living here. The energy has been building.
There have been days I have felt that living
here was more than I could possibly do.
I was looking at bailing out.

We are in a transition here.
I needed a few housemate.
I also have a vacancy on a Dome,
a space that needs to transition from being
a rental to a shared Community Asset.

That growth pattern,
as I see it, is for the Community to come together
and accept responsibility for the difference between
the income base and the expenses that are being asked
with the loss of $400.00 income.
I no longer want the Dome for numbers of reasons
to be a live in rental. It needs to be a studio.
There shift is causing the need for greater and greater
coming together and communication.

This shift from managing this property,
a job I do not do well, to shifting to a more community
based living, is stressful for numbers of us.

I am feeling demands upon me
that do not take into account that the model here
is not set up for me to earn a salary as property manager.

I am dependent on other outside activity to made ends me,
both financially, emotionally, and spiritually.

Of late, I have been pressed to my limits
as now nine people attempt to do exactly
what is critically needed--and what
Greg Braden or Andrew Harvey called for
in the Third Call to Sacred Action,
We need to form small pods.

The first time I googled the Call to Sacred Action
in the Gulf, I had a breakthrough.

I can to the site of the RInging Cedars Revolution.
I have peripherally related to this. Keep The Beet
Media Star, a character I am helping speak, writes
for The Space of Love Magazine, a publication inspired
by the Ringing Cedars work.

I am bringing this up because the RInging Cedars
Revolution is part of the Evolutionary Leaders of the planet,
as much as any of the signatories that have signed on.

I too, am am part of this Evolutionary Leaders group,
although many of the signatories in the original group
have not yet met me.

The piece that I am carrying,
that needs to be heard, related
to our relationship with plants.

Plants are not an add on here on this earth.
They are basic. essential, and a key to understanding
the Secret of how intentions can be planted.
Plant Your Dream is the name of the work I do,
that I have been doing for many, many years.

THE LAST 24 Hours
and why I am feeling so Frustrated

Rabbi Zalman Shalomi Schacter was the first
person who used computer metaphors rather than plant
metaphors to communicate our human condition.
Jesus used plant metaphors to explain our human condition.
The Essenes, a soul group used plant metaphors.
Their metaphor was the Tree of Life
that connected the four world of creation
from the innermost Seed Dream to the outpicturing
of economic structures.


There is an urgency to people to learn to live together
on the planet. This message was underscored by the message
I heard on the Gulf Call.

Andrew Harvey and Greg Braden are allies.
Greg Braden spoken about the cycle we are in now.
We have been here before.
Harvey has been in touch with information about a community
in India that rose to a high level of civilization 10,000 years ago.
Braden spoken of a culture in Peru, he has just met
that rose to a high level of culture 5000 years ago, and feel.

Braden said we are in the exact energy pattern now of the same
moment of decision. We are either going to fall again,
or rise up.

Those who are willing to be on the front lines are people
down here at the level of the brokenness between people,
who are attempting to live together.


I feel I failed last night in my goals and intentions.

I had a powerful healing experience
during the early morning hours of July 13 with a member of
our community and his guest. This was a massive breakthrough.
We were up in the middle of the night for numbers of hours.
This was a very intimate authentic experience. Then in the
morning, I had another extraordinary experience with three
of the members of the community. The dots felt connected
between the five of us.

I went out on a limb.
I called for a Council last night.
I was wanted to bring others up to date.
I wanted to join at that same level of connection
and connect the dots.

I could not do it.

I wrote on the board.

Let's Get together to make dough.
I was literally meaning, get together to make dough.
I saw us making a cookie together, kneeding our energies together

I did not have confirmation of who was coming to the meeting.

Every one came in at different times.
It is not easy in our broken world
getting people on the same page.

I did not realize how difficult what I was asking
was going to me, or the growth patterns involved.

I could not lead or inspire a connected experience.

Numbers of us felt frustrated.

Andrew Harvey was using the metaphor of the FIre
in his talk on the Third Call.

We were not able--the nine of us to come to the fire
together. I was really too exhausted to get into
the kind of meeting that some came wanting to have.
They wanted a finance meeting. It was not clear to me
until later, what some wanted exactly.

What I had in mind was not communicated.

Angelene got it. I was attempting to create a moon
time feminine expression, but a business meeting.

The results inside me were horrific.

The Evolutionary Leaders, the signatories,
they seem to have some common bonds.

I would like them to understand what it is like
here on the frontlines.

We do not have experience as people, either as nations,
or individuals coming together.

We do not understand the power of the plant.
A number of these signatories have been touched by The Secret.
The Secret so far, the movie, the movement,
the understanding of intention,
as far as I can see, is based on the power of the mind.
The ground is the Seed.
Please get that.
The Secret can be grounded,
and it can create a whole new Enchanted Garden Era
of 1000 years of peace if we bring plant dreams with living seeds.

I feel like throwing my hands up in the air this morning.
I feel so very misunderstood, burned out by the fire.

I would not give up last night.
I did not know who was coming to the meeting
under the last minute. I worked until 9 pm.
then realized the importance of $$$ on the board
drew people together. They could not relate to making
dough, or even creating community around a song.

I saw a bunch of individuals, not yet a community
who were asking for community structures that are not
yet in place.

I was being asked by our new housemate
for the money numbers he could assess where we were at,
so he could get a sense of what to do about the Dome.

Oh my God! You do not need to know the whole picture
of the money numbers to know what is being asked

I was accused of resisting giving that information.

Of my God!
I have had my hands full with every step of this process
just getting to this point beyond the insanity of the last two
months of transition, just getting him in.

I have a persistent discomfort in the back of my head.
I was treated for it at acupuncture yesterday.

I am living in an unbelievable and increasing physical mess
do to how much work it is taking to attempt to just hold this together.

Living in Community takes extreme work.
LIving together takes extreme willingness to go slow
and understand one another.

I am just wanting to get this out of my system.

This is the time when Enchanted Garden ideas are meant to come
down to earth.

They will only come down through dealing with the Gulf--
the Gaps, the Cracks that call out to be mended in our wholeness.

Oh My God!

What a process.

The signatories, do you have a grasp of what is being
asked of us as a human race to ground out of the crisis?

I was watching the crisis right before my eyes last night.


Have have other work to do.

10:04 am

N was suggested we document our passage here.
She did not come to the meeting last night.
Too much other work, I imagine.

Sorry to claim this, but living together is not easy
as I am experiencing it.

I feel better for writing.
Better go on to other work demands for the day.

10:08 am
I want to live a trail of my process.
We we make it,
if we find a way to living cooperatively
rather than choose war, as Braden says
I want others to be able to see the process.

Braden said, every time we got here before
we choose war.


We do not know how to live in sync with Nature's Original
Technology of the elements. We define our community living
experience too small. We are in community with the sunshine,
the water, the air. We attempt to make a profit too often
on things that really were never intended from Mother Earth's
point of view to be sold. We place value on things that have
no real value.

PaJ Patel makes this point in his new book,
"The Value of Nothing." Some people on the internet found
his message so right on that they imagined he was a Messiah
some months ago. Paj Patel is saying the right things about
our food crisis and our environmental crisis.



I spent about 1 hr and 17 minutes last night, or something
like that using my cell phone to listen to the Third Call
of the Evolutionary Leaders group. My first feeling when I
turned in, was feeling felt out. There were more than 9,000
people on the call. I know a number of them.

They have formed a group, a circle of influence,
that is determined in some part by books written or how
successful they are in the marketplace.

I am not too very commercially successful as yet in the marketplace.

This can shift any moment now.

I have been investing a massive an extraordinary amount
of sweet equity on the frontlines of paying attention to those
things that are just now coming to be valued by more and more people.

I got an email from Eve Elsen not too long ago,
on a day, after weeks of attempting to field the problems
that go with the territory of attempting to live together in
intentional community.

There are very few of us alive today that do not feel wounded.
This wounds and the demands of living in our fragmented
and very unhealthy world cause severe stress on anyone who
desired to live on a map of wholeness, on a map of being
all of one piece.

I do not want to lose you.
I hope someone out there is listening.
I hope someone out there can take the time
in our deeply hurting world to hear me now.

The wife of Rabbi Zalman Schacter Shalomi was saying
in here email response to my own:

On Jul 6, 2010, at 10:06 AM, Eve Ilsen wrote:

Dear Leslie,
You have always been one of those folks
out there on the fragile growing edge of things,
sniffing way ahead of most of us.
And you have had the courage to be quirky
and insistent, and to proceed even when you weren't understood.
I choose to believe that what you have already planted in this world
---in the earth, or in people's hearts--
will quietly take root, and perhaps go unnoticed for long enough
to really dig in without provoking opposition,
and therefore acquire depth and strength to burgeon forth.
Thank you for your generosity,
for all you do, and for persevering even when it's been lonely.

You have been seen and appreciated;
please forgive me for not letting you know sooner.



Obama Administration seeks Opinons of New Age Leaders

I received this today over the Web. I checked the usual sources for a hoax since what it suggests is so totally different from any usual political process as to appear incredible. So far it doesn’t come up as a hoax. The people mentioned are practically a hit list for folks like the Skeptical Inquirer, which should be a qualification for many readers. I’m surprised it took so long to get here but it may indeed be a petition worth signing. I checked the petition site and it seems genuine. Thanks to Mary L for the tip.Let's hope it's true AND signifies something real.

Sat Feb 7, 2009 1:04 pm (PST)
The Obama Administration has asked the “Evolutionary Leaders” to communicate about what is transpiring on the planet, and how we can change the course of the unprecedented events that are challenging this planet. This is a window of opportunity that must be taken! A deadline was given for this information to be conveyed to the Obama Administration.

The Evolutionary Leaders like Deepak Chopra, Gregg Braden, Michael Beckwith, Jean Houston, Barbara Marx Hubbard, Marianne Williamson, and many, many others, gathered together to write up the information to present to the Obama Administration. They are also asking us to sign a petition to show the Administration how many people are in favor for these changes to occur. They need 10,000 signatures. We need your help to reach that number and beyond!





Gall her now.

MAKE PROGRESS getting more space
on my Imac so I can get MARK VICTOR HANSEN
his photos. Thank you Mark for sending the funds
for the Calendar I made for you.
Thank you for trading me to
be in the Wealthy Writers Wisdom Course



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