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Nourishing Your Soul and Soil Connection
(Plant Your Dream!)

Nourishing Your Soul and Soil Connection by YourEnchantedGardener .....

Nourishing the Soul through tending the Soil A Message from Keep The Beet Media Star, The World's First Talking Beet Plant.

Date:   7/12/2010 10:57:29 AM ( 14 y ago)


O.K., I got it! What a haul!!!
We have had extra people around the house
for ten days. One new housemate with a lot
of friesh youthful energy, and another guest.
There is a lot of adjustment in this the
Summer Shift 2010. I will write more about that.
Having some clarity this morning.

We got another unexpected rain yesterday.
I needed it. I finished one article for Vision Magazine
yesterday morning in the quiet of the house,
but was struggling in the afternoon,
with our guest frolicing through the kitchen
and dancing through my head all afternoon.
I did not say anything. Lots of extra talk in the kitchen,
the other other side of my wall.

[ What is happening on the other side of the thin wall?
A do... ]

This edition of
Keep The Beet's Space of Love Column
works for me.

I want to put this to bed.

Other things to do,
including a lot of organizing of my photos,
and room cleanup. Also rents into the bank.
Completing on Venice Eco Fest rain story
and things for Syndey and Joey.

Review of The Summer Shift here 1010
for Natan.

The Dome project.

8:12 am


Wow! I hope every body like my latest column
that I am asking Leslie to send in to Regina Jensen
of Space of Love Magazine. Regina, thanks for growing
the silk worms!!!!


Leslie, please remember that you are trading Mark Victor Hansen
for blogging about your experiences doing the Wealth Writers Wisdom
course. It is very important for the sake of the world, that you find
a balance between your activities at the Enchanted Garden and the
writings that are very much needed in the world now. 2010 is two
years before 2012. You are one of the Evolutionary Leaders that are
now coming together. We want you to be heard and help got the
other Evolutionary Leaders back to the Garden.


"I am your Mother Earth.
From this moment on, think of me everyday.
Say hello to me when you open your eyes.
--From the "Rebirth of Mother Earth"

Just Checking in, Mother Earth here.
Leslie, The book you wrote in 1989, "The Rebirth of Mother Earth."
If that book came out then, you would not be in Deepwater today.
This is the time the summer to get it out. Stop working so hard.
Get more rest. You reworked and reworked this. See how easy it was
to do all that work this morning when your energy was fresh?

I love you, Mother Earth.

for Space of Love Magazine
uploaded here 8:21 am
Friday, July 16, 2010

Keeping Our Beet With Nature

Keep the Beet here, The World’s First Talking Beet Plant,
Your Czarina of Foods, a voice for you from the plant world,
here to give you a way to see these amazing and mystical
days in plant and planet existence,
one of many Evolutionary Leaders awake now,
has named this Summer Shift 2010.

Truly, we are in a Moment of Awakening,
a time when the very rebirth of Mother Earth is at hand,
at time when a back to the land
movement is happening all around
the world. Each of you are being
called out to become Evolutionary
Leaders beyond any thing that
our shared world has ever known.

I want to thank all the other
Evolutionary Leaders who have
Put out a Gulf Call for Sacred Action.
I was reading about this Gulf Call
on the Ringing Cedars Revolution
site, where many of the new wave
of global leaders are being called
forth to speak up.

Yuri and I, as well as the spirit of Anastasia are very much on that Ringing Cedars Revolution site.
I also want to thank Regina Jensen,
my editor here at Spaceof Love Magazine
for working night and day to attempt to keep the beet
in a world that has definitely fallen apart,
and is in a massive shift that is coming together in a new way.
Doing natural things keeps you together.
Regina is growing silk worms!!!

We are very much in the middle Of a universal back to the land movement. Anyone alive today who imagines they can control
seeds—and I mean yours—
or control The seeds of all the diverse seeds
that your Mother Earth has made
to create vast unknown combinations of genetic material,
Is putting a ladder up against the wrong tree.
Knowledge alone, science alone is a good thing,
but only the gardener knows the Tree of Life.

I hear there are people in
Washington D.C., one of my favorite
Organic garden cities, who imagine
That the best way to manage all
the people of the world is to pass
A Food Safety Modernization Act
that they call S. 510. This law
makes food safe for those who want
to control the lives of people and
their right to return to the land.
People every where are now returning to loving each other
in small Kin-like communities
where they know their growers.
We are called to grow our own food
And be on a first name basis with
The people and products who provide the rest of our food.

I want to give you my honest to gosh
Perspective on what the PB debate
Is all about. There is no debate.
Oil is out. Nature’s Original Technology is massively and currently making its comeback.
This is what I, and Your Mother Earth
are asking from you now.

I am here to tell you that beets
are intended for more than making
Borscht. There is only One beat of
Nature. There is only One beet.
One leads to the other. Grow a beet
In a pot, and you too, can call yourself a gardener.

Now is the time for you to rise up.
Please rise up.
Be the “Rebirth of Mother Earth,” a Seed Dream,
Long awaited that is happening now,
“The Rebirth of Mother Earth,”
is also the name of a lovely
book that Leslie first wrote in
1989, the year of the Valdez Spill.

If his book, “The Rebirth of Mother
Earth,’ had come out and been read
by those who vote for BP at the gas pump with each dollar,
we would Not be in Deepwater today.

Nature’s Original Technology is Calling Us

By now, everybody is feeling deeply
for all the species that took a hit i
n the Deepwater off our Gulf Region.

This, from Your Beet's point of view,
is the Chernobyl of all Chernobyl's,
the epic last stand that Oil mad ate
the beginning of the 21st Century.

From out of so many of us
Living as natural disaters waiting to happen,
these leaks have sprung.

Please do not forget that this Gulf,
this gap, is an expression
of the crack between your soul,
Your heart, your body, and our soil,
took place the day before what
The Americans call their Earth Day.
This was no mistake. Deepwater
Was a righting of a wrong, a call
for a an awakening from your soul

Please hear the call now.
Come back to your garden.
The garden is more than
a place, it is a state of unbroken wholeness in flowing movement.
The Enchanted Garden is a name for our renewed Earth,
that can grow one seed and Seed Dream at a time.

Please join with me now in
Planting 1000 years of peace
Because 144, and more
Claim that you are Evolutionary
Leaders who are getting grounded
In the beat of nature.

From my beet's point of view, I wish BP well.
Somebody has got to love BP.
Their horrific actions and current activities epitomize
all the lowest of human impulses that are now gushing
out of our world now.

What is gushing out?

What is leaking out?

It is a broken system,
a way of 
life out of touch with the highest aspirations
and potentials of human life.

Let us all let it go. I
t is time.
 It is time to claim a new way of living 

in this the Summer Shift of 2010.

A new well is now being dug, 

a wellspring of whole being that connects
the deepest dreams inside us with the deepest good
that is possible.

This is a day to start exploring
what it will take to find Soul at the bottom

of the Crack that PB has brought to the surface.

This happens when you plant.
As Your Enchanted Gardener says,
the higher self of Leslie,
The Earth and the Soul are Soilmates.

I, Keep The Beet, am asking you to nurture
your Soul and Soil connection
through tapping into what I am calling
Nature's Original

The sun, the air, the water--the power in seeds--
the power in each of us to remember how to live together

and work through our differences--all this is part
of Nature's Original Technology.

Through seeds we ground our Seed 
and bring them down to earth.

A most beautiful Space of Love exists now
way above ground—in your heads and hearts
and underground, hiding in the recesses
of our unseen human nature.
We can bring more Space of Love down to earth
one beet at a time, one seed
at a time.

Now is the time for BP, for every Oil company, every large
Multi national Corp, to truly go Beyond Petroleum
because most of us convert our own hearts and minds

to another way of living
that uses very little Petroleum.
Now Is the time as well for a shift in how we define food safety. Cease to make the mainstay of our eating,
a diet of fragmented ideas and commercialized broken parts
of whole, pure, natural foods.
This brokenness only brings out brokenness in us.

We are a human race speeding
 through life at a breakneck speed,

yet where are we truly headed?

What are we eating?
What are we thinking?
How do we slow down in our fast paced world?
How to we get back in touch with the rhythm of life,

the beat of nature?

I believe in moments of awakening.

When we connect with a simple beet,
you can have your very own moment of awakening.
You can slow down
To the beat of nature.

It wasn't that long ago, that you and
were under the influence of nature full time.

It wasn't that long ago where we knew every one

in our world on a first name basis.

We all lived in neighborhoods
where we knew everyone next door.

Little kids had the local milk man bringing delicious raw butter
and home churched buttermilk. Many of us had or shared
a family cow. One of my favorite pastimes was having
you visit me in the garden, where I would fill
your mind with seeing the miracle
of growth, and the presence
of delightful natural and cosmic forces
all bathing in their love.

Humanity is perched as a rock falling,
but working together,
we can all rise up to heaven.

It is O.K. to be One with the Computer Age,

but even my best bud, Steven Jobs,
knows that
 Apples are where it is ate.
Start small. We have
a lot of recovery to do.

We have broken
 the chain of being both on land and sea.
It is time 
to turn the tide. 

Here are a few lines from one of the poems

In “The Rebirth of Mother Earth"

I am your mother earth.

You are my pride and joy.

I am the sparkle that was in your father's eye

when your mother first looked into his eye

and they made you from my substance.

I had something in mind when I inspired your

mother and father to touch each other.

I am your Mother Earth.

I made you to speak for me.

I made you to speak for me now.

I made you to know this earth as your home.


Rainmaker asks:

Dear K.T. Beet M.S.

I was there at the Venice Eco Fest 
in Southern California

last July 10, 2010 when you were on stage.

I watched as it started to rain.
Did you make it rain?

K.T. BEET MS sez:

We all have it in us to bring the rain.

There is only one Beet. Many Pulses.

We are one beet,
intended to learn to live together.

When good minded people like yourself gather

and have One Thought, to love life,
to dance,
to uplift our bodies
in joyous
to say prayers,
the Earth and Heaven 
are One.
Your word can do anything.

You have it in you.
Go forth and multiply.
Inherit the Earth.
She is yours.


11:28 am
July 17, 2010


Leslie Goldman, AKA Enchanted Gardener,
is one of many Evolutionary Leaders now awake
on the planet, here to inspire you
to plant your dream, and root them
with living seeds. He is the author
of “The Rebirth of Mother Earth”
a book coming out again to help
guide us through these times
when we are called forth to plant
1000 years of peace.

Leslie Goldman YourEG on Twitter

Leslie Goldman on Facebook


On Jul 15, 2010, at 11:52 PM, Regina Jensen wrote:

Leslie! Yes, this sounds much better.
I have to leave for S.F. in the morning,
but will finish smoothing it out when I get back.
Lovely content, Leslie. I love it!
I hope Yuri can get in that much,
esp. the poem since it takes
so much space for that format.
Well, we'll see what he says.
We are late, so it's good you sent it now.

From: Leslie Goldman
Sent: Thursday, July 15, 2010 7:18 PM
To: Regina Jensen
Subject: Nature's Original Technology is Calling Us Does this work?

What is your deadline?
Does this work?

i have been cutting out parts and pieces. I may have lost the continuity of where i was headed. Does this work?

Let me know.



Nature's Original Technology is Calling Us

Keep The Beet Here
The World's First Taking Beet Plant!

By now, everybody is feeling deeply for all the species that took a hit in the Deepwater off our Gulf Region.
This, from Your Beet's point of view, is the Chernobyl of all Chernobyl's, the epic last stand that Oil made
at the beginning of the 21st Century.

From my beet's point of view, I wish BP well. Somebody has got to love BP. Their horrific actions and current activities epitomize all the lowest of human impulses that are now gushing out of our world now.

What is gushing out?
What is leaking out?
It is a broken system, a way of
life out of touch with the highest aspirations and potentials of human life.

Let us all let it go. It is time.
It is time to claim a new way of living
in this the Summer Shift of 2010.

A new well needs to be dug,
a wellspring of whole being that connects the deepest dreams inside us with the deepest good that is possible

This is a day to start exploring what it will take to find Soul at the bottom
of the Crack that PB has brought to the surface.

I, Keep The Beet, am asking you to learn to nurture your Soul and Soil connection through tapping into what I am calling Nature's Original

The sun, the air, the water--the power in seeds--the power in each of us to remember how to live together
and work through our differences--all this is part Nature's Original Technology.

Nature's Original Technology
begins with understanding that
through seeds we ground our Seed
Dreams and bring them down to earth.

A most beautiful Space of Love exists now way above ground and underground, hiding in the recesses of our human nature. We can bring more Space of Love down to earth one beet at a time. It is time to plant
your dream.

I would like to see BP truly go Beyond Petroleum because most of us convert our own hearts and minds
to another way of living on earth
that uses very little Petroleum.

We are a human race speeding
through life at a breakneck speed,
yet where are we truly headed?

How do we slow down in our fast paced world? How to we get back in touch with the rhythm of life,
the beat of nature?

I believe in moments of awakening.

I was born out of the desire for a Moment of Awakening. I began speaking up in a desire to help farmers who were in crisis and needed more of us to wake up and make sure that all the food
that is grown by them went where it is intended, our tummies.

When we connect with a simple beet, you can have your very own moment of awakening. You can slow down
To the beat of nature.

It wasn't that long ago, that you and I
were under the influence of nature full time.
It wasn't that long ago where we knew everyone
in our world on a first name basis.
We all lived in neighborhoods
where we knew everyone next door.
Little kids had the local milk man delivering
delicious raw butter and home churched buttermilk,
and some of our very own favorite pastimes
may have been playing outside with friends
until dark, or spending time on the porch sitting and talking, letting the day slide away.

Humanity is perched as a rock falling, but working together,
we can all rise up to heaven.

It is O.K. to be One with the Computer Age, but even my best bud, Steven Jobs, knows that
Apples are where it is ate. Start small. We have a lot of recovery to do in this moment.I am proclaiming this time for "The Rebirth of Mother Earth."

"The Rebirth of Mother Earth" is a book that Leslie wrote in 1989 when he was very involved
with hearing the voice of Mother Earth.

The Valdez ship came to our town for repairs. Leslie was there. I feel that if that book had been read by more people we would not be in Deepwater today. We have broken the chain of being both on land and sea. It is time
to turn the tide. That book can help.

Here are a few lines from one of the poems in this book that I want Leslie to put out again:

I am your mother earth.

You are my pride and joy.

I am the sparkle that was in your fathers eye when your mother first looked into his eye and they made you from my substance.

I had something in mind when I inspired your mother and father to touch each other.

I am your Mother Earth.

I made you to speak for me.

I made you to speak for me now.

I made you to know this earth as your home.

I am Rooting for you.


Rainmaker asks:

Dear K.T. Beet M.S.
I was there at the Venice Eco Fest
in Southern California
last July when you were on stage.
I watched as it started to rain when
you told the Luminaries, a spiritual Rap Group,
to tell every body to take care of Mother Earth.
Did you make it rain?

K.T. BEET Media Star sez:

We all have it in us to bring the rain.
There is only one Beet. Many Pulses.
We are one beet, intended to learn to live together.
When good minded people like yourself gather
and have One Thought, to love life,
to dance, to uplift our bodies in joyous
sounds, to say prayers, the Earth and Heaven
are One. Your Word can do anything.
You have it in you. Go forth and multiply.
Inherit the Earth. She is yours.


8:53 am
July 12, 2010

Keep The Beet Here!
The World's First Taking Beet Plant.

By now, everybody is feeling deeply for all the
Species that took a hit in the Deepwater off our Gulf Region.
This, from Your Beet's point of view, is the Chernobyl of
all Chernobyl's, the epic last stand that Oil made
at the beginning of the 21st Century.

Many of you will be surprised by what I have to say
about BP. From my beet's point of view,
I wish BP well. Somebody has got to love BP,
inspite of their horrific actions and current activities
that so epitomize all the lowest of human impulses
that are compelled to leave our world now.

What is gushing out?
What is the leaking out?
Is is a broken system, a way of
life out of touch with the highest aspirations
and potentials of human life.

Let us all let it go. It is time.
It is time to claim a new way of living
in this the Summer Shift of 2010.

I believe in moments of awakening.
I was born out of the desire for a Moment of Awakening.
I came to life in a desire to help farmers
who were in crisis and needed more of us
to wake up and make sure that all the food
that is grown by our local organic farmers
goes where it is intended our tummies.

Now is the day a new well to be dug,
a well of whole being that connects
the deepest dreams of humanity
with the deepest good that is possible.

I believe that transformation is possible.

I would like to see BP truly go Beyond
Petroleum because most of us sign
convert our own hearts and minds
to another way of living on earth
that no uses very little Petroleum.

We are a human race speeding
through life at a breakneck speed,
yet where are we truly headed?

That leads me to my main point.
How do we slow down in our fast paced world?
How to we get back in touch with the rhythm of life,
the beat of nature?

It wasn't that long ago, that you and I
were under the influence of nature full time.
It wasn't that long ago where we knew everyone
in our world on a first name basis.
We all lived in neighborhoods
where we knew everyone next door.
Little kids had the local milk man delivering
delicious raw butter and home churched buttermilk,
and some of our very own favorite pastimes
may have been playing outside with friends
until dark, or spending time on the porch
sharing letting the day slide away.

As I see it, with electric cars coming in, some
that are limited in the number of miles they can
go before that they need a refill,
we are going to see a return to local neighborhoods
and begin to start exploring what some of the fine
points of what it will take to find Soul at the bottom
of the Crack in our souls that PB has brought to the surface.

Community, can we learn to live together?
Can we each be apart of some kind of
Kindoms as written about in the "Ringing Cedars" books?
I see us driving less, and being more present where we live.

I see more and more people realizing that
peace on earth begins right in our own backyard.

In World War 2, lots of us around the world
grew our own food right at home.
Many other countries grew even more than that
at home, and still do. In spite of the move
that some dying Corps would like us to globalize
our food supply, and let a few people control it,
this will never be the way of humanity.

I see us this very moment turning away
and uprooting all kinds of commerce that
wants to standardize seeds, that ultimately
would like to standardize and have such
a few kinds of people around who are controllable
and manageable.

Out of the Summer Shift 2010, I your Czarina of
Foods am rooting for you to personally
realize that truly seeds are more important
that gold and silver, and that learning to live
together is the ultimate growth experience.
A garden spade is
the most important personal growth tool.

I see a whole new prosperity coming in
as we find our real ground, and our
global economy comes together because
of your impulse to live and support local
organic and Beyond Organic food.

Now is the time. This is the moment.
I, Keep The Beet, am asking you to learn to
nurture your Soul and Soil connection through
tapping into what I am calling Nature's Original

The sun, the air, the water--the power in seeds--
the power in each of us to remember how to live together
and work through our differences--all this is
part Nature's Original Technology.

Nature's Original Technology
begins with understanding that
through seeds we ground our Seed
Dreams and bring them down to earth.
The most beautiful Space of Love
that exists now is about five feet above
ground and underground, hiding in the
recesses of our human nature.

i see us all now, as Evolutionary Leaders
who want to plant 1000 years of Peace.
I name these 1000 years of Peace the
Enchanted Garden Era.

If you want to be prosperous in
a Vision for our New Earth,
return to the beat of nature.
that is why I am so big on asking you to grow a beet in a
pot. When we connect with with a simple beet, you can
have your very own moment of awakening.

What are your deepest Seed Dreams?
What were you born to do and be during this
amazing time that we are all alive?

Here is a secret from Keep the Beet:
If you want to nourish
your Soul, cultivate your soul and soil connection.
Bring your unique deep full expression down to
earth. Plant your dream!

I have had my attention drawn to
the group of Evolutionary Leaders who have been
doing the Gulf Call to Sacred Action.

I found out about this when Leslie was
Surfing through the Ringing Cedars Revolution site.

In times of crisis
every body has a choice to compete harder
or plant more Space of Love in the world.

There are more crisis coming, but we can
avoid them by taking right action now.
It is possible to stop living as an earthquake
waiting to happen. It is possible to stop being
a natural disaster that gives big bank accounts
to enterprises that no longer serve you and I
your Beet.

I am calling upon no less that 144,000 of you
to rise up and starting talking to your beet more.
I want you to Keep The Beet. I am asking you
to begin to grow your own food.

One Pot + One Person + You're a Gardener.

Humanity is perched as a rock falling, but working together,
we can all rise up to heaven.

It is O.K. to be One with the Computer Age,
but even my best bud, Steven Jobs, knows that
Apples are where it is ate. Start small. We have
a lot of recovery to do in this moment.
I am proclaiming this time for
"The Rebirth of Mother Earth."

"The Rebirth of Mother Earth" is a book
that Leslie wrote in 1989 when he was very involved
with hearing the voice of Mother Earth.
The Valdez ship came to our town for repairs.
Leslie was there. I feel that if that book
had been read by more people we would not be
in Deepwater today. We have broken
the chainof being both on land and sea. It is time
to turn the tide. That book can help.

Here are a few lines from one of the poems
in this book that I want Leslie to put out again:

I am your mother earth.
You are my pride and joy.

I am the sparkle that was in your fathers eye
when your mother first looked into his eye
and they made you from my substance.
I had something in mind when I inspired your
mother and father to touch each other.

I am your Mother Earth.
I made you to speak for me.
I made you to speak for me now.
I made you to know this earth as your home.

Seize this moment. Hear what I, your
humble beet am saying.
As the Beet Grows, so will your Seed Dreams.

I am Rooting for you.


Rainmaker asks:

Dear K.T. Beet M.S.
I was there at the Venice Eco Fest
in Southern California
last July when you were on stage.
I watched as it started to rain when
you told the Luminaries, a spiritual Rap Group,
to tell every body to take care of Mother Earth.
Did you make it rain?

K.T. BEET Media Star sez:

We all have it in us to bring the rain.
There is only one Beet. Many Pulses.
We are one beet, intended to learn to live together.
When good minded people like yourself gather
and have One Thought, to love life,
to dance, to uplift our bodies in joyous
sounds, to say prayers, the Earth and Heaven
are One. Your Word can do anything.
You have it in you. Go forth and multiply.
Inherit the Earth. She is yours.

Draft two
July 14, 2010
4:51 pm

10:41 am
draft one
July 13, 2010

draft two
July 14, 2010
9:38 pm

Keep The Beet Media Star writes often
on the Plant Your Dream Blog on
She wakes up Leslie Goldman, Your Enchanted Gardener
on a regular basis to go to the computer and
write our what she says.

Unexpected rain fell.

Join The Enchanted Garden Intentional Community,
The Beet Keepers global outreach, on Facebook.

Follow YourEG on Twitter and on his facebook page,
Leslie Goldman on Facebook. Questions of Your Enchanted Gardener?
Google: Ask Your Enchanted Gardener.

I Prefer N.O.T.
Say Yes to Nature's Original Technology



This was inspired by Dr. Marc Weigensberg
who asked me to review how to do this process.
He sent me a photo recently of the success
he is having with his beet growing in a pot.
Associate Professor, Clinical Pediatrics
Keck School of Medicine
University of Southern California
Director, Pediatric Endocrinology

[video/audio] Growing A Beet In a Pot--Instructions Review

Photos of Sydney
go here and Keep The Beet.

The plant is the go between
it tells us how our soul is doing.
It tells us how our soil is doing.

One Pot + One Person = You are a Gardener


Rooting in the Soil of Soul Dreams





of JULY 11

DR. MASURA EMOTO's Prayer on the Waters

Evolutionary Leaders...
insert...look at other writing...

Add photos...of Syndey to other column...


This is going to be my first syndicated Column!!!

Many thanks to Regina Jensen,
Editor of "Space of Love" Magazine,
for suggesting that I was too Big a plant
for just one publication.

So, welcome to my first syndicated
Column "Nourish Your Soul and Soil Connection!"



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