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The Problem is not Only BP
(Plant Your Dream!)

The Problem is not Only BP by YourEnchantedGardener .....

This is the Message I took away from the Third Annual Venice Eco-Fest: Only through nature contact, can we have the Rebirth of Mother Earth. The Problem is not with BP, The problem is with us. The problem is within each of us. Thousands of us were at the Venice Eco-Fest. Few of us there, actually went to the ocean, and said, "I love you. Here I am. I am yours. Here, is something beautiful. I am here for you." Have you no ocean? Have you no sea? Have you no garden? You do! Claim it! Be one with the sun and sea. Those of you who are within distance of ocean waves, go to the ocean. Take your shoes off. Give something beautiful back to the ocean. Be something beautiful for the Ocean and the land. Plant Your Dream. Those of you, who are alive today. Go into your backyard, connect with a plant, and say prayers. Those of you spending gas today and this month to get to the beach. Please, go to the ocean and deliver the goods: Rededicate your life to the Rebirth of Mother Earth. Dedicate the Beauty you have inside you as a gift back to Mother Earth.

Date:   7/11/2010 7:24:24 AM ( 14 y ago)

11:19 am
July 11, 2010

Good conversation with Stephen Longfellow Fiske.
The event yesterday was did a lot of good.
Lots more to say....

"The Problem is not BP.
The problem is us?"


Lots to write this morning...
Parts of this Plant Your Dream
Blog are in good shape.

This is the basis for a lot of
personal growth work I did
in going up to LA for the day
yesterday for the Venice Eco Fest.

[Freudian slip--I wrote:
Venice Ego Fest. How funny! ]

We all have a lot to learn
to remember how to live in
harmony with Mother Earth
and to keep the beat with nature.
I do not mean to point fingers in this
blog. I am as guilty, if guilt is the word,
as anyone. Laughter...
We really need to forgive,
To live and learn.
We can do this!
We can live and learn!!!

God Bless us all!!


8:08 am
The day of The Total Solar Eclipse




JULY 11, 2010

This is a day to let go of
fragmenting patterns. This
is a day to affirm patterns of wholeness.


The day before I felt I could not go.
I worked late into the night, Friday night,
and then knew by the end of the night,
after midnight, that I could go.
I did the work I needed to do so I could go.
In retrospect, I had everything I needed
with me Saturday morning, including every message I needed
to bring to the thousands of people who attended.

I had a Blog I could have printed
on the Total Solar Eclipse.
I had a total disconnect between the work
I did late Friday night so I could go,
and early Saturday morning!!
I did not even think to print up the papers
on how to prepare for the Total Solar Eclipse!!

I felt it was important that I go up
and tell others about the significance of
this important moment in history.

That is so funny and disheartening
at the same time.

It is indicative of how fragmented I can be
when I am in some parts of my humanness.
How funny.


JULY 10, 2010

I wish I could do a retake.
I feel I did not deliver the messages
I wanted to bring.


This is a retake of July 11.
These are the messages I am giving
in the opening ceremony.
These are the messages I gave on stage.
These are the messages that
Stephen Longfellow Fiske gave
at the Third Annual Venice Eco-Fest.


Nikki, Stephen's wife,
drove us to the site.

I first got my signals that I wanted to go
to this event on Thursday morning.
I have been in crisis for weeks here at home.
My nerves were shot, totally shot.
I wanted to go Thursday morning in part
to run away from here, but that was not a good reason
for going. That had to transform!!!

Stephen was happy for me to come up.
He told me there was going to be an interfaith
gathering to open the day, and I could give some words.

On Friday, I woke up totally in another space.
I was back in panic mode.
I was feeling this discomfort in back of my head
among other things. I am not comfortable
at the house these days. Too many people.
Too much energy. A part of me wants out of here
for good! I want to have space where I can do my writing
and attend to my calling now to be like a turtle,
to draw in, to put my affairs in order.

Friday, I called Stephen.
I told him I did not think I could come up.
At the same time, I told him,
I wanted a parking space.
He kept insisting that I should part at the house nearby.

I needed the EG Mobile
with all my props inside to ground
and to get my signals.

I was ungrounded without it nearby.

On a practical level,
I can have diarrhea at any given moment
if I do not watch my food intake.
I have a portable toilet in the EG Mobile so I can
go to the bathroom if I need this.
I did not tell Stephen this information.


It was pretty good.
I began the festival blowing the Shofar.
I put down a sacred cloth,
and my sacred objects,
including my basket.

I grapped the D.I.
Declaration of Interdependence
1983 as I was leaving.

I totally forgot!!!!

I was suppose to read from
the rebound version of
"The Rebirth of Mother Earth!"
I had that book with me.
I did read one little bit later in the Opening.
It was a good opening.

Stephen did a modified version of
a Native American Chant.
I am one with the Sun...
but in retrospect,
we were both off all day
as far as our message.

This was an important opportunity.

I told Stephen to do "New Dawn,"
one of his songs that has been in my head
in recent days.

This morning
I am thinking that if we
did a Closing Ceremony on the water,
He could have done,
"Steady as She Goes!!!"
How incredible!!!


There could have easily been a closing ceremony
at the water when nature pulled the Plug
and brought the rain.

I got into my lower hurt feelings,
and see what happens when you do not honor me!!!
BS. Stuff to let go.

I even went up to a beautiful Luminary Roddy.
The Luminary who planted the seed was there.
I said, Let's go to the ocean.
She said, I am a Goddess.
I am off to a raw party.
I am with you in spirit.

Total BS.
My spirit was offended, and my ego.
I did not like that.

L.A. really needs a wake up call.

So then, I had already made a plan
to go over to the booth where Susan was
to go to the ocean. That was my back up.


We were all dumfounded when the rain came.
One group was cancelled. The electric was all pulled.
It was time for going natural and native.
The performer cid not get it!

I kept saying, "Do it without your electric.
She could not shift. She could not shift.
How incredible.



This is a day to give prayers to the ocean.
This is a month to give prayers to the sea
and the land.

Those of you spending petrol to get to the
beach today and this month.
those of you who are within distance of
ocean waves, go right to the ocean.
Take your shoes off.
Give something beautiful back to the ocean.
Be something beautiful for the Ocean
and the land.

Everyone alive today is born to be a gardener.
To garden is to be one with the earth.

Do you imagine
You have no ocean?
No sea? No garden?

You were born to be one with
with the sun, the sea,
the land, to Plant Your Dream.
To connect the holy seed that is you
with holy seeds, and to intend your earth well.
No one owns these elements more than you!
They belong to you. Claim them. You were born
to be
the Rebirth of Mother Earth.

Dedicate the Beauty you have inside you
as a gift back to Mother Earth.

Our earth was, is, and will always be
intended to be inhabited by the Gardener.
The gardener takes seeds and plants them.
Everyone can be a gardener.

Say these words with me:

One Pot + One Person = I am a gardener.
Please be one. Keep the Beat.
You can do this now.

Do this simple program and you can
have a Moment of Awakening:

Plant a simple beet in a pot.
Eat The Greens. Keep The Beet.
This simple action can help you
be one with the Beet of Nature.
Many Pulses. One Beet.

We have each--near every one of us,
lost our connection with Mother Earth.
The Problem is not BP.
The Problem is with us.
The Rebirth of Mother Earth
begins inside us now.

JULY 11, 2010

I am out of bed writing.
I have been writing for at least one hour.
Today is the day of the Total Solar eclipse.
This is an auspicious day.
I did not feel to be home for too long yesterday.
I worked late into the night Friday night.
I did not feel I could drive up to Venice on Friday.
I had a pain in the back of head that has persisted
for weeks. It concerns me. It is deep inside my head.
I was living inside a catastrophe in my head on Friday.
I did not feel I had it in me to drive up to Venice.

Then, I surrendered to the day.
I began to scan. I scanned in exactly the photos
I needed. I Blogged exactly what I needed to say.
Then, around midnight Friday night, I knew it was
possible to go up to Venice early the next morning.

JULY 11, 2010

It is 5:09 am
Sunday morning July 11,
the Day of the Total Solar Eclipse.

It is the day after the Venice Eco Fest.
It was a highly well attended event.
Stephen Longfellow Fiske is to be
congratulated for putting on a very fun
event on the Broadwalk. He spoke
repeatedly of the Green Revolution,
a new green revolution.
In retrospect, The third annual
Venice Eco-Fest was a missed opportunity
for more of us there to be reminded
to take our shoes off,
to walk less than 600 yards to the ocean,
to give to the ocean our prayers.

There is a prayer by Emoto
that is now circulating.
The Third Annual Venice Eco-Fest
was an opportunity to say this prayer,
To say our own prayers.
To not only see from a distance the ocean
but touch, smell,
the water,

O beautiful sea--
"I am here for you.
You are so beautiful.
I am here to make
the earth a
more beautiful place.
I am here to be one with you.
I am here to proclaim,
with sand in between my toes,
that I am here for you
as you are here for me."

JULY 10, 2010

Keep The Beet Media Star,
The World's First Talking Beet Plant
speaks now!

Howdy, This is Keep The Beet!

All the elements were there yesterday
to give a profound message;
yet most of us, including Leslie,
the one who is often one with
Your Enchanted Gardener,
did not deliver the goods.

Leslie was off the mark.
He was too busy taking PR photos
with me, Keep The Beet and personalities.

Before Leslie left the Enchanted Garden
early Saturday morning, but not too early,
I told him to fill a flask with rain water.
Leslie put the water in a Holy Maron purple
jar that he got a Live H20 last year around this time.

He brought it to the Venice Eco-Fest.
The intent I had in mind was for Leslie
to do a ritual and pour that rain water into the ocean.
I wanted him to make the rain water the centerpiece
of what he said at the Third Annual Venice Eco-Fest,
but he did not do this. God bless him.
He was overstimulated and he did his best,
sweet man.

Leslie arrived in Venice at 9:07 am.
This was impossible with a glitch in the Matrix.
His Spirit Guides said.
"Do not look at your Iphone in transit.
We are doing a magic trick."

Leslie left the Enchanted Garden Intentional Community
in San Diego in his Enchanted Gardenmobile, as he calls
it, after 7 am. It was near 7:15 or so when he passed
the clock at San DIego State University.

It takes him more than three hours to get to L.A.
He arrived in less than two hours. He was there
at the Lincoln offramp calling Stephen by 9:07 am!!!!!

We told Leslie to keep focused on his intention
while he was driving. There was a massive car slowdown
at one point on the opposite side of the freeway.
Leslie had clear driving all the way. We had
Archangels on all sides of him.
The EG Mobile had wings.
Leslie was driving with pure intention.

Early in the event, Leslie asked
Stephen to open the flash.
Stephen is a basketball player!!!
He has big hands. He could not open the flash.


Toward the end of the day.
There was a former basketball player from the NBA there.
Leslie asked him to hold Keep The Beet.
The former NBA player said,
"I do not do manual labor!"
That was a misque.

Leslie, if he had been in sync with his soul,
would have asked the former NBA player to open
the flask!!! Opening the Flash, could have been
the main activity of the day.

IT could have even been in order...
for the flash to be broken on stage,
as they do at a Jewish wedding, but
that would have caused broken glass shattering
to release the water.

That was when the Powers that Be
came up with another plan:


The show was rained out!!!!!!!
This happened after the Luminaries and
during the next act, some monster like looking
people who had a message of getting plastic out
of the ocean!!! It started to drizzle
just as the Luminaries, Leslie's friends by name,
were ending. That was when a few drops of rain fell.

Leslie was talking feverishly to Stephen Fiske while
the Luminaries were on stage. He had an EcoUsable
Ech2 container with Peppermint Scented Geranium
with him in his hand. He was telling Stephen off stage
that he needed to give a message for everyone to go
to the ocean and pray.

Leslie then went on stage and was on stage taking photos
while the Luminaries were playing. He went of and on
telling Stephen he had to give a message.

Then, at one point, Leslie went up to J. Brave
and touched him and said, "Tell the people to go to the
ocean for a prayer! At that exact moment that he said that
to J.Brave, another member of the group,
I will say his name later, spoke out the words
that Leslie came on stage to tell J. Brave to say!!!!
The Luminaries are one minded!!!!
They Keep The Beat for sure!!!
It was pure magic. J. Brave and Leslie both got it.

Then, a few minutes passed.
The drops started.

The rain began to fall.
Leslie knew what to do.
He went and found the Luminary,
an old Essene ally from a past life.
He said, "I need you to Plant Your Dream!"
Then then both went to the front of the stage.
Leslie said, "Please, go into your sacred space.
Pull your deepest Seed Dream from the box
and plant it in the beet pot.

He did what Leslie said.

By now, Stephen Fiske had a half whimsical look
on his face. What could he say? What could he do?
It was pouring. Pouring.
I mean it was pouring!

My leaves got a real soaking!!!

It was so very great!!!!

This happens on a regular basis now when
Leslie brings me to events and there is a large group.
It happened at the Earth Day, the same exact thing.
Leslie asked Human to plant a Seed in my pot.
Then it began to drizzle!!! Leslie was ecstatic!
He got on his knees. He already had brought an umbrella!!!
How funny!!!

but I nor Stephen Fiske could not open it.

I did not make the most of the flash
of rain water I had brought to

A voice from within
told me to bring that flash,
but I did make it center stage
in my life.

Neither Stephen, or I, were
spot on yesterday.

All I can see, is live and learn.
Today is a New Dawn.
Do better. Be positive.
Allow the patterns of brokenness
to shatter. Affirm the pattern of wholeness
within you.

Be the nourishment for the soul and soil.
Plant Your Dream.

Release the water inside
the flask. You are

I did not deliver the goods.
I am, as most of you, reading this
Plant Your Dream blog,
disconnected with the earth,
and therefore disconnected within myself.

The message of Keep the Beet is
profound. To Keep a Beet in a pot,
to reverse a single beet plant,
we can regain our beat with nature.

It is this my friends,
is is this where the essence of what is being ask
of us lies.

Please, please do this.
Do less. Be More.
Be The Rebirth of Mother Earth.

Oh my God!
I had everything I needed right with me,
but as many of us, I took too much.
I did too much.

It was not until the end of the day,
the very end, that I actually went down to the
Ocean, and said prayers.
I heard the ocean talking to me all day.
What took me so long?

each of US.
IT is our Connection
that asks to be mended.

What is your?

What is keeping you from
going to the ocean,
going into your very own backyard,
going to a simple beet,
you can grow in a pot,
and saying,

"One Pot + One Person = I am a Gardener.
What took me so long?
I was at Venice Beach all day.

The EG Mobile, my 68 VW van, left San Diego
no earlier than after 7. I was off the ramp
at Lincoln, calling Stephen Longfellow Fiske,
the event manager, of my arrival.

I got to his little home office after 9 am.
I loaded up all my things.

That was the problem.
I had too many too much in mind.

That may be all of our problem.
We have too much in mind.


I was up past midnight
the night before.


Today is a day to give prayers to the ocean.
Do not send prayers long distance.
Those of you who are within distance of
ocean waves, go there please.
Take your shoes off.
Go to the shoreline.
Give things of beauty back the ocean.
This is the Call.

Those of you, who are alive today.
Go into your backyard, connect with a plant,
and say prayers.

Those of you spending gas today and this month
to get to the beach. Please, go to the ocean
and deliver the goods.

Dedicate the Beauty you have inside you
as a gift back to Mother Earth.


"To the Sea, I set may sail...
Steady as she goes.:"
Stephen Longfellow Fiske


The Message of the Venice Eco-Fest:
Only through nature contact,
can we have the Rebirth of Mother Earth.
The Problem is not with BP,
The problem is with us.

Thousands of us were at the Venice
Eco-Fest. Few of us there,
actually went to the ocean,
and said,
"I love you. Here I am.
I am yours. Here, is something
beautiful. I am here for you."
--Keep The Beet

Have you no ocean?
Have you no sea?
Have you no garden?
One Pot + One Person = I am a Gardener.
Garden, dear one.
Please, Please Garden.
We are here to beautiful the earth.
Be the Beauty intended to Magically Survive
and Thrive now on the earth.
Plant Your Dream.
Root Your Dreams simple
beet seeds. Be One with the
beat of nature through doing this
simple act of human kindness.


Today is a day to give prayers to the ocean
and the land. Do not send prayers long distance
from your soul to the sand or the soil.
Those of you who are within distance of
ocean waves, go right to the ocean.
Take your shoes off.
Give things of beauty back the ocean.
This is the Call.

Those of you, who are alive today.
Go into your backyard, connect with a plant,
and say prayers.

Those of you spending gas today and this month
to get to the beach. Please, go to the ocean
and deliver the goods.

Dedicate the Beauty you have inside you
as a gift back to Mother Earth.

"To the Sea, I set may sail...
Steady as she goes.:"
Stephen Longfellow Fiske

The Message of the Venice Eco-Fest:
Only through nature contact,
can we have the Rebirth of Mother Earth.
The Problem is not with BP,
The problem is with us.

Thousands of us were at the Venice
Eco-Fest. Few of us there,
actually went to the ocean,
and said,
"I love you. Here I am.
I am yours. Here, is something
beautiful. I am here for you."
--Keep The Beet

Have you no ocean?
Have you no sea?
Have you no garden?
Say these words:
One Pot + One Person = I am a Gardener.
Garden, dear one.


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