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Industry Turned Milk Into A "Displacing Food of Commerce"
(Raw Milk: The Whole Truth)

Industry Turned Milk Into A "Displacing Food of Commerce" by chef jem .....

Commentary by Chef Jem on a most recent "milk war" article.

Date:   4/3/2010 4:00:39 AM ( 14 y ago)

July 7, 2020 - Pasteurization: A Technological Solution to a Manmade Problem -

(Image at article page) A 19th century illustration of "swill milk" being produced: a sickly cow being milked while held up by ropes. (Frank Leslie’s Illustrated Weekly)

By the mid-1800’s in America, some raw milk production had shifted away from farms and into highly-populated cities. Big cities did not have pastures or clean water, and the cows in city dairies were kept in filthy conditions with poor nutrition and poor animal health. Many of these cows were fed byproducts from alcohol distilleries, leading to illness in the cows. Raw milk, which had been safely consumed by humans for nearly 10,000 years, had become a source of deadly diseases such as tuberculosis, typhoid, diphtheria, and scarlet fever.

In the late 1800's, it was recognized that raw milk being produced in these conditions was dangerous, and two solutions were proposed. Pasteurization was one of the solutions which was proposed to eliminate pathogenic bacteria in the milk coming from these filthy conditions. The other solution was to actually produce the milk in hygienic conditions with healthy animals.

It was known that raw milk was a superior source of nutrition for infants and children, so the American Association of Medical Milk Commissions (AAMMC) was established in the late 1800's to ensure a safe supply of hygienic raw milk. The AAMMC was in operation for nearly a century, certifying medical raw milk for use in hospitals and for feeding infants and children.

Pasteurization was ushered in to address filthy conditions and unhealthy cows in cities. It answered the question of how to commercialize dirty milk, rather than spending the time and energy it would take to produce clean milk from healthy cows. Clearly, over time, the pasteurization movement gained traction and became the standard for ensuring "safe" milk, yet pasteurization is known to degrade and damage many of the nutrients in milk.[1]*


Also referred to in: "Raw Milk: The Whole Truth" - DVD of the conversation between Mark McAfee and Dr. Dale Jacobson ,DC and available from the producer and this Blog-writer: Chef Jemichel

April 3, 2010 -

The Wall Street Journal latest article on raw milk says: "Before 1938, when pasteurization was widely adopted, cow's milk accounted for about 25% of all food- and water-borne disease outbreaks. But with the growing popularity of raw milk products, 'people don't remember the bad old days,' the CDC's Dr. Tauxe says. 'Pasteurization was one of the triumphs of public health that protected many people and saved many lives.'"

Facts can presented in a way that does not tell the truth and which perpetuates deception. Threats, attacks and worse that are made in the name of the deception are symptoms of the dis-ease/s caused by the deception. This is the actual disease that has been projected upon real milk, AKA raw milk.

There is a lot missing/omitted in this Wall Street Journal article. According to Mark McAfee and Dr. Dale Jacobson (DC) in the DVD: "Raw Milk: The Whole Truth" there are two entirely different milks. They come from two different kinds of cows who live in two extremely different environments. The owners have two different minds about what they want from their cows and they care for them two different ways. Here's a snap shot of the difference:

One milk comes from cows who live in a natural environment of green pastures that are the main food for thees cows who eat in the pastures from early Spring to late Fall. These cows eat an all-natural diet of "a mixed salad bar". Their diet, their environment and their care allow them to be truly healthy animals! The cow owners provide the best care for these animals according to what is in the animals best interests and treat them with all the respect they deserve. In this state of health these animals essentially have no need of drugs or antibiotics primarily because they are not being feed anything that upsets them or causes digestive problems.

In sharp contrast to that is the other milk which has a history of being very problematic dating back to the War of 1812. hat is when the British blocked the import of certain distilled spirits from coming into America. The Americans had to distill their own. In order to do that they began turning the animal pastures into grain fields so they could distill the grains and make alcohol. The cows that were on these pastures were then put into confinement situations and instead of feeding on their favorite "salad bar" these cows were then fed the waste products of the distillery: the spent grains. However the cow's digestive system is not at all designed for grains. The diet made these confinement dairy cows sick. Sick from their diet and under tremendous stress in their unnatural environment resulted in an inferior milk. The healthy milk (in the first dairy) has it's own immunity but the immunity in the sick cow's milk was compromised and very weak which made it highly susceptible to the horrible environmental conditions including the poor sanitation that was typical in the confinement dairies. That milk began making people sick! In fact a lot of people got terribly sick and many died. However at the exact same time when that milk was making people sick the first, all-natural grass-fed milk was helping people recover their health in places like the Mayo Clinic and in health sanitariums. Later pasteurization was applied and for awhile it made matters worse because the temperatures were not high enough to kill everything. Once pasteurization was "perfected" it minimized the problems inherent in milk coming from sick animals. But pasteurization did absolutely nothing to improve the health of the sick animals! The distillery dairies continued on in business as usual. It did nothing for their despicable environmental conditions! It only minimized the obvious deaths that resulted from that sickening milk.

Always remember that there are two milks. The industry that was built upon the second milk did all it could do to displace the first milk. Pasteurized milk is a displacement food of commerce. What is displaces is the real milk that has been well enjoyed all the way back to the early biblical days!

The "disease outbreaks" mentioned in the article is the history of the other, sick milk. Even with pasteurization there are still problems with that milk because now the dead bodies of the bacteria (and whatever else was killed) are still in that milk! On top of that is a whole additional set of serious problems with homogenization. (See "Raw Milk: The Whole Truth")

There are more examples of good health with grass-fed milk than anyone has ever been able to report. Grass-fed milk and dairy products have a long history of thousands of years. Prior to the 1812 War there is no record that I know of where anyone ever warned the public not to drink raw milk because: "Raw milk is inherently dangerous and should not be consumed by anyone". That statement can only be true if we just think of the second inferior milk. I would not want to drink that milk raw! The anti-raw milk position came about after the dairy industry committed itself to making an inferior product that became more profitable under factory production methods whereby whatever mistakes are made along the way could be diluted, colored, "sanitized", homogenized, and eventually put into cartons as a great cover-up so that consumers could not see what the truth of the matter was! It's a grand commercial deception; big business, big enough to do whatever it takes to protect itself (including outlawing the first milk). Commercial milk is made to be pasteurized whereas the first/original/real milk was made to be whole and consumed all raw (although I personally advocate culturing all dairy but even then it's still raw)!

All the stories that say the first milk is the same as the commercial product is part of the grand deception that has been going on for many decades. Although many people may not remember when the deceptions began there are some who do know! Fortunately, no matter who you are, it is possible to know the difference between the two milks! More and more people are learning about the difference to the point that the official story can be seen for what it really is: a scare tactic. Don't buy it!

Take real milk and set it out and it will culture in a couple days. Do the same exact thing in the same exact environment with the other product and you will get a putrid smelling waste product that your senses tell you don't drink this.

My best recommendations for anyone interested in the health advantages of real milk but have heard to many scare stories is find a local source, a cow share, a herd share or the like and get introduced to what that is. Look at the healthy animals who are happy in their environment. Talk with the people who care for these animals. Look at where the animals are kept if they come in at night. And be aware of how all that feels to you. Try doing the same thing with a commercial dairy. Soon you will learn for your self and never again be confused about the difference between the two milks.




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