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Harvesting the Learnings from doing the Pacific Symposium
(Plant Your Dream!)

Harvesting the Learnings from doing the Pacific Symposium by YourEnchantedGardener .....

Early morning insights from doing the ENCHANTED GARDEN INSTALLATION at the PACIFIC SYMPOSIUM 09

Date:   11/10/2009 5:58:53 AM ( 15 y ago)

3:36 PM
November 10, 09

This blog was written in the early morning hours
following the teardown of the ENCHANTED GARDEN

It represents an brief email I intended to write
to one of my students. He is also a dear ally,
as well as a teacher of mine.

There are a few nuggets of wisdom in here.
I was writing during an early morning hour
when the house is quiet. I am remembering
keys to manifesting dreams.

I am putting this record here for one person
who may be following the legacy I intend to leave.
I would like the earth to be more beautiful through
my having passed through your life.

You will have to ferret through the wordiness
to find the jewel. I remembered some as I wrote this.





Please update with me.


Matt, Thanks for your showing up for the set up and teardown of the Enchanted Garden Installation.
That meant a lot to me and all we are working for.
There is a lot going on behind the scenes when we do this set up and teardown.

It is a right spiritual action that steps that are taken and the order.
It is advanced spiritual training and brings up a lot of stuff
related to wounds, being wiling to take direction, authority issues, father-son issues,
impatience issues, not necessary understanding what is going on issues that only come from
the experience of working together.

Your work with the set up of the fruit area was great.
You can see there are numbers of issues involved including honoring each individual farmer
and how the farmers are One beet.

There were many revelations that came out of going through this "bootcamp" experience together for me,
and I am sure for you.

I am taking from each farmer. I need to do all I came to fulfill the expectations of each farmer.

We are breaking ground by establishing a working relationship and awareness that all the farmers we are working with have needs that we want to fulfill.

I listen to each farmer and his needs.

JR can handle 20 more members in their CSA.
They have 400 members in about a little over two years or more.
This is extraordinary.

I had helped plant the Seed Dream for the CSA at PCOM,
and that seed was reinvigorated through making Youtubes
with the current PCOM president and planting seeds for the next phrase.

Conferences are about confering and the people who are here to support and fulfill your
dreams coming together.

IT is important to trust the process.
You may have seen a bit of this demonstrated for you
by the people who showed up according to your Word spoken.
It is crucial that the Word be planted with seeds and the organic steps be followed to manifest
the Seed Dream into seed, and then seed to strong plant. Plants become centers for human commerce.


Phil can feed up to 3000 a week.
A.L,. of Sage Mt, said she would be there on Saturday and that she was coming down.
She did not arrive and she did not call to let me know that her plans had changed.
This event was intended to begin her training to fulfill Phil's needs
with the CSA.

I am pretty good at broken field running, and what we did at the end
with setting up the food table was a good effort.

At that point, because we were not at the point where we could get five CSA members for Phil, his expressed Seed Dream,
it would have been good to have a contribution bucket so we could pay Phil for the food.

Each year, there is a set basic pattern for how this event transpired hour by hour
and day by day, so there is always another next year to refine the game.

Some of the contributions from Phil will be made up by hours given to him
at the FM and by after the event energies given back to advance the Seed

The spiritual work down in his behalf will also bear
great fruit toward the fulfillment of his inevitable
Seed Dream, feeding 3000 people a week.
I want to make sure that is his Seed Dream.

I once heard a millionaire say that to receive more than
a million, you have to invest one million in one way or another.


I can see where the process of planting the seed has great power,
and that writing things down is important with each Seed Dream planter.


I am reminded of the teaching
that it good for both of us to learn and remember.

For each SEED DREAM we plant, there are no less that 1000 details.
Part of the process is keeping a record in one form or another.
Otherwise, we do not learn from the experience.
Patience is a living substance imbibed between experiences.
When you journal you are honoring the organic steps
and taking time to integrate what was learned.

A person can only have so many experiences
without burning out, unless between each exeerience
the integration happens through slowing down
to record.

We are doing this for Soul Growth.

You can read more on the web about KEEPING A GARDEN MANAGEMENT JOURNAL.


In your Garden Management Journal record the various Seed Dreams that you are planting.

Please record in yours the Seed Dreams you have expressed
in the last two months.

For each Seed you plant, you invite legions of behind the scenes support
that is here to fulfiill your Word or Word Picture.

During the closing, as I was putting away the picture of David Scott
that I had in the Sacred Space,
he stepped up and was doing some kind of business with someone about seven feet away.

When you had your crisis in faith when you first arrived,
this was natural to stepping into a different reality zone
and healing environment that was new and uncomfortable for you.
At lot of stuff came up and we took the time to process it out.
This was an investment of energy on both our parts to take this time,
and also had a pricetag for me that I gladly accept.

The time that I spent with you then was the window
of opportunity when the head of a company I want to connect with
was available.

There really is no loss here, only a delay in receiving what can be
brought into form later. I adjusted by doing as much as I could for now.

I enjoy going out of these event with funds that do more than cover
the cost of doing the event in time and energy.
This is part of the game of Life here.

That is why many business go out of business.
They make poor business decisions about the way
they are using the limited energy and resources they have.

I am still at the uncomfortable state of evolution where
when I put out $600.00 in bills, and come away with less than that in
funds received to cover the costs, I do not find this satisfying.
The equation includes about 200 hours of labor as well.

At this event there were major prizes and gifts received.
A big yes to that.
It was an investment time, and it takes time to learn to work
with others to refine the game.

Learning to work with you and others is worth
millions. The authentic economy of the earth is based
on learning to work with others.

You were putting a lot of energy into First Permaculture
responders a month ago, a group that is prepping to
deal with the aftermath of disasters.
Disasters due to natural causes are inevitable now
because we are not learning our lessons
on this Enchanted Garden Planet
that is intended to give each of use the opportunity
to live in Peace on Earth.

Working together creating an Enchanted Garden Installation is an alternative approach that can outgrow the need for natural disasters.

We are coming into harmony one way or another.
We are here to remember how to work together one way or another.

We can live as an earthquake waiting to happen,
Most of us lead our lives this way.
This is why, rather than live to a ripe old age potential
of 140 or more and years of contentment,
we end up leaving the body young.
We are out of sync with natural law.
Soul Growth is a natural law for this planet.

Through are cooperative harmony with the forces of life,
we can choose another way of arriving at the same result.
The end game is Peace on Earth. There are many roads
to this.

The meek shall inherit the earth one way or another.
A earth devoid of people leaves a lot of space for
many years. The meek are the humble.
They will find a way to live on, just as there are seeds
of presumed heirloom seeds buried deep in volcanos that will
spew forth after the eruptions. Recreate the original soil
and the original intended seed will grow again.
Recreate the original conditions of growth,
and the seed intended to be here, will
evolve one way or another.

I will find many hours of writings
about this in the work I have done over the years.

Back to bed.


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