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A Profoundly Healing Path for Body-Mind-Spirit
(ABCs of Conscious Evolution)

A Profoundly Healing Path for Body-Mind-Spirit by luckman .....

I discovered in many instances, including my own, that more than a change in diet is needed to get to the root of autoimmunity and restore full health and vitality.

Date:   2/15/2008 2:05:31 PM ( 16 y ago)

Cheryl Diane, C.N.C., A.A.N.C., N.A.T.

HAVING EXPERIENCED ENORMOUS AMOUNTS OF CHANGE in my health and wellbeing after largely healing from Inflammatory Lyme Disease, I wish to openly testify, both from personal and professional experience as a Naturopath and Nutritionist, to the importance of the Regenetics Method of DNA Activation in today's healthcare.

At the age of twenty, I contracted an autoimmune disease that created thirty years of searching for relief around swelling that caused tremendous chronic fatigue, pain and deformity in my hands and feet. My searching soon became a dynamic pathway for changes in my life as I discovered, first, that the right food can do wonders for an immune system whose foundation has crumbled. Inflammatory foods can trigger severe and rapid allergic reactions in those whose immune system has been compromised, and I found--again, personally and professionally--that the right diet can often stabilize individuals suffering from various forms of autoimmunity.

I also discovered in many instances, including my own, that more than a change in diet is needed to get to the root of autoimmunity and restore full health and vitality. It was as I opened to this possibility that the Regenetics Method came into my life three years ago. In an amazingly short period of time, Regenetics transformed my entire relationship with myself and others by "activating" my ability to experience miracles literally on a daily basis.

Soon after I experienced the first DNA activation of the Regenetics Method, Potentiation Electromagnetic Repatterning, my allergic inflammatory responses to most foods began to wane. Five months later on the day immediately after my second activation, Articulation Bioenergy Enhancement, my food allergies abruptly disappeared and I began to let go of many old, self-limiting ways of thinking. My thoughts were more clear and my mind stopped racing--a benefit often reported by meditators, yet I wasn't actively meditating, just living.

Each day that I awoke seemed to get easier--physically, mentally, and even emotionally. Relationships were no longer a struggle. Even my relationship with my body started to change as I gracefully grew into a new experience of sexuality. I learned how to step away from judgment of myself and others and just "show up"--a higher level of awareness the Developers of Regenetics sometimes refer to as "gaining a third-person perspective on oneself" or, somewhat comically, "watching the movie."

My desire and ability to correct misinformation I had collected on various levels all my life seemed to be growing like magic. Basically, for the first time ever, life wasn't hard. Something new was being birthed and my joy increased exponentially.

Two years ago on Christmas Eve, I experienced the third phase of Regenetics, Elucidation Triune Activation. As healing as Potentiation and Articulation had been for me, Elucidation was literally a "quantum leap"--on all levels. This activation was an enormously powerful catalyst for my hormonal system, bringing it into complete balance for the first time in my adult life. Finally, I felt love and peace in my body, which began to exhibit a much greater state of vitality and wholeness--to the point that this past year, to my athletic daughter's absolute amazement, I successfully accompanied her, with no swelling in my joints whatsoever, on a grueling climb to the top of the mountain above Machu Picchu!

My family members have all stepped up to experience this work. It is now easy for all of us to spend time together and be real with no agendas. As a longtime healthcare practitioner with a private practice, I wanted to create a space for healing through both nutrition and energy. After attending the workshops to become a Facilitator of the three-part Regenetics Method, I immediately began to share this opportunity with those who found the work through reading Sol Luckman's inspired and inspiring Conscious Healing: Book One on the Regenetics Method.

After further study of and experience with Regenetics, I believe that these DNA activation codes in the form of radio (sound) and light (thought) waves progressively stimulate the glandular system to help regulate serotonin and dopamine production. At a certain point in this process, particularly for those who don't resist their own internal and external transformation, life becomes easy and feels like a wind chime creating continuously new and beautiful tones and chords.

Every time I'm contacted by a new client to experience these codes and have the opportunity to escort a new being on this bio-spiritual path, I give gratitude to the Developers, Sol and Leigh. It is truly a privilege to be part of this work, and I'm forever humbled to witness the transformation of health and wellbeing that typically occurs even after the first set of codes are delivered in Potentiation. Life as once known in sickness changes quickly for my clients as this truly revolutionary form of "ener-genetic" reprogramming to wellness consciously shifts bodies that have been waiting with bated breath for this energy and information.

The typical response to Potentiation follows a pattern in which, as the days pass and energy is restored, the immune system resets itself and a stronger foundation begins to form. One's interpretation of what wellness is changes and old habits and ways of being gradually disappear. Organ systems, cellular memories and DNA itself begin to reestablish a balance imbued with greater possibilities for body-mind-spirit.

Potentiation, to say nothing of Articulation and Elucidation, appears to foster transformation not only personally but transpersonally as well. With myself and my clients, I've noticed a new sense of appreciation for life as vitality and passion emerge. Dreams and wishes become a reality. Wellness "wells up" from the body's reservoirs and "downloads" of fresh information about life start to establish a new working memory. I've also experienced, and witnessed in clients, a tendency to establish new friendships and new ways of being in relationship that spark new interests. Many friends become lovers and partners who need to go their separate ways often part with ease and grace, while still others redefine their relationship by opening new chapters of communication with one another.

Five and half months after Potentiation, most clients call back for Articulation. Many
report that "being right all the time" no longer matters and that their wounded relationships of years have healed. Once Articulation occurs the space between two thoughts is more fluid and thinking is both more flexible and clearer. A racing mind calms down and, in a lasting way, new peaceful pathways are created.

My favorite activation to share with others is Elucidation. Over the nine-month, or "gestation," cycle that follows this activation, a rebirth literally occurs on many levels as pathways are created to eliminate neurotoxins and other toxins that block cell receptor sites in the body's tissues and organs, limiting self-healing ability and establishing a pattern of reactionary ("hormonal") behaviors. After this critical purging, excess weight often drops
. Once the body experiences this shift, I liken it to a powerful flashlight that has been permanently turned on! I call this phase "Awakening Long-term Potential" and think of it as a sacred first step into a truly conscious, self-generated reality.

[Disclaimer: The Developers and all trained Facilitators of the Regenetics Method (which subsumes Potentiation Electromagnetic Repatterning, Articulation Bioenergy Enhancement, Elucidation Triune Activation, and Songs of Distinction) offer DNA activation as educators and ordained ministers, not medical doctors, and do not purport to diagnose or treat illness of any kind. Regenetics Method information and sessions are offered, and accepted, as constitutionally protected exercises of freedom of speech and religion. The Developers and Facilitators of the Regenetics Method make no claims, promises or guarantees relative to specific health challenges. You are solely responsible for your own medical treatment and care.]

Copyright (c) 2008 by Cheryl Diane. All Rights Reserved.

[Cheryl Diane, C.N.C., A.A.N.C., N.A.T., is Founder of Creating Optimal Health (TM), a holistic wellness center focused on personalized and individual service. Cheryl, a Certified Nutritional Consultant and Master of Integrative Health Science, works one-on-one with each client to create a natural, achievable and personalized healing program. Her incredible support staff are committed to giving clients the tools they require to achieve their nutritional needs, lifestyle goals, and optimal health. Contact Cheryl by visiting to create optimal health today. And remember ... The journey is the reward!]


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