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Zodiac Oracle Report
(Plant Your Dream!)

Zodiac Oracle Report by YourEnchantedGardener .....

Facinating insights from Facinating insights from Joseph-Mark Cohen for those who lean this way.

Date:   11/2/2007 9:27:22 PM ( 17 y ago)

7:23 PM
November 2, 07

The love the way this man
lives his life.

Kinda proves its possible to do your own thing
and make a living through living your Soul Purpose
how unique it may be.


Your Zodiac Oracle
Nov.-Dec 2007
with Joseph-Mark Cohen

Prelude: November 1st was a day to celebrate Neptune turning direct at 19 degrees of Aquarius---Mercury followed a day later on the 2nd, turning direct at 24 degrees of Libra. This degree has a resonance with the star Arcturus, considered to be a portal star, home of some benevolent 5th dimensional friends who have been communicating with humans via the beautiful crop circle formations that appear each summer on the Wiltshire landscape in Britain. Your zodiac oracle had the good fortune this year to attune to an extraordinary formation that depicts the complete 26000 year Mayan Calandar.
We will be hearing more news from the Mayan cosmic timekeepers by winter solstice this December 21st, with only 5 years left on the cosmic clock to Solstice 2012. You may find the next 2 months to be like a series of psychic adjustments or full-on perceptual satoris as we absorb the vibrations coming our way from the Galactic Centre, delivered by both Pluto & Jupiter. And there is something new under the sun these days, comet Holmes in Perseus. This comet is highly visible and offers us a galactic wake-up call. Check out & to learn more....

Portals: The New Moon of November 9th at the 18th degree of Scorpio is at the 228th degree of the Zodiac. This degree, via kabbalistic astrology, resonates with the Tree-of-Life, the Aytz Hhayeem. You don't need to be a yogi, a mystic or an energy worker to feel the vibrational shifts that will come our way in the 2 weeks leading up to the full moon on Nov. 24th. The planet that rules the arts & loving relationships, Venus, will be moving through zodiacal Libra from the New Moon up until Dec. 6th.
This is good news for peaceworkers & networkers-- except on Nov.21st or 22nd when
Venus makes a rather awkward (quincunx) aspect to Uranus in Pisces. The full moon on the 24th of November is rather volatile, offering some shocking post Thanksgiving news with Uranus turning direct & churning up the dream world. However the cosmic portal day is Dec.11th this year when Jupiter & Pluto take something very small & magnify it in the collective consciousness.

Zodiac Oracles for Nov.-Dec.

Aries: You have many personal adjustments to make in this period with your ruler, Mars meandering through Cancer & your rival, Scorpio, resorting to some martial arts moves that could have you looking rather foolish. It is your childlike innocense & sense of humour that will keep you from a fall from grace...

Taurus: Your financial finesse will be a source of astonishment to your friends & acquaintances during this volatile time. You have a great intuitive knack of knowing what & when to buy & sell when others are entering the panic zone. If the inner voice tells you to liquidate all your investments & put what you own into the Japanese yen, you would do it & then go out for pufferfish & saki!

Gemini: Your best strategy for the rest of 2007 is just do your yoga asansas, meditate on the Void, & steer clear of the nervosity that the telephone & email could bring you. Your job is to be as lighthearted as the feather of Ma'at, the Egyptian goddess who weighs all things on the measure of truth & harmony... Your remedy this month should clear your lung meridian...

Cancer: You are about to discover some big life changing dreams that you have been hiding from yourself for fear that whatever has given you sheltar or a sense of security would dissolve, should you follow your heart of hearts. Well, Mars, the activator, is planning to kindle those hidden dreams, whether you feel ready to let go or not....
Leo: It was recently reported,by a study in Kenya, that the buzz of angry bees broadcast on a cd recording was enough to startle, freeze & signal a retreat for a whole herd of elephants. They heard the bees through a speaker, turned their heads from side to side, threw their trunks up in the air until the elder elephant signalled a retreat for the whole elephant tribe. You, leo, might need to listen up for that buzz of the bees...

Virgo: Saturn in Virgo is a once every 29 year transit. It will last for 2 1/2 years. In this period of time the whole planet will discover that the sane way to be involves personal sacrifice for the good of all beings, sharing of resources, downsizing, handicrafting, healing & harmonizing, growing your own & random acts of kindness. This makes a true Virgo an avatar of how to be one with the Tao...

Libra: Now that Rumi is the poet with the biggest readership in North America, it makes it much easier for Librans to go about the planet as cosmic alchemists infusing a shot of harmony into the chaos. And given the 5 week transit of Venus through zodiacal Libra, the alchemy of the heart is really all that matters. Not to worry if the Chef overcooks the chickpea...

Scorpio: When everyone else is uneasy as things begin to fall apart, when the squirrels in the Northern Hemisphere are out gathering chestnuts & having a council on the immanent dangers of global warming, when politicians consider faking an alien invasion just to keep the war budget funded-- it is in times like these that you, Scorpio, could teach your friends the art of death & rebirth...

Sagittarius: Yes, I have been consistently whispering in your ear messages from Dr. Quantum regarding the nuances of how perception & imagination open the portals of possibility & how the kahunas have a way of knowing that the world is the way we think it is & all power comes from within.. So go with what works.. And know that there are no limits..!

Capricorn: When Pluto enters Capricorn in January 2008, it appears that what happens here, & how it happens, will shift rather dramatically. Yes, there will be some volatile earth changes, some migrations, some re-arranging of planetary resources, some empires declaring bankruptcy...but what you, Capricorn, need to know, is that you were born to guide the masses in times like these...

Aquarius: I have come to the conclusion recently that my favourite Aquarians are all what you can call: walk-ins. Now this doesn't mean someone who checks in with the chiropractor without an appointment-- this means that my Aquarian friends are visitors to this planet as guest galactic anthropologists, cunning maverick change agents, karmic wine-tasters & brilliant shape-shifters. So it is time once again to re-invent yourself, Aquarius...

Pisces: Where have all the salmon gone? And did you hear about the dolphins who have beached themselves near Iran? And what song is being sung by the great whales who remember when water was pure on the Water Planet? You, Pisces, have the memory & the conscience of deep ecology & your destiny is to become a brilliant, heart-felt, passionate environmental activist. ASAP...

Nov.1st, 2007, all rights reserved, Joseph-Mark Cohen

Joseph-Mark Cohen is a kabbalistic astrologer, novelist, poet & sacred site tour guide to Sedona (Dec.26-30), Egypt (Mar.5-23), Turkey ( Mar.24-Apr.6),the Crop Circles in Britain(July27-Aug.15) & Ireland.

You can book astrological consults via his e-mail or call 1-888-633-2214...


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