Blog: Plant Your Dream!
by YourEnchantedGardener

"Cultivating Food Justice" Update

"Cultivating Food Justice" update

Date:   4/4/2007 11:56:05 PM   ( 17 y ) ... viewed 1875 times

9:55 PM
April 4, 07

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"Cultivating Food Justice" Update

Cultivating Food Justice
Conference Kicks off
Enchanted Garden Spring
Campaign. Read on...

6:37 PM
March 13, 2007

Other Blogs related
to the Cultivating Food Justice
History Making Conference:

Zero Waste:

8:39 PM
March 4, 2007

from a story in the San Diego Earth Times, 1998
Working for Food Justice...1998, Rodriguez Ranch,
then owned by the Rodriguez Family
sold in 2004 in the face of rising farm costs
and the need to pay off family who wanted their
share of the land.

The new owners have rented acres of the land
back to Joe Rodriguez, Jr. where he continues
to farm. The owners bought the land for
investment are open to for its sale.

Working for Food Justice...March 3,2007.
Delores Huerta, Co-founder of the United Farm Workers,
with Leslie at the "Cultivating
Food Justice Conference San Diego.
Delores was the first to sign "A Love Letter
to Joe the Farmer," the centerpiece of the
Rodriguez Ranch Buy Back campaign.

A children's book, "The Comeback of Joe the Farmer"
and a CD of Super Ripe Farm and Farmer's Market Images
launch the return of Rodriguez Ranch into the
hands of the Rodriguez Family. The 100 acre
parcel, organic since 1985, is now rented.

The "Rodriguez Ranch Buy Back"
and the E.G. Garden Project to Buy Out
Co-owners for the land where
the Enchanted Garden Intentional Community
exists, were first announced March 3
in the Fishbowl Circle at the Cultivating
Food Jusice Conference.

The message now moves with Zamastista
anCorn in hand, Job's Tear seeds,
and ripe fresh strawberries locally grown
to the Natural Product Expo West in Anaheim.
That event is March 8,9, 10, and 11.
Leslie is deeply involved in both
the Organic Trade Association Reception
and the Organic Center Fundraiser.


Here is the Full Story"

The Impact of events that happened
March 3 go beyond March 3.

So what happened March 3?

A New Day for The Health for San Diego--
and our beautiful Enchanted Garden Planet
began thanks to an outstanding group of

The event reminded me of a day
that will go down in history
with others of its kind.
It reminded me of the day
signers of the Declaration of Independence
declared freedom from England.
Only today, we were signing a
Declaration of Interdependence
with the Earth.

In the fishbowl session, one of the
highlights of the day, many spoke
at the microphone. An overwhelming
response was heard from many who
wanted to help local farmers and begin
to garden. One woman, who said she
had a black thumb, being invited
to garden here at our 1/3 acre.

On March 3, Food Justice everywhere
took a leap forward. This historic meeting
was recorded by San Diego
Independent Media, as well as here
on this Plant Your Dream Blog, among
other outlets.

The organizing decentralized unit called
San Diego Food Not Lawns pulled
together a conference--with many sponsors--
that Elva Salinas, called one of the
best organized conferences held at
San Diego City College.

Salinas is one of the heads of the
World Cultures Department at
San Diego City College. The World
Cultures Department was
a co-organizer of the day long event
that drew more than 250, and an evening
keynote that had more than 350.

The conference began with
Ellee Igeo asking us each to look
around and see who showed up.
The event reached out to various
religious groups, to environmental groups,
to the poor, to those who did not speak English.
An interpreter who translated into Spanish,
was respectfully at many of of the
outstanding presentations.

The United Nations could not have done
better, but leave it to Ellee and the
many Volunteers. They will do even more
far reaching events. That is the
prediction from Your Enchanted Gardener.

The morning keynote was given by Michele Simon,
author of "Appetite for Profit." How the
food undermines our health and how to fight back.

Evening keynote speaker Delores Huerta,
of the The Delores Huerta Foundation.
Huerta founded the United Farm Worksrs Union
with Cesar Chavez. She led the historic
Delano grape boycott and negotiated the first
collective bargaining contract for farm workers
in the United States.

Over the past 50 years, Huerta's work in the
civil rights, labor, and woman's movement has
advanced social justice resulting in federal
legislation to improve the lives of immigratants,
families and working people and has built
political power in rural communiities,
according to materials published by the
501 (c)(3) non profit.


Huerta spoke in the new City College
Gymnasium leading the group in an
African chant of unity that resounded
beyond the walls of the
local San Diego College, if not all
the way to the farms of Chiapas,
where indigenous Mayans are now fighting
to hold their culture through
upholding the dignity of their pure bred
Zapatista corn.

The Chiapas project--"offering sanctuary
to a Mayan Birthright--Natural Corn"
is a a project of Grass Roots Events, Inc,
a local "San Diego group, that was represented
at the Cultivating Food Justice Conference
March 3.'

To order your very own corn seeds please
go to




The group literature invites
us each to 'Sow the seeds of resistance
and join the growing movement against
transgenic contamination of Mayan corn
in Chiapas, Mexico!"

"By Planting Zapatista corn, you become
a part of a global effort to preserve
a vital genetic heritage that has
evolved through thousands of years."

The corn will be locally planted
Sunday March 18, 2007, at the Soilmates
Sacred Circle, to be held at the Enchanted
Garden Intentional Community,
located four blocks from SDSU.

For an invitation and to R.S.V.P to the
Soilmates Sacred Circle,please email

This Zapatista Corn is the corn
of the Mayan people. Their struggle
is told in Garcia's award winner Video
"The Future of Food."

March 3 was an special day on the Mayan
calendar. At the Pacific College of
Oriental Medicine March 3, there was
a celebration of the Chinese New Year--
The Year of the Pig. Cross town
that evening, members of the Shir Ha-Yam
Jewish Renewal Community were celebrating
Purim, a holiday that testifies to woman's
rights and her power to influence Kings.
Members broughtinstruments,
graggers and drums to celebrate freedom
and joy in our lives, and for all people
of peace.

In the film, "The Future of Food,"
Charles Benbrook, chief Scientist
for the presdigious Organic Center,
speaks throughout that film. Benbrook
will be eating organic strawberries
hand delivered to the yearly Organic
Center Fundraiser this Friday
at New Hope Natural Media's Natural
Product Expo West(NPEW), to be held March
9 at the Anaheim Marriot.

For more on that film
go here:

The berries will be hand delivered
to the Organic Trade Association
Reception March 8 at the Anaheim
Convention Center kitchen Wednesday
March 7, and by Joe Rodriguez Jr.
on March 9 to the Marriot.

The berries, a donation, will
be on each of the tables at the Organic
Center Fundraiser. Walter Robb, co-president
of Whole Foods Markets will include
them his his presentation from the stage,
as a loop of farm photos including some
Super Ripe Images by Your Enchanted Gardener
will loop through the background.

Amy Summers, of Pitch, Inc, the
national known marketing company,
is producing a Video for the evening
that will also include Super Ripe
images, including some of locally grown
spinach, created at her request.
The spinach was grown by Joe Rodriguez
Jr. will will kick off the Rodriguez Ranch
Buy Back Campaign at this year's Natural
Product Expo West.

Rodriguez aims to buy back the 100 acre
farm where he has organically produced
food since 1985. The farm, now rented,
was sold three years ago to due to
years of hard farming years and the wishes
of family elders who wanted to cash out.

Huerta, who graciously spent time
with organizers of the "Cultivating
Food Justice Conference," was
the first signer of "A Love Letter
to Joe the Farmer," a historic
Art Graphic that is the centerpiece
of the Rodriguez Ranch Buy Back campaign,
to be launced at the NPEW.

Heurta also joined the Enchanted Garden
Club and lent her blessing to
"The Comeback of Joe the Farmer,"
a Children's book and CD of digital
images that will be previewed
at the upcoming show.

Members of the Natural Product
Industry are invited to sponsor
individual pages of the Children's
book that will offered up to be
used in Governor Arnold's
campaign to inspire local schools
to again plant gardens.

Portions of the proceeds from the
sale of the book will go to
the Rodriguez Ranch Buy Back
and a renewal fund for the
EG Mobile, a 68 VW, that runs
on love.

The EG Mobile will travel
to local schools in the coming years,
delivering a message that we are each
called to be respoonsible for our
Co2 emissions.

Your Enchanted Gardener manages
the Enchanted Garden Intentional Community
near San Diego State University.
where there are more than 1000 trees on
the property and in the adjoining canyon.

The EG Mobile is a gross pulluter, he admits,
but she has heart. I hope that growing
holding the ground for all the trees on our
property equals her impact on the environment.

Goldman, who walks with a limp, says
it is the only vehicle he has found he can
drive thusfar.

Any school in California that wishes to apply
for a state grant is invited to contact
the California State Gardening for Schools
Program. The deadline is coming up soon.
More than $15 Million are being allocated.


March 3, Huerta joined the Enchanted Garden Club,
Saturday night, the International Network
that sponsors Leslie Goldman's travels.
Goldman, is known as Your Enchanted Gardener,
and has the #1 Blog on,
the #3 Health site in the world that
teaches "Educating rather than medicating.

Go to:

The Plant Your Dream Blog has more than 1000
page view every two days, and more than 350,000
page views recorded since Feb. 2005.

The Plant Your Dream Blog is the place
where "Your Enchanted Gardener" writes
on a daily basis to members of the
Enchanted Garden Club and others.

Other members in the International
Enchanted Garden Club
that connects seeds and Seed dreams
are former Sacramento Senator John Vasconcellos,
head of Politics for Trust,
Benbrook, and Anthony Zolezzi, board member
of the Organic Center.

Zolezzi, organizes local family farmers
through his Association for Family Farmers.
He is co-author of "How Dog Food Saved the
Earth," a powerful book that gives a message
that ordinary people can do significant things.

See this Strawberry Conversion Blog:

Zolezzi in real life is co-founder of many
entrepreneurial projects including Pet Promise
that has made significant progress to increase
herds of Bison through organizing Bison Ranchers
in America. Some goes into
the high quality food for Pets that has
the blessing of Andrew Weil, M.D., one of
America's leaders of complementary medicine.
Weil will also be at the Friday night Organic
Center Reception.

Zolezzi through his book is a sponsor of the
Enchanted Garden-Whole Foods Market Hillcrest
local Grown project. Last Spring, Your
Enchanted Gardener did five week's of legwork
carrying locally grown fresh The Rodriguez Ranch fresh
strawberries into Whole Foods Hillcrest for five
Sundays. The project, aided and assisted
by Produce manager, Bill Becket, a long time
Rodriguez ally.

Whole Foods Markets, the largest corporate
natural food company in America, are committed
to support local agriculture. In recent
weeks that bought out the Wild Oats chain,
another large natural food company.

The local project at the Hillcrest store was
a benchmark in their local grown support
that store has shown to rejuvenate local
organic farming in the county.

San Diego County was once a growing capital
of food for the entire country.

"If you cannot grow food here, you cannot
grow it anywhere," said Barry Cogan of
La Milpa Organica, one of the presenters
at the Cultivating Food Justice Conference.

Dave Saunders, team store leader at
Whole Foods Hillcrest,
has asked Your Enchanted Gardener Leslie Goldman
to be the store's "point" man, hooking them up with
San Diego local farmers.

Anyone who wishes to taste the Rodriguez
berries are invited to attend
the store’s 10th Anniversary and Grand Reopening celebration,
@ Whole Foods Market Hillcrest,
Saturday, April 14. The day will honor
locally grown or produced products with a
local vendors and Growers Demo Fair.

The store is located at 711 University Avenue,
San Diego 92103. Your Enchanted Gardener
is personally inviting some of his favorite
San Diego leaders to attend the event, including
The Newly appointed Enchanted Garden Mayor,
Jim Bell. Bell,responsible for many forward
thinking environmental projects, including solar
panels on the Ocean Beach Coop, will again be
running for mayor of the city in the next election.
Donna Frye, an award presenter at last year's
V.I.P. (Very Important Planet) Reception
sponsored by San Diego Earthworks, is also
being personally invited, as is Anthony
Zolezzi, Board Member of the Organic Center.

The Organic Center's Mission is to increase
organic use from 2% in 2006 to 10% by 2010.

Joe Rodriguez, AKA, Joe the Farmer
in "The Comeback of Joe the Farmer" will
sign copies of the new book
"The Comeback of Joe the Farmer" at the event.
The Enchanted Garden Club will also give away
copies of "How Dog Food Saved the Earth."

The Whole Foods event is coordinated
by Ray Kau and Carolyn Kates, the local
stores marketing arm. In recent weeks
the store showed "An Inconvenient Truth."
The store is San Diego's largest supporter
of Wind Generated power.

The Enchanted Garden- Whole Foods Locally Grown Berry Project
the "Cultivating Food Justice Conference" are both being
nominated is being submitted for an E.A.R.T.H.
Award 2007 Nomination, to be handed out by the
at the V.I.P (Very Important Planet Reception
to be held this May around the time of the San Diego
Earth Day.



Other related links:

Support Your Local Farmer Story

You can see "Store Wars" here,
sponsored by the Organic trade Association:

The Organic Pages Online:

You can see the Trailer here for
"The Future of Food!"

About Deborah Coons Garcia:


"Practicing Shui involves a simple shift of attitude
toward an Earth-friendly cosmology that serves life.
Working together necessitates a vision of individual,
communal, societal and global harmony.
This vision is of a world sustained by sensitivity,
intelligence and respect for all beings.
At this conference we aim to encourage collaborative learning,
through the exploration and integration
of all the living design and healing arts."
--Roger Green Creator of The International Feng Shui Conference

See Zero Waste:

Wunderblog Link:

Wunderblog Link,
Joe the Farmer:

War Crimes Against Our Food:

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