Blog: My Unusual Road of Life....
by kerminator

The pot is boiling!

** Seek the Truth at all costs and do not be mislead by flashy distractions! **

Date:   2/3/2019 5:03:01 PM   ( 6 y ) ... viewed 1773 times

The pot is boiling and most people are either ignorant or so preoccupied that they do not notice it!
Mass Media keeps the pot stirred with trivial news attacking everything good and moral with lies and misinformation!

Most of the people are just following whatever is popular or trending.- Most of which are seemingly stories that are marching to the Socialist Liberal theme of total control! They are keeping people's attention off the truth and directed by much of the social media. That way they will soon come to "What happened moment" too late. Without any real thought as to morals or sane reasoning beyond their "I want it now" thinking.

It is all about all the electronic modern stuff or looking good! If it is new, then it must be, super?
The odd or thrilling dangerous things are center stage. It is almost a must know! Gadgets prevail and dominate the public mind. Bazaar and or thrill keep people glued to their cell fons. Being captured and not even realizing it!

Deception has gripped the nation! People just follow famous names and much of modern entertainment and music. Travel and out of the world things capture the mind. If it is new, it is groovy or cool. Magic and Mystery are predominate in the entertainment business today.

Does it have to be this way? No, learn to take time to listen paying close attention as to why it is being presented. People are driven by "self-centeredness and greed" with no real moral value! Which can lead to the " Got to have it " attitude, in other words, get what you want, live as you want and attack anyone who opposes you? It tends to be about the "big me" complex.

Without a good Moral foundation, it is as if you are just shouting into a hurricane, No one really hears you and your point of view are lost into nothingness. Morals were meant to be your compass in life, without which you are just wondering thru this earthly existence. Without Morals, you are totally at the mercy of all evil and crass people, who will take advantage of you!

If you do not believe this, just take time to read history and note that most failures which were due to greed and self-centeredness! Unfortunately many will not because either they think they already know everything or else they have sold out to Satan.

If we do not get a grip on our future, the whole kitchen will catch fire and burn everything to the ground, taking everyone with it! Much is due to where people's attention has been directed mainly much of the modern entertainment and music. People are more in tune with popular than the truth!
It is up to you!

John 8:31-32 (NKJV)

The Truth Shall Make You Free
31 Then Jesus said to those Jews who believed Him, “If you abide in My word, you are My disciples indeed. 32 And you shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.”

Seek the Truth at all costs and do not be mislead by flashy distractions!

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