Blog: Winter Fast 2016
by exposure

16 Days....

Rushing of Time...

Date:   8/5/2016 3:40:16 AM   ( 9 y ) ... viewed 531 times

Today is 16 Days... I had one egg, scrambled along with a big glass of orange yogurt tumeric smoothie I made up yesterday, a cup of tea and a hot choc... its now 6:30, that does not seem enough liquids for the day - have been working my yin yang out all day on publishing software, finally solved the hard problem Gah! They do this on purpose I think, make things so cryptic and impossible one must hire a pro.. but I persevered and learned much. Our books are soon to go to print

Think its bathtime & sauna for me, with a big glass of psyllium water (I've been dutifully having one a day) and another big glass of watermelon red cabbage charcoal drink -- no exercise today or yesterday due to this glut of computer program publishing work, driving me a little crazy but such is life, lots of things drive me a little crazy and usually not in the way I'd like :( (pouty face!)

Back in the dating world again after my last long term relationship turned abusive - its depressing these guys, even the smarter ones I chat to, are all so out to lunch as far as I'm concerned, wanting to know if we'll get physical before they've even met me or some crazy rubbish... whatever happened to the sweetness of meeting and letting something grow - anticipation, things meaning anything... it makes me just want to go back to my hermitage... I don't know what's wrong with them... desperate and stupid and lack of any dignity or self control I guess... what can a girl say... um... I'd love to f*** yr brains out for the rest of yr life as long as I still can if you capture my heart thru sensitivity, skill, soul and seduction... hrmm... I don't think they really get me, must be from two different universes... cheap band aid solutions don't interest me at all... retards.. what's society coming to? retards, dumb and dumber and then the ever increasingly facist new world order fence enclosure data mapping ensuing evil... OK - well, there must be intelligent life down here somewhere...

I've been having a little food each day, yesterday I had just a small amount of thin wafer crackers and cheese - today I had the egg, I've had a piece of chocolate or two here and there - not today, or a square of liqorice... but mainly just liquids - will probably have a thin broth tonight after the bath and sauna - the days go by too fast in winter, I'm not sure how long I am going to keep fasting, its been so busy the last couple of days I haven't given it much thought - yesterday I was busy all morning with the computer stuff and all evening making a tibetan ritual object that took about 7 hours to complete - so just time rushing past, me still fasting, thinking today about making some efforts in coming up with some post fast wean onto food menu's for myself - example - breakfast, 1/2 an apple and 1/2 a banana with a 1/2 cup of low fat cottage cheese.... and dinner - maybe a small soup -- I want to slowly go back to eating and not eat too much for at least half as long or better as long as I've fasted...

All for today, in a bit of a rush :)

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