Blog: BetterHealth2016Progress
by BetterHealth2016

The Journey Begins

Day one of fasting

Date:   1/1/2016 4:03:40 PM   ( 9 y ) ... viewed 1264 times

This is the first official day of my extended water fast. I never count the actual first day, I call that day zero. I intermittent fast, so to me I am not actually fasting on the first day, I am just going about my normal daily routine. So although to me this is day 1 of my fast, I actually have not eaten in 47 hours as of me typing this sentence.

I always begin my fasts with a pre-fast ritual of not eating or drinking, so a dry fast, for 20 hours. For some reason drinking when I first start a fast makes me incredibly nauseous as soon as I skip my daily feeding window. So I dry-fasted all day yesterday until I'd normally begin eating and instead of eating I began drinking.

I always have an assortment of symptoms to contend with on a daily basis so I actually cannot tell the difference between a normal day's symptoms and fasting symptoms. So, I do not know how bad fasting effects me. I had a really rough day today but that could be due to not getting proper sleep last night, or the weather changing, or any number of other migraine triggers which never fail to effect me negatively.

I did hydrotherapy and massage therapy earlier and finally felt prepared enough to function. That is normal for me though. I skipped my daily cardio today, I have been too lightheaded all day to consider it safe. I am finally feeling more centered though so I might make it up now. I will stop if Egyo starts alerting either way.

Over all I feel normal, for me, except I am incredibly cold. Which is sometimes normal for me too. It is probably a fasting side effect this time though as it is mostly my skin which is cold and not my body itself failing to produce heat.

So to recap, yesterday I barely noticed I had begun fasting, today was rough but for unknown reasons, and hopefully tomorrow I'll stop shivering so much.

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